- DEM Generation with Pandora matches from low resolution images [#943].
- Add global memory and cpu usage profiling.
- Beefrost integration (External Dem reprojection on sensor and epipolar geometry) [#904].
- Phased DSMs re-entrance [#967].
- Re-entrance of sensor images in pipelines starting on depth maps or DSMs [#981].
- Classified performance map [#966].
- Colorisation and classification from sensor images after DSM generation [#938].
- Auto mode modified [#1004].
- Performance map refactored [#977].
- Point cloud outlier removal activated by default.
- C++ optimisations [#925].
- Ambiguity can be added in output auxiliary data. [#974]
- "Pipeline" and "geometry_plugin" in "advanced" configuration [#990].
- Cubic interpolation used in epipolar grid interpolation.
- Refactoring of documentation [#955].
- User can change multiprocessing mode [#996].
- Sift matches are decimated [975].
- Inverse localisation for disparity grid, are parallelized [#870].
- Removal of point cloud outlier filtering after point cloud fusion.
- Update Pandora version [#918].
- Update Bulldozer version [#1012].
- Outlier removal bug fix.
- Worldwide vrt usage freeze fix [#936].
- Add cars-devibrate script (based on the work of Julien Michel)
- Fix classification holes in epipolar geometry [#949]
- Fix wheel by using importlib instead of setuptools_scm
- Cast color before fusion to avoid asymetrical behavior [#954]
- Adapt cars-starter to the new CARS interface
- Documentation corrections
- Add
dependency to cars with a new bulldozer base DSM filling application [#901] - Add
dependency with outlier filtering functionalities in epipolar geometry [#867] - New parameter
in dense matching to manage Pandora cross validation [#900] - New parameters
in initial_elevation [#902]
- Cars pipelines have been replaced by a "default" pipeline [#895]
- Support for Python version superior than 3.10 with libsgm 0.5.0 [#912]
- Support for Python 3.8 is over [#930]
- The
no merging
mode is now the operational mode in cars, outlier filtering is done in epipolar geometry and laz are now saved in triangulation application [#895] - Add an index.json file in cars official product [#893]
- Improve formatting of cars output products, improve cleaning of the output directory [#874]
- Improve SIFT default configuration [#928]
- Optimize SIFT filtering and grid correction [#869]
- Optimize classification resampling [#835]
- Simplify the check input function [#920]
- Support
in depth map inputs [#897] - User and developer documentation updates [#935] and [#885]
- Use shareloc 0.2.4
- Typo fixes (with API changes) [#934]
application renamed intodense_match_filling
application renamed intohole_detection
renamed intopoint_cloud_outlier_removal
renamed intopoint_cloud
in the code
- Fix crashes during report generation [#916]
- Fix cars when using image with negative y axis [#924]
- Fix no-data handling in elevation data [#922]
- Make cars robust to different classification geotransforms [#923]
- Usage of up/down sampled sensor images [#797]
- Pleiades usage tutorial [#792]
- Refactoring of input and output configuration [#824]
- Choose interpolation mode used in resampling [#831]
- Displacement grids changed to localisation grids [#828]
- Cars-resample and Cars-rasterize optimisation [#803]
- Dsm radius parameter can now be used as a float [#792]
- Refactoring of geoid usage [#830]
- Artefacts in performance map [#846]
- Performance map modified [#898]
- DSM clipping removed in notebook [#853]
- Dask / pandas future warning removed [#759]
- Crash avoided when temporary files lost [#847]
- Blue pixels in orthorectified image [#812]
- Auto mode for orchestrator adapts to machine resources [#798]
- Orfeo Toolbox geometry plugin is no longer available [#805]
