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Veterancy System

ChthonVII edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 9 revisions

A veterancy system will be added for TD in v1.6, and for RA probably in v1.7. Since this system has too many details to fit compactly into the readme or features chart, it is mentioned briefly there and fully documented here.

Overall Philosophy

  1. Attaining veterancy should be relatively common and fast-paced, and attaining max rank should be feasible. There's no point in implementing a veterancy system if players never get to see it in action.
  2. Most veterancy bonuses should be relatively modest. TD and RA did not originally have veterancy systems, and were not balanced around the possibility of extremely powerful individual units. If the veterancy bonuses are too strong, we run the risk of the veterancy system dominating the gameplay, resulting in a game that's not really TD/RA anymore.
  3. XP points need to be awarded equitably. The "final blow gets all the XP" system from TibSun, etc. had a lot of awkward consequences that ranged from annoying to borderline exploits.

XP Gain and Ranks

Units and defensive structures gain XP whenever they damage an enemy by shooting at them, squishing them, or bombing them with C4. The amount of XP gained is equal to the damaged enemy's cost multiplied by the percentage of its max HP that it lost. (Exception: Since fighting a visceroid is supposed to be a harrowing experience, they award XP as if they had a cost of 5000.) A unit or defensive structure is promoted to rank 1 upon attaining XP equal to its cost, to rank 2 upon attaining XP equal to to 3x its cost, and to rank 3 upon attaining XP equal to 5x its cost.

General Bonuses

The following bonuses are common to all units and defensive structures, unless otherwise specified.

  • +5% firepower per rank, up to a total of +15%.
  • +5% faster rate of fire per rank, up to +15%.
  • -10% less damage taken per rank, up to a total of -30%.
  • +10% faster movement speed per rank, up to a total of +30%. (Obviously does not apply to defensive structures.)
  • Infantry auto-scatter from threats at rank 1 and above.
  • Self-healing up to 50% HP at rank 2 and above. (Units that already had self-healing up to 50% (Mammoth Tanks, etc.) instead get self-healing up to 100% HP.)
  • Defensive structures get self-healing up to 100% HP at rank 3.

A few details about these bonuses:

  • The rate of fire bonus functions differently than the house bonus for France in RA. This is a true modifier to shots per unit time, while the France house bonus is a 10% reduction in time per shot.
  • The firepower and rate of fire bonuses interact multiplicatively, resulting in an overall bonus to damage per second of 10.25% at rank1, 21% at rank 2, and 32.25% at rank 3.
  • The rate of self-healing is based on a unit's max HP so that every unit takes the same amount of time to heal the same percentage of its health.

Special Bonuses

Each type of unit or defensive structure also receives a special veterancy bonus. Special bonuses are received upon reaching rank 3, unless otherwise specified.

Special Bonuses in TD

Special Bonuses for Infantry (TD)

  • Minigunner -- armor-piercing ammo (deals more damage to armored targets)
  • Grenadier -- range increased by +1 cell
  • Rocket Infantry -- significantly increased move speed
  • Flamethrower:
    • friendly-fire damage to allies is reduced by 90%, unless specifically targeting that ally.
    • no longer takes 5 extra damage from himself when hit, at rank 1 and above.
    • death explosion damage reduced by 30% per rank, up to a total of 90%.
  • Chem Soldier:
    • friendly-fire damage to allies is reduced by 90%, unless specifically targeting that ally.
    • death explosion damage reduced by 30% per rank, up to a total of 90%.
  • Engineer -- no bonus (Engineers can't deal damage.)
  • Commando -- gains stealth

Special Bonuses for Ground Vehicles (TD)

  • Mammoth Tank -- significantly increased move speed
  • Medium Tank -- becomes a "two shooter" (fire two shots in rapid succession)
  • Light Tank -- becomes a "two shooter" (fire two shots in rapid succession)
  • Stealth Tank -- upgraded cloak technology:
    • less damage taken when cloak is active, up to -50% at full cloak
    • rate of fire bonus also affects delay before commencing recloak (all ranks)
    • commence recloak twice as quickly when not targeting something (or target not in range)
    • cloak doesn't fail when heavily damaged
    • 90% chance to go undetected when driving past enemies who can see stealth units
    • 50% chance to remain cloaked and 50% chance to "shimmer" when squishing infantry (default is 100% chance to do full uncloak)
  • Flame Tank -- friendly-fire damage to allies is reduced by 90%, unless specifically targeting that ally.
  • APC (GDI) -- on-board medic (heals passengers over time)
  • APC (Nod) -- gains stealth
  • MLRS -- additional -20% damage taken (overall total is -50%)
  • Humvee -- armor-piercing ammo (deals more damage to armored targets)
  • Buggy -- becomes a "crusher" (can squish infantry)
  • Harvester:
    • additional -30% damage taken (overall total is -60%)
    • self-heal rate doubled
    • (Yes, a harvester could conceivably attain rank 3 if it squished a lot of infantry.)
  • Artillery -- range increased by +1 cell
  • SSM:
    • rate of fire bonus also affects reload time (all ranks)
    • reload time reduced by 1/3 (rank 3, multiplicative with effect from rate of fire bonus)
  • Attack Cycle -- fires high explosive missiles when targeting infantry (more effective against infantry)

Special Bonuses for Aircraft (TD)

  • Orca:
    • reloads twice as fast
    • repair for free while docked at helipad (repairs at half the speed of repair bay)
  • Apache:
    • reloads twice as fast
    • repair for free while docked at helipad (repairs at half the speed of repair bay)

Special Bonuses for Defensive Structures (TD)

  • Guard Tower -- range increased by +1 cell
  • Advanced Guard Tower -- range increased by +1 cell
  • Turret -- becomes a "two shooter" (fire two shots in rapid succession)
  • Obelisk -- range increased by +1 cell
  • SAM Site -- range increased by +1 cell
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