- 4 spaces not tab
Statement termination
- always use semi-colon
Line length
- 80 chars max
Line breaks
- break after an operator
- double indent next line
Blank lines
- between methods
- between local variables in a method and it's first statement
- before controls statements (if, for)
- before a comment
- function names use camel case and begin with a verb
- variable names use camel case and begin with a noun
- avoid meaningless names like foo
- all caps
- Pascal case
- Strings
- single quote strings
- Numbers
- avoid leading decimal point
- avoid hanging decimal point
- avoid octal
- Objects
- prefer object literal to Object constructor
- Array * prefer array literal to array constructor
- Strings
- comment on line above
- don't comment if it doesn't add value
- comment browse specific hacks with specifics
Blocks and Expressions
- Braces
- always include braces
- prefer opening brace on the same line as the block beginning
- Parenthesis
- include a space before and after parenthesis
- Braces
- put a single space before and after parenthesis in function declaration
- put a single space after between parameters in function declaration
- no spaces between name and parenthesis when calling a function
- prefer full parenthesis wrap on IEFE
(function () {}());
Strict Mode
- 'use strict'; please
- use JsHint and make it pass, add overrides if you need to
- Indentation
- 4 spaces, no tabs
- Line length
- no longer than 80 chars, if a line goes longer wrap after an operator and double indent the following line
- Primitives
- Strings should use single quote and should be on a single line. Don't use
to wrap a string - Numbers should have at least one digit before a decimal point, never use octals
- Strings should use single quote and should be on a single line. Don't use
- Operator spacing
- Parentheses spacing
- Object literals
- Comments
- Variable declarations
- Function declarations
- Naming
- Strict mode
- Assignments
- Equality operators
- Ternary operator
- Statements
- White space
- Avoid