- Exogenous DEM is cropped before disparity grid generation to reduce time and memory consumption [#827]
- Subpixellic shift during resampling is fixed [#799]
- Input mask can be saved as output of dense_point_clouds_to_dense_dsm pipeline [#816]
- Ambiguity is normalized globally and no longer by tiles [#810]
- Classified pixels outside of epipolar footprint are no longer filled [#814]
- Statistics on confidence intervals are added and warnings are removed [#817]
- Parameter check_inputs can be used with Shareloc geometry plugin [#820]
- Masked and filled pixels are no longer masked in final DSM [#836]
- Cache of GDAL is limited to 500Mb to avoid memory overload during resampling [#823]
- Integration of Pandora confidence intervals [#764]
- Option to choose endogenous or exogenous DEM to resample images [#790]
- Geomodel parameter is optional [#785]
- Path to JSON file is allowed for dense matching loader configuration [#552]
- Support for point cloud denoising plugin [#771]
- Check footprint of given initial elevation [#780]
- Version 0.2.0 of Shareloc is used : fast grid generation [#781]
- Invert rows and columns for generation of disparity range grids with Shareloc [#804]
- Better typing of output files [#758]
- Faster LAZ point cloud saving [#795]
- Avoid computation of useless epipolar tiles when a ROI is given for no_merging pipelines [#791]
- Compute footprint of endogenous DEM according to images and epipolar footprint [#780]
- Broadcast delayed objects with dask to avoid memory overload [#796]
- New default pipeline sensors_to_dense_dsm_no_merging with cumulative rasterisation [#698]
- Profiling report for multiprocessing mode [#745]
- Dashboard showing tiles processing during a run [#765]
- Save of sparse matches in sensor geometry [#761]
- Relaunch of frozen tasks after timeout [#768]
- Version 1.6.0 of Pandora is used [#688]
- Version 0.2.0a2 of Shareloc is used [#756]
- Sparse matching processed by strip to improve computation time [#753]
- DEM generation improved : less artifacts, filling of invalid regions [#754]
- Default orchestrator is multiprocessing [#755]
- Disparity interval cropped when it is too high [#757]
- Data is typed to save memory consumption [#661]
- Preload of CARS in workers for multiprocessing mode to reduce forking time [#730]
- CPU usage limited to 100% per worker [#750]
- Output classification pixels cannot be floating-point numbers anymore
- ROI not used for endogeneous DEM [#772]
- Local disparity ranges are used [#695]
- Write point cloud by pair [#727]
- Left and right classification fusion on disparity map [#729]
- Plane filling method: no propagation by default [#725]
- Slurm cluster launch [#736]
- None tiles managed in save_cars_dataset [#716]
- Color data type propagated to the end [#642]
- Memory unreleased in multiprocessing mode [#731]
- Loglevel could not be set [#734]
- CARS can now be pip installed [#639]
- Name of color bands propagated in point cloud [#696]
- Slurm account now as a parameter of Orchestrator [#712]
- pkg_resources not used anymore [#700]
- Rasterization in epsg:4326 supported [#724]
- Estimation of DSM roi in Shareloc plugin [#701]
- Multiprocessing cluster: add factorization of Delayed [#673]
- 8 bits images are managed with particular sift parameters [#668]
- Self calculated initial elevation with sift matches [#664]
- Add debug mode with roi using initial tiling [#475]
- Information map about dense matches filling [#679]
- Script to generate CARS configuration [#678]
- Multi points direct location [#708]
- Application parameter "method" now optional [#692]
- Geometry plugin interface [#623]
- Nodata parameter now optional [#296]
- Orchestrator used does not match the one reported in the logs [#681]
- used_conf is no longer created when the application is initialized [#693]
