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File metadata and controls

164 lines (118 loc) · 4.78 KB


cmake-tools allows for various project and target specific settings to be specified.

CMakeSettings is used for general settings.

CMakeTargetSettings is used for settings of a specific launch target.

To configure these settings a lua buffer is used. Upon executing CMakeSettings or CMakeTargetSettings popup will open. In this popup you are able edit the current settings.

The popup window autosaves and can be closed with q or <esc>

Example for CMakeSettings

return {
  env = {
    VERBOSE = 1,
  build_dir = nil,
  working_dir = "${dir.binary}"
  use_preset = true,
  generate_options = {},
  build_options = {},

Example for CMakeTargetSettings

return {
  inherit_base_environment = true,
  args = {}
  env = {
    log_level = "trace"
  working_dir = "${dir.binary}"


The popup window will show available variables and their values. And please attention that the value of vars is auto computed, and cannot be changed.

local vars = {
  dir = {
    binary = "",
    build = ""

These can be used for substitution (see working_directory) or directly as lua variables.


Following settings are available:


Specify environment variables for various tasks. Strings and numbers are supported.

env = {
  VERBOSE = 1,
  log_level = "trace"
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings environment varaibles for executing cmake commands. These are per default inherit to targets.
CMakeTargetSettings environment variables for running and debugging targets.


  inherit_base_environment = true -- true|false
Command Supported Details
CMakeTargetSettings Will inherit env various from base settings if set to true


Specify additional command line arguments.

  args = { "arg1", "args2=value" }
Command Supported Details
CMakeTargetSettings command line arguments passed to executable when running or debugging


Specify the working directory in which run and debug commands are executed. Supports substitution commands (${}).

  working_directory = "${dir.binary}"
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings Defines the working directory for all targets unless overwritten.
CMakeTargetSettings Sets the working directory just for this target. No default value - Has to be added manually.


Specify if the --presets argument should be used on cmake commands. This is useful when you want to control all of the cmake options with the generate_options and the build_options.

  use_preset = true
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings Flag controlling if the --presets argument should be passed to the cmake commands


Specify the build directory in which generate files should locate.

  build_directory = ""
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings Defines the build directory.


Specify the generate options for cmake project.

  generate_options = {}
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings Defines the generate options.


Specify the build options for cmake project.

  build_options = {}
Command Supported Details
CMakeSettings Defines the build options for all targets.