Jan Eric de Castro Cameron Lee Joel Loo German Flores
Dashboard type of design. Users can explore different ideas posted by others in the form of cards. Users will have their own profile and portfolio that outlines the kinds of works they have done in order to attract others to working with them. In addition to exploring different ideas, users can create and share their own ideas of projects they want to work on. They can include which type of people he/she is looking for when doing this project. Other users will be able to view this idea where they can message or apply to that certain project. We envision this web app in being a collaborative space for these ideas. Users will also be able to access the projects they are a part of / got into. Users will be able to save/favorite certain ideas and easily communicate with others who have similar interests in this space.
Map interface if people prefer using a map to identify users. Displays users interested in collaborating based on their cities. User filters out furthest distance to stop looking for users, mini-profile page of other users displayed on the left. Icons on the right symbolize: home, settings, new post, notifications, messages. When you click on an icon, a pop-up of desired page shows up in the same page.