CodeDoesGood uses a system to manage, accesss and help volunteers be involved in volunteering within the CodeDoesGood community, its mission is to harness the cognitive surplus of the tech community towards building solutions to real problems in the world.
npm install
npm run build
npm run test:travis
npm run start
The use of npm test can be used when the follow installation and infrastructure is inplace with the built configuration. Without intergration with the database and configured config file 90% plus of the tests will fail due to the limited infrastructure.
npm test:unit
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing and becoming apart of the team please see the contract us page of the wiki. How to Contribute which should cover everything.
The frontend of the Mercury project is used for the face and viewing for the users of the management solution.
© 2018 CodeDoesGood
This is free software. It is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use this in your own work. However, if you modify and/or redistribute it, please attribute CodeDoesGood in some way, and distribute your work under this or a similar license.