Visit and follow the install instructions. Open Git Bash. Type git config --global "GITHUB USERNAME"
(replace GITHUB USERNAME with your actual username). Type git config --global "[email protected]"
(replace with the email you use for github).
Visit Choose LTS and Windows Installer.
Download the best editor ever:
Open Git Bash. Make a directory for dev stuff using mkdir dev
. Enter the directory using cd dev
. Clone the repo: git clone
. Enter the directory cd Checkpoint
Enter the node.js directory using cd checkpoint
. Type npm ci
to install all package dependencies. This will take up to 15 minutes depending on your computer and internet speed. Finally, type npm start
. Wait a minute or two and the npm server will open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Before making any changes, make sure to pull down the latest remote changes using git pull
Then type git add .
to add all the files you've changed. Type git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE"
replacing COMMIT MESSAGE with a short description of what you changed. Finally, use git push origin main
to push your changes to Github.