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Plan from Recipe

Additions to hREA and graphql api

  1. Add substitutable to ResourceSpecification. It used to be in RecipeResource, which is now gone. It is a boolean, but should also allow null or whatever is the right thing for this tech, if possible.
  2. Add minimumQuantity to Intent. It should look just like availableQuantity, and is also optional.
  3. NEW Nov26 - Add reciprocalClauseOf to Commitment, pointing to Agreement. It should look like clauseOf.
  4. NEW Dec12 - Add image to ProcessSpecification. Should look just like other images in other classes.

Attach UI to hREA

Bring in offers and requests to Planning page

The first column is offers, the last column is requests. Bring those from hREA, basically the same logic as the offers list and the requests list. Bring in only if finished is false. (Or if they are being saved without a value, then check not = true. But hopefully they are saved with the default value false when created.)

Hook up Plans page

There is a new page with a list of Plans. Make that show the saved Plans. (Edit and Delete need to wait until later.)

Make Save Plan work

There's a button Save Plan on the planning page, with a modal when clicked, including name and note. If they Save, then:

  • create a Plan in hREA: name and note come from the modal. use current timestamp for created.
  • for each process in memory (allColumns), create a Process in hREA: Include name, note, plannedWithin (the Plan just created), basedOn (the ProcessSpecification referenced), default finished to false unless that is done by hREA already.
  • for each Process created, for each commitment inputOf, and each commitment outputOf the Process, create a Commitment: reference the Process inputOf or outputOf, action, optionally stage (a ProcessSpecification), resourceConformsTo (a ResourceSpecification), a resourceQuantity (includes hasNumericalValue and hasUnit which is a Unit from the list), default finished to false unless that is done by hREA already, optionally note, use current timestamp for created, optionally provider (an Agent), optionally receiver (an Agent).
  • NEW Nov26 - some of the commitments will also have exchange information - like commitment to deliver a service, or when fiber is picked up from the farm will both now have an Agreement and a reciprocal Commitment for the promise from CFN to pay the supplier. The agreement ties together reciprocal commitments, one of which already exists as part of the production plan. Agreement has name and note in the data, and you can add created as current timestamp. The existing Commitment should have clauseOf added, referencing the Agreement just created. The new Commitmentshould reference theAgreementwithreciprocalClauseOf(new above), or if you don't want to add that yet, just useclauseOf; actionistransfer, and the following are as above: resourceConformsTo, resourceQuantity, finished, note, created; provideris the same as receiver on the original commitment,receiver` is the same as provider on the original commitment.

Create the data for the commitments in the Satisfy Requests column:

  • for each commitment (in commitments in memory), create a Commitment in hREA: include action, optionally provider, receiver, optionally stage, resourceConformsTo, resourceQuantity, finished as false, optionally note, use current timestamp for created, and independentDemandOf (references the Plan).
  • also for each commitment, create a Satisfaction record that is satisfiedBy the Commitment and satisfies the Intent that is on the Proposal request from the designer, and has resourceQuantity, in this case the same value as the one in the commitment.

Get back the plan data

The at least doesn't give any errors, but isn't tested with data. You'll need to just get one plan with an id, but the guts of this structure should be approximately right.

query GetPlans {
  plans {
    edges {
      node {
        independentDemands {
          receiver {
          resourceQuantity {
            hasUnit {
          resourceConformsTo {
        processes {
          basedOn {
          committedInputs {
            provider {
            receiver {
            resourceQuantity {
            	hasUnit {
            resourceConformsTo {
            clauseOf {
              commitments {
                resourceQuantity {
                  hasUnit {
          committedOutputs {
            provider {
            receiver {
            resourceQuantity {
            	hasUnit {
            resourceConformsTo {
            clauseOf {
              commitments {
                resourceQuantity {
                  hasUnit {

UI Work

Recipe Exchanges in Memory (before save plan)

This is new in VF, not yet tried in an app. Be prepared for experimentation. :)

When a Commitment is created, either in Satisfy Requests or the All Columns portion of the plan, whether created in the plan-from-recipe logic or with a create modal:

  • Look up to see if there is an exchange recipe (a recipeClauseOf RecipeFlow that is attached to a RecipeExchange, for the resourceConformsTo and the stage (if there is a stage) matching the data in the Commitment just created.
  • If not, nothing to do.
  • If so, using the recipe data,
    • create an Agreement (name and note from RecipeExchange, created use current timestamp)
    • look up to see if there is a Proposal (offer or request) from the Agent in the main Intent for the same resourceConformsTo (what about stage????), if so look in the reciprocal Intent for the resourceQuantity to use below
    • create a Commitment (the new Agreement as reciprocalClauseOf, finished false, resourceConformsTo and stage and action and resourceConformsTo and note from the RecipeFlow, created as current timestamp, if offer or request exists, resourceQuantity.hasNumericalValue is main quantity * the reciprocal resourceQuantity.hasNumericalValue, else it is main quantity * the recipe quantity)
    • to the Commitment that triggered the exchange, add the new Agreement as clauseOf

When a Commitment is deleted, whether by the user, or because our plan-from-recipe is re-run, if there is also an Agreement, also delete the Agreement and any other Commitment clauses.

Calculate Instructions

I added a new field to RecipeFlow called instructions. It is a code of sorts: SumInputs, SumOutputs, UseOffers are the current possible values. It is used as the plan is created.

  • SumInputs totals all (other) input quantities of that process, uses that for the commitment quantity.
  • SumOutputs totals all the (other) output quantities of that process, uses that for the commitment quantity.
  • UseOffers creates a commitment for each offer (primary Intent) that matches the resourceConformsTo. Each of those commitments uses the resourceQuantity from the offer (primary Intent).