- Parameter "mask" can be used in "dense_point_clouds_to_dense_dsm" [#722]
- Dask Slurm cluster [#624]
- Crop disparity range with thresholds [#626]
- Used source information map generated [#648]
- Write workers logs in one single file [#659]
- Use tempfile to generate default orchestrator folder instead of /tmp [#663]
- Cython upgrade bug [#674]
- Too much used disk memory in MP mode [#632]
- Notebook: add masks and classification options [#615]
- Option: Set python interpreter to use in PBS Dask Cluster [#611]
- DensePointCloudToDenseDSM Pipeline: now re-entrance with confidence and classification [#602]
- Shareloc Geometry plugin is now internal [#618]
- Use_sec_disp option allowing to use right disparity map is removed [#638]
- CARS can now be installed without OTB [#637]
- Epipolar tiles corresponding to region outside sensor images are removed before any computation [#635]
- Add CARS progress messages [#658]
- Multiprocessing cluster doesn't freeze when bug occur anymore [#607]
- Resampling is not done with OTB anymore [#508]
- Pyproj is no longer constrained [#646]
- Notebook: retrieve dsm [#614]
- Doc: Roi parameter disappearing [#616]
- All confidence maps from Pandora are propagated [#521]
- New pipelines: sensor to point cloud, point cloud to dsm[#567]
- Generate performance map [#590]
- Density parameter for terrain tile size computation in pc to dsm pipeline [#566]
- Multiprocessing mode available for DenseMatchesFilling [#539]
- Rasterization coded in C++ [#523]
- P+XS Fusion is no longer available in CARS [#579]
- Input mask is now a binary validity mask used in the whole pipeline [#566]
- Region of Interest with GeoJson or Shapefile [#580, #242]
- Refactoring of Masks, Classifications and Color [#577, #578]
- Move the former "set_to_ref_alt" option to DenseMatchesFilling application [#577, #578]
- Bug DenseMatchesFilling Plane [#599]
0.5.4 Grid correction in the configuration file and a better estimate of disparity range (February 2023)
- A better estimate of disparity range [#538]
- Prepare and use Epipolar A Priori data: grid correction and disparity range [#458]
- Use custom DASK configuration for CARS [#554]
- Use adaptative DASK cluster [#541]
- Update Pandora to 1.3 [#459][#575][#587]
- Point cloud saving in the low resolution pipeline [#498]
- Update black formatting rules [#556]
- Update dask memory logger, disable it by default [#527]
- OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT not used for tile sizing anymore [#541]
- Deactivate DASK dashboard by default [#343]
- Line artefact on right disparity map [#525]
- Pipeline configuration override [#533]
- Scipy an xarray broken interfaces [#561]
- Set masked pixels to nodata in point clouds from triangulation [#465]
- Set log level of dask cluster to warning [#545]
- Dump point clouds as LAS [#438]
- Refactoring of tiling grids and margins [#451]
- Generate a runnable full configuration file [#422]
- Add hole filling application for disparity maps [#275]
- Add minimum number of sift matches in configuration [#514]
- Fix pylint errors (no-member) in application template [#437]
- Fix bug PBS Dask [#515]
- Fix wrong images saved in notebooks
- Fix bug in disparity map saving [#484]
- Add ambiguity transmission through pipeline [#478]
- Add memory/cpu profiling mode [#473]
- Clean notebooks outputs [#497]
- Clean setup.cfg with optionnal package data [#467]
- Clean disk data in Multiprocessing mode [#454]
- Fix dimension bug during point cloud fusion [#482]
- New User Guide version [#448]
- Fix dask upgrade bug [#436]
- Fix temporarily local path to CARS OTB installed apps [#434]
- Fix multiprocessing bug [#446]
- Fix (remove) warning: tile ignored [#455]
Be careful, this version changes API and configuration ! See new documentation.
