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198 lines (139 loc) · 6.69 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (139 loc) · 6.69 KB


The script reads leaderlogs for an epoch and generates a report including minted blocks, lost blocks due to slot battles, height battles and provides performance statistics.


  • Simple plain text report to stdout (default)
  • Markdown report to Discord server
  • Markdown report to Telegram Group
  • Simple and short plain text report to Twitter
  • Leader schedule saved from cncli leaderlogs or cardano-cli query leadership-schedule output

Installation & Setup


docker pull lacepool/cardano-block-checker


apt get install ruby ruby-bundler
git clone
cd crfa-block-checker
bundle install

Copy .env.example and replace the values needed depending on the reporters you want to use.

cp .env.example .env


Drop a leader schedule file from cncli or cardano-cli in the ./epochs folder and make sure to name the file after the epoch number (e.g. 416.json or 416.txt).

Running script/report-blocks without any arguments prints a report for your latest available epoch to stdout.

The first argument passed to the script defines the reporter. Passing --help shows other available options.

Report specific epoch

Pass the epoch number (name of the leader-schedule file)

script/report-blocks --epoch=416

Report for another pool

--pool-id takes precedence over the POOL_ID env variable.

script/report-blocks --pool-id=pool1cpr59c88ps8499gtgegr3muhclr7dln35g9a3rqmv4dkxg9n3h8

Report to Discord

In Discord Edit Channel -> Integrations -> Webhooks you'll need to create a new webhook and use the URL for the env variable DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL in your .env file.

script/report-blocks discord

You can pass the same options as described above or pass --help for all available options.

Report to Telegram

Setup a Telegram Bot using BotFather to obtain the required API token and get the Chat-ID of your Group by inviting @RawDataBot into your Group. Store both values in .env.

script/report-blocks telegram

You can pass the same options as described above or pass --help for all available options.

Report to Twitter

First you need to set up a twitter developer app and grant rights for tweeting from your twitter account. This is required only once (one-off task).

  1. Sign in to Twitter's developer portal at
  2. Create a new project and app
  3. Store the OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret as TWITTER_CLIENT_ID and TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET in your .env file
  4. Run bundle exec ruby twitter/authorize_oneoff.rb. It prints a link and prompts you to enter a code. When opening the link you’ll want your browser to be already authenticated into your twitter account.
  5. Click authorize and wait for being redirected.
  6. Copy the code query string parameter value from the URL
  7. Paste the code into your shell

Now you can send reports from your twitter account.

script/report-blocks twitter

With Docker

Report to stdout

docker run --rm \
        -v /path/to/leaderlogs:/block-checker/epochs \
        lacepool/cardano-block-checker:latest --epoch 416 --pool-id pool1cpr59c88ps8499gtgegr3muhclr7dln35g9a3rqmv4dkxg9n3h8

Report to Discord

docker run --rm \
        -v /path/to/leaderlogs:/block-checker/epochs \
        lacepool/cardano-block-checker:latest discord --epoch 416 --pool-id pool1cpr59c88ps8499gtgegr3muhclr7dln35g9a3rqmv4dkxg9n3h8

Report to Telegram

docker run --rm \
        -v /path/to/leaderlogs:/block-checker/epochs \
        -e TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN=xxx \
        -e TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=-1234 \
        lacepool/cardano-block-checker:latest telegram --epoch 416 --pool-id pool1cpr59c88ps8499gtgegr3muhclr7dln35g9a3rqmv4dkxg9n3h8

Report to Twitter

Follow the twitter set up instructions #1 and #2. Then you start the container and expose ClientID and ClientSecret and overwrite the entrypoint to enter a shell. Inside the container you continue the instructions from #4. To not add a database dependency the twitter auth credentials are stored in the file system. Therefore, you need to mount a volume to persist marshalled objects of the oauth client and the twitter token response. It can be any folder on your local machine. See the following example.

docker run -it \
    -v /path/to/twitter/dumps:/block-checker/helpers/twitter/dumps \
    -e TWITTER_CLIENT_ID=xxx \
    --entrypoint /bin/sh \

Once you finished the authorization process you can tweet your block report using docker

docker run --rm \
    -v /path/to/leaderlogs:/block-checker/epochs \
    -v /path/to/twitter/dumps:/block-checker/helpers/twitter/dumps \
    lacepool/cardano-block-checker:latest twitter -e 416 --pool-id pool1cpr59c88ps8499gtgegr3muhclr7dln35g9a3rqmv4dkxg9n3h8

Example reports

$ script/report-blocks -e 416

Assigned slots to mint blocks: 14
Minted blocks: 12
Lost height battles: 1
Lost slot battles: 1

- Block minted on slot 94419032 by pool pool1yl9plldxt500xfkfu6n3wggvnzcs5rshjyxq4dkea6m0kt7qg9v at 2023-06-05 17:15:23 UTC

- Block ghosted on slot 94348935 at 2023-06-04 21:47:06 UTC

Minted blocks: 85.71%
Lost height battles: 7.14%
Lost slot battles: 7.14%



If you notice many lost height battles you can do something about it. While you don't have any control over slot battles, you have some control over height battles. My recommendation is to launch more relay nodes in other parts of the world, e.g. US EAST coast. If you cannot launch more relay nodes than shut down one relay node in one location and spin up in another one.

To some extend a small percentage (1%) of height battles (ghosted blocks) is currently expected. Once P2P (Peer to Peer) rolls our on Cardano things should get considerably better. This is due to the fact that there will be much more optimised algorithm to propogate blocks from the pool and propagate blocks minted by your pool.

Support / Donation

If you find this tool useful, you can donate any amount in ADA to the following Cardano address:
