Simply describe your nested web architecture in JSON and this script will generate the Backbone code corresponding (views + templates)
The interface architecture of each web application can be represente as a tree of views. You have the main view and its childs.
The interface architecture of each Web application can be represented as a tree of views. You have the main view and its children.
An example: the Facebook’s Timeline is composed of some posts. Each post are composed by a main part: the content (img, description, …) and a subpart: the activities (comments, likes, …):
The Facebook's timeline tree of views would be:
"Content" and "Activities" are the nested views of "Post" and "Post" are the nested view of "Timeline": we have two nesting level.
With Backbone, views can manage templates to display a render. In our case just the "Content" and the "Activities" views manage templates to display their own HTML render:
With nested-backbone-views-generator you just have to describe this tree architecture into JSON format:
"name" : "Facebook_timeline", // Module name
"children" : [
{"name":"timeline","children":[ // Timeline view
{"name":"post", "link" : "1-*", "type" : "view"}
{"name":"post", "children":[ // Post view
{"name":"content","children":[ // Content view
{"name":"content_template","link":"1-1","type":"template"} // Template to display the content
{"name":"comments","children":[ // Comments view
{"name":"commentsList","link":"1-*","type":"template"}, // Template to display comments list
{"name":"newCommentInput","link":"1-1","type":"template"} // Template to display the input form to add new comment
You get the module's name space and the reference to the module's html container (el: "#timeline_container").
var Facebook_timeline = {
Collections: {},
Models: {},
Views: {},
collections: {},
views: {},
init: function () {
this.views.timeline = new this.Views.timeline({
el : '#timeline_container',
tagName : '',
className : '',
model : this.model,
collection : this.collection,
You get all templates that your views need + the html element container referenced into the namespace declaration + the call to the module constructor.
<script type='text/template' id='Facebook_timeline_newCommentInput_template'>
<% model %>
<script type='text/template' id='Facebook_timeline_commentsList_template'>
<% _.each(collection, function(model, i) { %>
<% model %>-<% i %>
<% }); %>
<script type='text/template' id='Facebook_timeline_content_template'>
<% model %>
<div id="timeline_container"></div>
Here you have all views with the logic Backbone nesting views.
Facebook_timeline.Views.activities = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(json) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
events : {},
render : function(){
_this = this;
template_commentsList = _.template($('#Facebook_timeline_commentsList_template').html());
template_newCommentInput = _.template($('#Facebook_timeline_newCommentInput_template').html());
return this;
Facebook_timeline.Views.content = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(json) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
events : {},
render : function(){
_this = this;
template_content_template = _.template($('#Facebook_timeline_content_template').html());
return this;
}); = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(json) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
events : {},
render : function(){
_this = this;
$(_this.el).append(new Facebook_timeline.Views.content({
tagName : '',
className : '',
collection : this.collection
$(_this.el).append(new Facebook_timeline.Views.activities({
tagName : '',
className : '',
collection : this.collection
return this;
Facebook_timeline.Views.timeline = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(json) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
events : {},
render : function(){
_this = this;
return this;