- Add documentation generation pre-commit when git push [#406]
- Add docker images files for jupyter and cars tutorial [#418]
- Add cars tutorial main_tutorial as notebook slides [#421]
- Add pandora mccn simplified installation process [#426]
- Refactoring of all CARS code by implementing new concepts as application, CarsDataset, orchestrator, pipeline and configuration. See documentation for more details. [#332]
- upgrade support to python 3.8 only [#372]
- change quick_start and notebooks to tutorials structure [#419]
- Remove setuptools pre installation [#341]
- Remove click 8.0.4 dependency [#341]
- Add automatic use of setup.cfg docs extra_require for readthedocs conf [#367]
- Fix gdal-config dependency in docker with rasterio upgrade [#404]
- Upgrade OTB to 7.4.1 in Dockerfile [#404]
- Add Authors file for contributors [#400]
- Upgrade to pandora 1.2.* [#371]
- Improve performance of CARS cli with no argument [#357]
- Add egm96 internal geoid hdr header [#335]
- Cluster dask code structure evolution [#355]
- Clean : remove hard coded indexes in the cloud fusion [#394]
- Gitlab template evolution [#399]
- Makefile evolution and clean [#391]
- Fix min_elevation_offset option when user_disp_min is greater than disp_min [#348]
- Temporary bugfix by forcing click version to avoid dask.distributed pbs cluster trouble [#383]
- Fix CI errors with pylint upgrades and docker apt package ubuntu upgrades [#390, #388, #385, #384, #380, #379, #376, #369, #368, #339]
- Monitor pytest CI performance with debug information [#373]
- Fix shapely version upgrade bug [#349]
- Fix pygdal setuptools version upgrade bug [#333]
- Fix OTB geometry plugin bugs [#393, #396]
- Fix Loader geometry bug: non static schemas management [#395]
- Filter useless verbose dask warning [#353]
- Write used dask configuration in output directory. [#224]
- Add argparse file option @"opts.txt" + doc [#265]
- Add Contributor Licence Agreement [#257]
- Add quality code tools isort, black, flake8 [#247, #269, #271]
- Add prepare/compute_dsm notebook [#246]
- Add sonarqube configuration [#198]
- Add Geometry Loader mechanism [#287]
- Add OTBGeometry loader [#287]
- Update/Clean package setup (add Makefile, clean requirements) [#210, #193, #305, #197]
- Make pip install -e work [#207]
- Update/Clean environment parameters [#166, #251]
- Move cars_cli.py from bin to cars. [#188, #203]
- Rename cars_cli to cars. [#188]
- Change default nb_workers to 2 [#218]
- Allow multiprocessing fork mode. [#283]
- Force OpenMP use in dask, and TBB in multiprocessing. [#304]
- Change loglevel argument API to pipeline level [#310, #311]
- Upgrade and fix pandora dependency [#235, #267, #274, #273, #309, #188]
- Clean quality code pylint and sonarqube conf [#302, #209]
- Change CARS loglevel default to WARNING + clean output [#239, #300, #143]
- Refactoring CARS file/module organization [#216, #259]
- Clean Documentation + ReadTheDocs [#160, #258]
- Dockerfile update [#219]
- Update/Clean README [#200]
- Geoid file indicated via the static configuration [#287]
- Fix epipolar size. [#206, #237, #248]
- Fix and clean tbb support [#267, #276, #304]
- Fix align_with_lowres_dem in mp mode [#286]
- Fix Delaunay algorithm between epi and terrain tiles [#277]
- Fix dask ComputeDSMMemoryLogger api [#202]
- Handle margins when setting the disparity to 0 [#201]
- Fix car cli with setuptools_scm version [#199]
- Mask management : change input format and internal behaviors. [#147, #170]
- Constants.py added to optimize code [#172]
- Default elevation option [#111]
- Satellite angles information on prepare step [#58, #190]
- Changelog added [#185]
- Update rasterization tests [#177]
- Integrate a new memory estimation method [#158]
- Version handling with setuptools_scm [#194]
- Fix CLI parsing for ROI option : CLI API changes (-i for input json file and -o for output directory) [#93, #174]
- Pylint code clean [#191]
- Add constants.py file [#172]
- 3D functional pipeline : Python3 and C++ OTB modules
- Python API
- CLI command
- Documentation basics
- Continuous Integration on unit tests