- bootstrap table for Home page and Question index page.
- question and categories relationship. 1. user should be able to create mutlple categories while they post questions.
- User should be able to answer a question from the question show page
- bootstrap dropdown box is not compatible with rails, research if have tmie.
- add profile picture
- fixed the deplicate answered questions bug.
- prevent user from going to different user's home page by setting up the current user.
- fixed erb tag not self closed issue.
- finished CRUD for question model.
- nested question route from user route.
- get question create and question delete work.
- the question index page is not working.😟
- alerts are not working (fixed)
- when redirect, the page needs to be refreshed to load css(fixed)
- the link_to and glyphicon is not inline(fixed, use .html_safe)
- finished signup and login page along with user valitions.
- switch database to Postgresql.
- Got the projec proposal approved
- setting up controller, models, activerecord associations, and seeds.
- the activerecord-reset-pk-sequence and faker gem did not work initially, fixed by putting require "faker" and require "activerecord-reset-pk-sequence".