diff --git a/src/components/Forget.js b/src/components/Forget.js
index a2106cc..0119f05 100644
--- a/src/components/Forget.js
+++ b/src/components/Forget.js
@@ -2,94 +2,105 @@ import React from 'react';
import "./Login.css";
import Navbar from "./Navbar";
import {
- Button,
- Heading,
- HStack,
- Input,
- InputGroup,
- InputLeftElement,
- Link,
- VStack,
+ Button,
+ Heading,
+ HStack,
+ Input,
+ InputGroup,
+ InputLeftElement,
+ Link,
+ VStack,
} from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { RiAccountPinBoxFill } from "react-icons/ri";
import { RiLockPasswordFill } from "react-icons/ri";
export default function Forget() {
- return (
- <>
Add a crisp to your bulky documents !!
Welcome to the website
- >
+ return ( <
+ >
+ <
+ Navbar / >
+ <
+ div className = "login" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__container" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__containerTop" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__img" > < /div> <
+ p > Add a crisp to your bulky documents!! < /p> <
+ h4 > Welcome to the website < /h4> < /
+ div > <
+ div className = "login__containerBottom" >
+ <
+ VStack className = "input__container"
+ w = "65%"
+ m = "auto" >
+ <
+ Heading fontSize = "1.2rem"
+ color = "blue.500"
+ fontWeight = "semibold"
+ py = { 3 } >
+ /Heading> <
+ InputGroup w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ RiAccountPinBoxFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "2.1rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input required borderRadius = "full"
+ type = "tel"
+ placeholder = "Email Address"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ InputGroup className = "login__input"
+ w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ RiLockPasswordFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "2.1rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input type = "tel"
+ required borderRadius = "full"
+ placeholder = "Password"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ HStack className = "login__btn"
+ alignSelf = "flex-end" >
+ <
+ Button colorScheme = "pink"
+ px = "6"
+ size = "sm"
+ fontWeight = "bold"
+ className = "loginBtn" >
+ /Button> <
+ Link fontSize = "sm"
+ textDecoration = "underline"
+ color = "blue" >
+ <
+ a href = "/login" > Remember ? < /a> < /
+ Link > <
+ /HStack> < /
+ VStack > <
+ /div> < /
+ div > <
+ /div> < /
+ >
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/Login.js b/src/components/Login.js
index 787364d..a69c65f 100644
--- a/src/components/Login.js
+++ b/src/components/Login.js
@@ -2,98 +2,113 @@ import React from "react";
import "./Login.css";
import Navbar from "./Navbar";
import {
- Button,
- Heading,
- HStack,
- Input,
- InputGroup,
- InputLeftElement,
- Link,
- VStack,
+ Button,
+ Heading,
+ HStack,
+ Input,
+ InputGroup,
+ InputLeftElement,
+ Link,
+ VStack,
} from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { RiAccountPinBoxFill } from "react-icons/ri";
import { RiLockPasswordFill } from "react-icons/ri";
function Login() {
- return (
- <>
Add a crisp to your bulky documents !!
Welcome to the website
- >
- );
+ return ( <
+ >
+ <
+ Navbar / >
+ <
+ div className = "login" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__container" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__containerTop" >
+ <
+ div className = "login__img" > < /div> <
+ p > Add a crisp to your bulky documents!! < /p> <
+ h4 > Welcome to the website < /h4> < /
+ div > <
+ div className = "login__containerBottom" >
+ <
+ VStack className = "input__container"
+ w = "65%"
+ m = "auto" >
+ <
+ Heading fontSize = "1.2rem"
+ color = "blue.500"
+ fontWeight = "semibold"
+ py = { 3 } >
+ /Heading> <
+ InputGroup w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ RiAccountPinBoxFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "2.1rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input borderRadius = "full"
+ type = "tel"
+ placeholder = "Username"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ InputGroup className = "login__input"
+ w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ RiLockPasswordFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "2.1rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input type = "password"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ placeholder = "Password"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ Link fontSize = "sm"
+ textDecoration = "underline"
+ color = "blue" >
+ <
+ a href = "/register" > Need Account ? < /a> < /
+ Link > <
+ HStack className = "login__btn"
+ alignSelf = "flex-end" >
+ <
+ Button colorScheme = "pink"
+ px = "6"
+ size = "sm"
+ fontWeight = "bold"
+ className = "loginBtn" >
+ /Button> <
+ Link fontSize = "sm"
+ textDecoration = "underline"
+ color = "blue" >
+ <
+ a href = "/forget" > Forgot password ? < /a> < /
+ Link > <
+ /HStack> < /
+ VStack > <
+ /div> < /
+ div > <
+ /div> < /
+ >
+ );
-export default Login;
+export default Login;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/Navbar.js b/src/components/Navbar.js
index 4b63159..c6cae0e 100644
--- a/src/components/Navbar.js
+++ b/src/components/Navbar.js
@@ -1,28 +1,60 @@
import React from "react";
import "./nav-head.css";
import "./Navbar.css";
-import { GrHome } from "react-icons/gr";
+import { GrContact, GrHome, GrLogin } from "react-icons/gr";
import { Button, Spacer, Flex, Stack, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import logo from "../assets/GitMarkonics_white.png";
function NavHeader() {
- return (
