Review this entire data dictionary for how to disclose data elements in JSON and find the JSON schemas here to begin building your hospital MRF. For an explanation of how to interpret the data element tables, review the How to Read the Data Dictionary Tables information.
Developers of MRFs should generally consider and adopt established standards and industry norms for JSON files when creating the MRF. For more information on the JSON schema standards visit, Additional details and instructions specific to JSON may be found in the JSON schema. Below are additional reminders to avoid common errors in MRFs:
- Encode valid values as instructed below. Values encoded incorrectly will generate a deficiency. For example, insert numeric values only for Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Dollar Amount; inserting a dollar sign with a number will generate a deficiency.
- Hospitals are permitted to include additional information through optional data elements that are defined in the data dictionary (e.g., billing class and hospital financial aid policy) or hospital created data attributes. Follow the technical instructions for the defined optional data elements and where to insert hospital defined optional data elements.
- All "Numeric" data elements must be positive numbers. Entering a negative number or "0" will generate a deficiency.
- Ensure all conditional requirements are met for an MRF to be considered valid
The root object contains general data attributes (meta-data) about the hospital and the data being disclosed about the hospital and MRF.
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
hospital_name | Hospital Name | String | The legal business name of the hospital associated with the file. | Yes |
last_updated_on | MRF Date | Date | Date on which the MRF was last updated. Date must be in an ISO 8601 format (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD) | Yes |
version | CMS Template Version | String | The version of the schema. | Yes |
hospital_location | Hospital Location(s) | Array | An array of strings of the unique name of the hospital location absent any acronyms. | Yes |
hospital_address | Hospital Address(es) | Array | An array of strings of the physical address(es) of the corresponding hospital location attribute. Address(es) must be included for, at minimum, all inpatient facilities and stand-alone emergency departments. | Yes |
license_information | Hospital Licensure Information | Object | The hospital licensure object contains license information for the reported hospital. | Yes |
affirmation | Affirmation Statement | Object | The affirmation object contains the CMS defined affirmation statement that the information displayed is true, accurate, and complete as of the date indicated in the file. | Yes |
standard_charge_information | Standard Charge Information | Array | This array contains a list of the standard charge information objects for all of the items and services that are required to be disclosed. | No |
modifier_information | Modifier Information | Array | An array of modifier information objects. | No |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
affirmation | Affirmation | String | This attribute is required to contain the valid text only. | Yes |
confirm_affirmation | Confirm Affirmation | Boolean | A "true" or "false" value to be entered by the hospital. | Yes |
The following object requires the following statement for the affirmation
To the best of its knowledge and belief, the hospital has included all applicable standard charge information in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 180.50, and the information encoded is true, accurate, and complete as of the date indicated.
An example of this would be:
"affirmation": "To the best of its knowledge and belief, the hospital has included all applicable standard charge information in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 180.50, and the information encoded is true, accurate, and complete as of the date indicated.",
"confirm_affirmation": true
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
license_number | License Number | String | The hospital license number. If the hospital does not have a license number, omit this attribute. | No |
state | State | Enum | The two-letter state code (e.g. CA, NY). | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
description | General Description | String | The description of the item or service that corresponds to the standard charge the hospital has established. | Yes |
drug_information | Rx Drug Information | Object | The drug information object that contains the type and units of a drug disclosure | No |
code_information | Code Information | Array | An array of code information objects that contains information about accounting or billing codes | Yes |
standard_charges | Standard Charges | Array | An array of standard charge objects that contain information about the standard charge for each item and service | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
unit | Unit | String | The unit value that corresponds to the established standard charge for drugs. | Yes |
type | Type | Enum | The measurement type that corresponds to the established standard charge for drugs as defined by either the National Drug Code or the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs. The list of valid values. | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
code | Code | String | Any code used by the hospital for purposes of billing or accounting for the item or service. | Yes |
type | Type | Enum | The associated coding type for the ‘Code’ data element. Please see a list of the valid values. | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
minimum | Minimum | Numeric | De-identified minimum negotiated charge is the lowest charge that a hospital has negotiated with all third-party payers for an item or service. This is determined from the set of negotiated standard charge dollar amounts. | No |
