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122 lines (89 loc) · 3.56 KB


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Backbone.Rx adds RxJS message streams to Backbone. This is essentially slightly modified version of Backbone.Radio which is based on Backbone.Events.

I may change the project to Backbone.Radio.Active so it can be a drop in replacement for Backbone.Radio augmented with Rx Observables.

Usage with Marionette

I will make available via npm and bower next week. I need to put in a build step but currently transpiles to ES5 via Babel wrapped in an un-optimized AMD bundle that should work the Backbone.Radio UMD shim. This file can be found under src/es5/backbone.rx.js.

Marionette and Backbone.Radio use Backbone.Events to implement their event based message patterns. Rx Observables have a fromEvent method that take an object reference and an event name. Objects that wish to subscribe to these events will need a reference to the Observable. They will use the subscribe method and provide three function arguments: onNext, onError, and onDone.

Any object that can fire an event, such as a Model, ItemView, or Application can be used to create an event stream or Observable. The main advantage of using Observables over Backbone.Events is the ability to tell the Observable when to un-subscribe at declaration. Observable streams are asynchronous collections so you can chain their output the same way you would with arrays with map, filter, etc. Backbone.Rx has all of the RxJS.lite methods to help you process your streams. For an excellent way to learn how to process your streams see RxMarbles

var model = new Backbone.Model();
var chan = 'global' );

// Use takeUntil to trigger clean up on some event
var modelDestroyStream = chan.Observable.fromEvent( model, 'destroy' )
	.takeUntil( modelDestroyStream );
var modelEventstream = chan.Observable.fromEvent( model, 'all' )
	.takeUntil( modelDestroyStream );

	e => console.log( 'modelEventstream fired: ', e ),
	err => console.log( err ),
	() => console.log( 'modelEventstream done' )

var anotherStream = BackboneRx.Observable.fromEvent( model, 'change' )
	.takeUntil( modelDestroyStream );

	e => console.log( 'anotherStream fired: ', e ),
	err => console.log( err ),
	() => console.log( 'anotherStream done' )

model.trigger( 'bar' );
model.set( { title: 'foo' } );
model.set( 'title', 'baz' );

// Radio still works too
_.extend( model, Backbone.Rx.Requests );
model.reply( 'test', { data : 'Yo some options' } );
model.request( 'test' );

// don't forget to do this on Requests


This will produce the following logs:

og: modelEventstream fired: , bar

log: modelEventstream fired: , change:title

log: anotherStream fired: , [object Object]

log: modelEventstream fired: , change

log: modelEventstream fired: , change:title

log: anotherStream fired: , [object Object]

log: modelEventstream fired: , change

log: {
  "title": "baz"

log: "reply"

log: "test"

log: [
    "test": "test"

log: {
  "title": "baz"

log: "request"

log: "test"

log: []

log: modelEventstream done

log: anotherStream done