is an R package to simplify working with Gradescope rosters in
You can install the development version of rscope from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
comes with 3 helper functions for working with gradebooks:
, find_and_parse_lateness
, and select_assignments
Use parse_lateness
to convert from Gradescope’s [H]H:MM:SS
format to
seconds, minutes, or hours.
parse_lateness("1:00:00", unit = "seconds")
#> [1] 3600
parse_lateness("12:30:10", unit = "minutes")
#> [1] 750.1667
parse_lateness("3:15:04", unit = "hours")
#> [1] 3.251111
Use find_and_parse_lateness
to convert all of a roster’s lateness
columns to seconds, minutes, or hours.
gradebook <- data.frame(`Problem Set 0: Scratch - Lateness (H:M:S)` = c("0:00:00", "1:32:11", "0:14:34"))
gradebook <- gradebook |> find_and_parse_lateness()
gradebook <- gradebook |> find_and_parse_lateness(unit = "minutes")
gradebook <- gradebook |> find_and_parse_lateness(unit = "hours")
By default, find_and_parse_lateness
looks for “Lateness (H:M:S)” to
identify a column as a lateness column, as this is Gradescope’s default
identifier. You can, though, adjust the regular expression yourself.
gradebook <- data.frame(`pset0_scratch_late` = c("0:00:00", "1:32:11", "0:14:34"))
gradebook <- gradebook |> find_and_parse_lateness(regex = "late", unit = "seconds")
Use select_assignments
to return all columns that match an
assignment’s (or multiple assignments’) title, in order, alongside the
information that identifies students in your grade book.
gradebook <- read.csv("tests/_datasets/gradescope_big_raw.csv", check.names = FALSE)
pset0 <- gradebook |> select_assignments("Problem Set 0")
problems <- gradebook |> select_assignments(c("Problem Set 0", "Problem Set 1", "Problem Set 2", "Problem Set 3"))
labs <- gradebook |> select_assignments(c("Lab 0", "Lab 1", "Lab 2", "Lab 3"))