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+ "sequence": 1, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": "是" + "attachmentList": [] + }, + { + "content": "否", + "sequence": 2, + "selected": 2, + "isCorrect": 2, + "attachmentList": [] } ] }, @@ -38592,16 +38691,25 @@ "下面哪些做法是“居安思危”思想在日常生活中的应用和体现?": { "optionList": [ { + "content": "每一栋大型的建筑或住宅楼里都放置有灭火器", + "sequence": 1, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": "每一栋大型的建筑或住宅楼里都放置有灭火器" + "attachmentList": [] }, { + "content": "每一个游泳池旁边都存有救生圈", + "sequence": 2, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": "每一个游泳池旁边都存有救生圈" + "attachmentList": [] }, { + "content": "国家强盛安稳时不忘练兵强军", + "sequence": 3, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": "国家强盛安稳时不忘练兵强军" + "attachmentList": [] } ] }, @@ -39923,20 +40031,32 @@ "作为涉密人员,因公出境或是出国旅游时,需注意()。": { "optionList": [ { + "content": "不要随便暴露身份", + "sequence": 1, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": "不要随便暴露身份" + "attachmentList": [] }, { + "content": "不出入涉黄、赌博等复杂场所", + "sequence": 2, + "selected": 1, "isCorrect": 1, - "content": 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"selected": 2, + "isCorrect": 1, + "attachmentList": [] + }, + { + "content": "职业健康检查结果及处理情况", + "sequence": 3, + "selected": 2, + "isCorrect": 1, + "attachmentList": [] + }, + { + "content": "职业病诊疗等劳动者健康资料", + "sequence": 4, + "selected": 2, + "isCorrect": 1, + "attachmentList": [] + } + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/WeiBanHelper.py b/WeiBanHelper.py index 4de7e79..b534f89 100644 --- a/WeiBanHelper.py +++ b/WeiBanHelper.py @@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ def __init__(self, account, password, school_name, auto_verify=False, project_in self.project_list = WeibanHelper.get_project_id( login_data["userId"], tenant_code, login_data["token"] ) + self.lab_info = WeibanHelper.get_lab_id( + login_data["userId"], tenant_code, login_data["token"] + ) + if self.lab_info: # 检查是否成功获取到实验课信息 + print(f"实验课程名称: {self.lab_info['projectName']}") + print(f"实验课程ID: {self.lab_info['userProjectId']}") + else: + print("当前账户没有实验课程。") else: # 如果 'data' 键不存在,输出提示信息 print("登录失败,可能是学校名称输入错误。\n") @@ -159,7 +167,7 @@ def start(self, courseId): try: response_json = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError as e: - print(f"[JSON 解析错误] 错误信息: {e},响应内容: {response.text}") + print(f"[JSON 解析错误] 错误信息: {e}") #,响应内容: {response.text} retry_count += 1 time.sleep(5) # 等待5秒后重试 continue @@ -192,6 +200,7 @@ def start(self, courseId): print(f"已达到最大重试次数 ({max_retries}),启动课程失败。") def run(self): + # 遍历 chooseType 2 和 3 进行刷课 for chooseType in [2, 3]: finishIdList = self.retry_request(self.getFinishIdList, chooseType) @@ -735,6 +744,33 @@ def get_project_id(user_id, tenant_code, token: str) -> str: else: return data + def get_lab_id(user_id, tenant_code, token: str): + """ + 获取用户的实验课程信息。 + """ + url = f"https://weiban.mycourse.cn/pharos/lab/index.do?timestamp={int(time.time())}" + headers = { + "X-Token": token, + "ContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", + "User-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.82", + } + data = {"tenantCode": tenant_code, "userId": user_id} + response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=data) + response_data = response.json() # 解析JSON响应 + + if response_data['code'] == '0' and response_data['detailCode'] == '0': + # 检查 'current' 键是否存在于响应数据中 + if 'current' in response_data['data']: + # 提取实验课程的信息 + lab_info = response_data['data']['current'] + return lab_info + else: + print("没有找到实验课程信息。") + return None + else: + print("获取实验课程信息失败") + return None + @staticmethod def get_tenant_code(school_name: str) -> str: tenant_list = requests.get( diff --git a/main.py b/main.py index cc1b471..b078789 100644 --- a/main.py +++ b/main.py @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def print_help_info(): if __name__ == "__main__": + # 显示欢迎信息 print(""" _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ @@ -57,37 +58,62 @@ def print_help_info(): break else: print("学校名称无效,仅允许中文字符,如果终端无法输入,请在外面输入,并复制粘贴到这里") + if 0 < len(arguments) < 7: print_help_info() exit(0) + if len(arguments) == 7: account = arguments[0] password = arguments[1] school_name = arguments[2] - auto_verify = bool(arguments[3]) + auto_verify = bool(int(arguments[3])) project_index = int(arguments[4]) auto_exam = int(arguments[5]) exam_threshold = int(arguments[6]) + # 初始化WeibanHelper实例 Instance = WeiBanHelper.WeibanHelper(account=account, password=password, school_name=school_name, auto_verify=auto_verify, project_index=0) + # 打印课程列表 print("\n编号 - 课程\n-----------------------") for index, value in enumerate(Instance.project_list): print(index, " - ", value['projectName']) - print("\n") - project_index = 0 + + # 检查是否有实验课信息,并打印 + lab_index = None + if hasattr(Instance, 'lab_info') and Instance.lab_info is not None: + lab_index = len(Instance.project_list) + print(lab_index, " - ", Instance.lab_info['projectName']) + + # 用户选择课程 if len(arguments) == 0: - if len(Instance.project_list) == 1: + total_courses = len(Instance.project_list) + (1 if lab_index is not None else 0) + if total_courses == 1: project_index = int(input("已经识别到唯一项目, 请直接输入“0”开始执行: ")) else: project_index = int(input("请输入项目编号: ")) - Instance.userProjectId = Instance.project_list[project_index]['userProjectId'] + if project_index < 0 or project_index >= total_courses: + print("输入的项目编号超出范围,请重新输入") + exit(1) + auto_exam = int(input("是否自动考试: 0: 不自动考试, >0 : 考试时间[总时长](单位秒)")) if auto_exam >= 1: exam_threshold = int(input("允许错的题目数(如填0是一题不错,填1是可以错一题): ")) - print("当前项目名称: ", Instance.project_list[project_index]['projectName']) + if lab_index is not None and project_index == lab_index: + Instance.userProjectId = Instance.lab_info['userProjectId'] + current_project_name = Instance.lab_info['projectName'] + elif project_index < len(Instance.project_list): + Instance.userProjectId = Instance.project_list[project_index]['userProjectId'] + current_project_name = Instance.project_list[project_index]['projectName'] + else: + print("项目编号无效,请重新输入") + exit(1) + + print("当前项目名称: ", current_project_name) + Instance.run() if auto_exam > 0: index = 0 @@ -122,3 +148,4 @@ def print_help_info(): Instance.exam_threshold = exam_threshold Instance.autoExam() +