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This is the our team's final project codebase for Stanford's Spring 2020 offering of CS230: Deep Learning. This project seeks to demonstrate the applicability of using machine-synthesized training data created by a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) to augment the capabilities of existing deep convolutional neural network (CNN) classifiers. Specifically, our project sought to use synthetic training data to augment the capability of an existing CNN recyclable waste classifier: trashet.

Training for approxmiately 9000 epochs on an AWS p2x.large EC2 instance, we were able to improve classification of one of the worst performing trashnet classes (metal) by nearly ~16% using synthetic data, while lowering classification accuracy by only several percentage points in the majority of other classification classes (with the largest reductions being in classes whose appareance shows strong resemblance to the metal training data).

Below is a snapshot of our results when training trashnet with an augmented dataset (original data plus the addition of synthetic metal images from RecyleNet-DCGAN) compared against a baseline run of trashnet. Be sure to check out our paper for a more in-depth look at our research and results.

Baseline TrashnetTrashnet trained with augmented dataset
G Pa C Pl M T Accuracy
G 50 6 4 14 3 5 60.976%
Pa 9 85 2 5 6 1 78.704%
C 1 3 56 5 3 2 80.000%
Pl 9 7 5 49 4 0 66.216%
M 9 7 6 5 37 4 54.412%
T 10 1 1 3 2 12 41.379%
G Pa C Pl M T Accuracy
G 48 2 2 12 15 3 58.537%
Pa 8 73 2 5 19 1 67.593%
C 3 1 54 3 8 1 77.143%
Pl 13 3 5 42 9 2 56.757%
M 11 5 2 0 48 2 70.588%
T 12 0 1 2 4 10 34.483%


This repository relies on a forked version of the trashnet project for its underlying dataset. The data provided is the exact same data as what was provided by trashnet, with the exception that the contents in dataset-resized.tar.gz (avilable at the aformentioned trashnet fork) have been resized to 64x64 pixels for compatibility with the default generated images of RecycleNet-DCGAN. All credit for image collection goes to the creators of the original trashnet project. We ask that if you leverage this training data, please give a citation to the original trashnet repository.

The distribution of the raw data is as follows:

  • 501 glass
  • 594 paper
  • 403 cardboard
  • 482 plastic
  • 410 metal
  • 137 trash

The size of the original dataset exists on Google Drive. If you need access to the original dataset, please give a citation to the original trashnet project. The dataset can be downloaded here.

More information about the underlying training data can be found in the trashnet submodule.

Getting Started

Linux - Ubuntu/Debian

Run ./ to install the necessary dependencies. Dependencies for the project are as follows:

  1. Install preqrequisite dependencies including cmake, CUDA, GCC-4.8, G++-4.8, and Python3.6
  2. Install the Torch project, and setup the necessary Lua rocks for running trashnet
  3. Setup the project's Python virtual environment in the project root directory, and install necessary Python3 packages


Step 1: Synthesize data using RecycleNet-DCGAN

To begin, ensure that your repository has its submodules initialized and ready. To work successfully, it will need to have the trashnet fork cloned to the proper SHA.

From the root directory, you will find that the src/ subdirectory contains all of the Python source code that you'll need. In addition to the Python source code, the data/ directory contains symbolic links to the underlying trashnet submodule raw data used for training the RecycleNet-DCGAN1.

After performing initial setup in "Getting Started", you can begin training. Ensure that you are active in a local Python-3 virtual environment (venv). One should have already been created and setup for you after executing

source venv/bin/activate

From the root directory, you can begin training the RecycleNet-DCGAN as follows:

./ data/raw_data/metal-root/ 'metal' --batch-size 500 --image-size 64 --learning-rate 0.0002 --num-epochs 9000 2>&1 | tee results/metal_bs500_e9000.log

To learn what avialable hyperparameters are accepted by, just run:


Manual thresholds were set based on empircal evidence for when, after sufficient training, it was desireable to save synthetic images. As of the time of this writing, these thresholds are:


In other words, after IMG_SAVE_COEF of the epochs have been completed, iterations afterwards will be evaluated against a loss threshold (GAN_ERROR_THRESHOLD) and, should they be below said threshold, NUM_FAKES images will be generated and dumped to results/figures/.

Step 2: Index the Synthesized Data

Now that you have properly synthesized recyclable waste data we need to tell the trashnet classifier about it! Within src/, a Python module ( exists to do just that. The script can be invoked as follows:

./ --in-dataroot results/figures/ \
--out-dataroot src/data/raw_data/metal-root/ \
--train-list submodules/trashnet/data/one-indexed-files-notrash_train.txt

In the above example, we're telling to place all of our synthetic metal images into the src/data/dataset-resized/metal/ directory of the trashnet submodule. We're placing it there via the symlinks in src/data/raw_data1. Of note, the --train-list argument specifies the indexed list of images that trashnet should use for its training purposes. By adding references to our synthetic images here, this will instruct trashnet to use them during training, but not for validation or test.

Step 3: Train/Validate/Test the trashnet model

We now have our synthetic images trained and indexed in the trashnet submodule. All we need to do now is to train trashnet itself. All of the logic necessary is in the submodules/trashnet/train.lua module. An example invocation of train.lua is as follows:

CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 th train.lua -dataFolder data/dataset-resized 2>&1 | tee trashnet_synth.log

Note that the above code excerpt was an example of invoking train.lua from the root of the trashnet submodule. The default run of trashnet will perform training for 100 epochs, and assumes an input image size of 64x64. You can see more about the available hyperparameters and trashnet configuration from within the trashnet project itself.

Step 4: View the results

At the end of training and validation, train.lua also calls into test.lua. All results are printed to STDOUT, along with a confusion matrix of the test performance.


Contribution instructions follow from the trashnet project:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push the branch: git push -u origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


We would like to thank the creators of the trashnet project: Gary Thung, and Mindy Yang, for their efforts to leverage AI for positive change. We would also like to thank Dr. Andrew Ng, the entire CS230 TA staff, and give a personal thanks to our project mentor Shahab Mousavi for all of the support and guidance throughout the project.

1. The RecyleNet-DCGAN must train on one waste category at a time, so that a suitable training label can be assigned to the resulting synthetic images. To specify a single-class folder, the PyTorch ImageFolder class expects a hierarchy. Nesting references to the underlying raw data is a convenience mechanism to aid the user during training. See more at: PyTorch#669.