This code was created by Ruijie Cao and Prof. Peng Xi in Peking University for 3D super-resolution structure illumination microscopy reconstruction. We are devoted to make the SIM community open and constructive. And we will continue to improve the platform.
- We provide the pure source code of three platforms of Open-3DSIM, including MATLAB, Fiji, and Exe.
- The whole code files of three platforms can be downloaded from tags in this resposity.
- The in tags provide three input format examples of OMX, N-SIM, and home-built 3DSIM systems.
- For more samples, please download from Figshare:
- Each version contains a detailed user guide.
- We also provide a video to guide users to install the Fiji version (on the above Fishare link) in Install_Fiji_Screenshot.mp4.
We claim an Apache licence for Open-3DSIM.
If you use one of the material provided within Open-3DSIM such as data or code, please cite our paper:
Cao R, Li Y, Chen X, et al. Open-3DSIM: an Open-source three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy reconstruction platform[J]. Nature Methods: 1-4 (2023).
Contact us:
For any questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
2023.12.06 Someone reflects that Open-3DSIM(Fiji v2.2) has a bug on the step of "Process data". We have correct it.
2023.06.28 We added the reconstruction of single-layer 3DSIM in version 2.2.
Recently, we proposed an accelerated 3DSIM reconstruction based on spatial method called FO-3DSIM:
Open-3DSIM is robust and multi-platform compatible. FO-3DSIM is accelerated compared with Open-3DSIM, but needs higher requirement on estimated parameters.
Users can choose according to their requirements.