diff --git a/cheri-c-programming.tex b/cheri-c-programming.tex
index adbe1aa..d7cb70b 100644
--- a/cheri-c-programming.tex
+++ b/cheri-c-programming.tex
@@ -1308,11 +1308,10 @@ \subsection{Retrieving capability properties}
 %  This macro wraps the compiler built-in
 %  \cfunc{\_\_builtin\_cheri\_address\_get}.
-\item[\ccode{size\_t cheri\_getlen(void *c)}] Return the length of the bounds for the capability \cvar{c}.
+\item[\ccode{size\_t cheri\_getlength(void *c)}] Return the length of the bounds for the capability \cvar{c}.
 %  This macro wraps the compiler built-in
 %  \cfunc{\_\_builtin\_cheri\_length\_get}.
   (The base plus the length gives the upper bound on \cvar{c}'s address.)
-  \arnote{I would quite like it if we used ``cheri\_getlength'' instead and deprecated the ``len'' version.}
 \item[\ccode{size\_t cheri\_getoffset(void *c)}] Return the difference between the address and the lower bound of the capability \cvar{c}.
  %  This macro wraps the compiler built-in