maximum | Maximum | Numeric | De-identified maximum negotiated charge is the highest charge that a hospital has negotiated with all third-party payers for an item or service. This is determined from the set of negotiated standard charge dollar amounts. | No |
gross_charge | Gross Charge | Numeric | Gross charge is the charge for an individual item or service that is reflected on a hospital’s chargemaster, absent any discounts. | No |
discounted_cash | Discounted Cash | Numeric | Discounted cash price is defined as the charge that applies to an individual who pays cash (or cash equivalent) for a hospital item or service. | No |
setting | Setting | Enum | The place where the item or service is provided for the associated standard charge amount. Valid values: "inpatient", "outpatient", "both". | Yes |
payers_information | Payer Information | Array | An array of payers information objects that describe the standard charges specific to each payer for each item and service. | No |
additional_generic_notes | Additional Generic Notes | String | A free text data element to help explain any of the data including charity care policies or other contextual information that aids in the comprehension of the standard charges. | No |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
description | Description | String | The common name of the modifier | Yes |
code | Code | String | The modifier code (e.g. 50) | Yes |
modifier_payer_information | Modifier Payer Information | Array | An array of modifier payer information. | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
payer_name | Payer Name | String | The name of the third-party payer that is, by statute, contract, or agreement, legally responsible for payment of a claim for a healthcare item or service. | Yes |
plan_name | Plan Name | String | The name of the payer’s specific plan associated with the standard charge. | Yes |
description | Description | String | Description of how the modifier(s) may change the standard charge that corresponds to hospital item or services (e.g., modifier applies 150% change to standard charge amount). | Yes |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
payer_name | Payer Name | String | The name of the third-party payer that is, by statute, contract, or agreement, legally responsible for payment of a claim for a healthcare item or service. | Yes |
plan_name | Plan Name | String | The name of the payer’s specific plan associated with the standard charge. | Yes |
additional_payer_notes | Additional Payer Notes | String | A free text data element used to help explain data in the file that is related to a payer-specific negotiated charge. | No |
standard_charge_dollar | Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Dollar Amount | Numeric | Payer-specific negotiated charge (expressed as a dollar amount) that a hospital has negotiated with a third-party payer for the corresponding item or service. | No |
standard_charge_percentage | Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Percentage | Numeric | Payer-specific negotiated charge (expressed as a percentage) that a hospital has negotiated with a third-party payer for an item or service. See additional percentage notes | No |
standard_charge_algorithm | Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Algorithm | String | Payer-specific negotiated charge (expressed as an algorithm) that a hospital has negotiated with a third-party payer for the corresponding item or service. | No |
estimated_amount | Estimated Amount | Numeric | Estimated allowed amount means the average dollar amount that the hospital estimates it will be paid by a third party payer for an item or service. If the standard charge is based on a percentage or algorithm, the MRF must also specify the estimated allowed amount for that item or service. See additional estimated amount notes for more information. | No |
methodology | Standard Charge Methodology | Enum | The type of contract arrangement associated with the payer-specific negotiated charge. See additional standard charge methodology notes notes for more information on the valid values. | Yes |
Information for this data element should be encoded only when the payer-specific negotiated charge has been established as a percentage and no standard dollar amount can be calculated. This data element will contain the numeric representation of the percentage not as a decimal (70.5% is to be entered as “70.5” and not “.705”). If you encode information for this data element, you must also calculate and encode a corresponding estimated allowed amount for that item or service.
CMS recommends that the hospital encode 999999999 (nine 9s) in the data element value to indicate that there is not sufficient historic claims history to derive the estimated allowed amount, and then update the file when sufficient history is available. As a guide for the threshold for sufficient history, we suggest hospitals use the CMS Cell Suppression Policy established in January, 2020. Additionally if the hospital wishes to provide further context for the lack of data they can do so in the appropriate additional notes field.
The following valid values for type
are based on two sets of industry standards; National Drug Code and National Council for Prescription Drug Programs.
Standard Name | Valid Value |
Grams | GR |
Milligrams | ME |
Milliliters | ML |
Unit | UN |
International Unit | F2 |
Each | EA |
Gram | GM |
Hospital items and services may be associated with a variety of billing codes or accounting codes. Examples include Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), National Drug Code (NDC), Revenue Center (RC) code, or other common payer identifier. The list of valid values is in the following table with the name of the standard and the associated valid values.
The value "LOCAL" may be used for internal accounting codes in conjunction with another billing code for that item or service. However, if no other code types are available for a particular item or service, "LOCAL" may be used as a valid value.
Standard Name | Valid Value |
Current Procedural Terminology | CPT |
National Drug Code | NDC |
Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System | HCPCS |
Revenue Code | RC |
International Classification of Diseases | ICD |
Diagnosis Related Groups | DRG |
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups | MS-DRG |
Refined Diagnosis Related Groups | R-DRG |
Severity Diagnosis Related Groups | S-DRG |
All Patient, Severity-Adjusted Diagnosis Related Groups | APS-DRG |
All Patient Diagnosis Related Groups | AP-DRG |
All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups | APR-DRG |
Ambulatory Payment Classifications | APC |
Local Code Processing | LOCAL |
Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping | EAPG |
Health Insurance Prospective Payment System | HIPPS |
Current Dental Terminology | CDT |
Charge Description Master (chargemaster) | CDM |
TriCare Diagnosis Related Groups | TRIS-DRG |
The methodology
data element describes the method used by the hospital to establish a payer-specific negotiated charge. Below are descriptions for the valid values for the methodology
data element and illustrative examples for how to represent unique contracting scenarios in combination with other data elements.
case rate
: A flat rate for a package of items and services triggered by a diagnosis, treatment, or condition for a designated length of time.fee schedule
: The payer-specific negotiated charge is based on a fee schedule. Examples of common fee schedules include Medicare, Medicaid, commercial payer, and workers compensation. The dollar amount that is based on the indicated fee schedule should be encoded into thePayer-specific Negotiated Charge: Dollar Amount
data element. For standard charges based on a percentage of a known fee schedule, the dollar amount should be calculated and encoded in thePayer-specific Negotiated Charge: Dollar Amount
data element.percent of total billed charges
: The payer-specific negotiated charge is based on a percentage of the total billed charges for an item or service. This percentage may vary depending on certain pre-determined criteria being met.per diem
: The per day charge for providing hospital items and services.other
: If the standard charge methodology used to establish a payer-specific negotiated charge cannot be described by one of the types of standard charge methodology above, select ‘other’ and encode a detailed explanation of the contracting arrangement in theadditional_payer_notes
data attribute.
, general_contract_provisions
and billing_class
are optional data attributes. They are not required to be included but instructions have been added to support standardization of disclosure of these data attributes for hospitals that wish to provide more contextual information about their charges. If financial_aid_policy
or general_contract_provisions
are included in the MRF, they are to be included to the root node. If billing_class
attribute is included in the MRF, it is to be added to the standard charge object.
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
financial_aid_policy | Hospital Financial Aid Policy | String | The hospital’s financial aid policy. See additional financial aid policy notes for more details. | No |
general_contract_provisions | General Contract Provisions | Array | An array of general_contract_provisions objects for specific payer and plans or across all plans. |
No |
billing_class | Billing Class | Enum | The type of billing for the item/service at the established standard charge. The valid values are "professional", "facility", and "both". | No |
Attribute | Name | Type | Description | Required |
payer_name | Payer Name | String | The name of the third-party payer associated with the contract provisions. | No |
plan_name | Plan Name | String | The name of the payer’s specific plan associated with the contract provisions. | No |
provisions | Provisions | String | Description of contract provisions that are negotiated at an aggregate level across items and services (e.g., claim level). | Yes |
The hospital’s financial aid policy, also known as charity care or bill forgiveness, that a hospital may choose or be required to apply to a particular individual’s bill. This information may be displayed as either a description or as a link to the financial aid or cash price policy on the hospital’s website.
This data element can be used to encode payer contract provisions that are applicable at an aggregate level and may include variable items and services. Examples could be "stop loss" provisions or "lesser than" provisions that apply to the claim (as opposed to each item or service on the claim). Multiple general contract provisions across payer and plan combinations can be included in this data element. If a contract provision applies to a specific item or service, use the standard_charge_algorithm
data element and encode the estimated_amount
data element.
The following conditional requirements must be met for an MRF to be considered valid. These conditional requirements enforce regulatory rules for required data elements, provide flexibility in the development of MRFs, and ensure corresponding information is encoded for items and services to be understandable by the end user.
- If the "standard charge methodology" encoded value is "other", there must be a corresponding explanation found in the "additional notes" for the associated payer-specific negotiated charge.
- If an item or service is encoded, a corresponding valid value must be encoded for at least one of the following: "Gross Charge", "Discounted Cash Price", "Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Dollar Amount", "Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Percentage", "Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge: Algorithm".
- If there is a "payer specific negotiated charge" encoded as a dollar amount, there must be a corresponding valid value encoded for the deidentified minimum and deidentified maximum negotiated charge data.
- If a "payer specific negotiated charge" can only be expressed as a percentage or algorithm, then a corresponding "Estimated Allowed Amount" must also be encoded. Required beginning 1/1/2025.
- If code type is NDC, then the corresponding drug unit of measure and drug type of measure data elements must be encoded. Required beginning 1/1/2025.