- } colorScheme="pink" variant="solid" className="home">
- Home
- );
+ return ( <
+ Box className = "nav_header"
+ p = { 1 } >
+ <
+ Flex direction = "row " >
+ <
+ img src = { logo }
+ alt = "heading"
+ width = "100px"
+ className = "logo" / >
+ <
+ Spacer / >
+ <
+ Stack direction = "row"
+ spacing = { 2 } >
+ <
+ Link to = "/" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrHome / > }
+ colorScheme = "yellow"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "home" >
+ Home <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ Link to = "/register" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
+ colorScheme = "red"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "register" >
+ Register <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ Link to = "/contactus" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrContact / > }
+ colorScheme = "green"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "contactus" >
+ ContactUs <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ /Stack> < /
+ Flex > <
+ /Box>
+ );
-export default NavHeader;
+export default NavHeader;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/NavbarContact.js b/src/components/NavbarContact.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed64bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/NavbarContact.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import React from "react";
+import "./nav-head.css";
+import "./Navbar.css";
+import { GrHome, GrLogin } from "react-icons/gr";
+import { Button, Spacer, Flex, Stack, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
+import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
+import logo from "../assets/GitMarkonics_white.png";
+function NavHeader() {
+ return ( <
+ Box className = "nav_header"
+ p = { 1 } >
+ <
+ Flex direction = "row " >
+ <
+ img src = { logo }
+ alt = "heading"
+ width = "100px"
+ className = "logo" / >
+ <
+ Spacer / >
+ <
+ Stack direction = "row"
+ spacing = { 2 } >
+ <
+ Link to = "/" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrHome / > }
+ colorScheme = "purple"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "home" >
+ Home <
+ /Button> <
+ /Link> <
+ Link to = "/login" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
+ colorScheme = "blue"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "login" >
+ Login <
+ /Button> <
+ /Link> <
+ Link to = "/register" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
+ colorScheme = "orange"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "login" >
+ Register <
+ /Button> <
+ /Link> <
+ /Stack> <
+ /Flex> <
+ /Box>
+ );
+export default NavHeader;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/NavbarRegister.js b/src/components/NavbarRegister.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ebc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/NavbarRegister.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import React from "react";
+import "./nav-head.css";
+import "./Navbar.css";
+import { GrContact, GrHome, GrLogin } from "react-icons/gr";
+import { Button, Spacer, Flex, Stack, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
+import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
+import logo from "../assets/GitMarkonics_white.png";
+function NavHeader() {
+ return ( <
+ Box className = "nav_header"
+ p = { 1 } >
+ <
+ Flex direction = "row " >
+ <
+ img src = { logo }
+ alt = "heading"
+ width = "100px"
+ className = "logo" / >
+ <
+ Spacer / >
+ <
+ Stack direction = "row"
+ spacing = { 2 } >
+ <
+ Link to = "/" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrHome / > }
+ colorScheme = "blue"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "home" >
+ Home <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ Link to = "/login" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
+ colorScheme = "yellow"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "login" >
+ Login <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ Link to = "/contactus" >
+ <
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrContact / > }
+ colorScheme = "green"
+ variant = "solid"
+ className = "contactus" >
+ ContactUs <
+ /Button> < /
+ Link > <
+ /Stack> < /
+ Flex > <
+ /Box>
+ );
+export default NavHeader;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/Register.js b/src/components/Register.js
index eaffcce..ff8ead7 100644
--- a/src/components/Register.js
+++ b/src/components/Register.js
@@ -1,130 +1,143 @@
import React from "react";
import "./register.css";
-import Navbar from "./Navbar";
+import Navbar from "./NavbarRegister";
import {
- Button,
- Heading,
- HStack,
- Input,
- InputGroup,
- InputLeftElement,
- Link,
- VStack,
+ Button,
+ Heading,
+ HStack,
+ Input,
+ InputGroup,
+ InputLeftElement,
+ Link,
+ VStack,
} from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { BsFillPersonFill } from "react-icons/bs";
-import { BsFillLockFill} from "react-icons/bs";
+import { BsFillLockFill } from "react-icons/bs";
function Register() {
- return (
- <>
Add a crisp to your bulky documents !!
Welcome to the website
- >
- );
+ return ( <
+ >
+ <
+ Navbar / >
+ <
+ div className = "Register" >
+ <
+ div className = "Register__container" >
+ <
+ div className = "Register__containerTop" >
+ <
+ div className = "Register__img" > < /div> <
+ p > Add a crisp to your bulky documents!! < /p> <
+ h4 > Welcome to the website < /h4> <
+ /div> <
+ div className = "Register__containerBottom" >
+ <
+ VStack className = "input__container"
+ w = "65%"
+ m = "auto" >
+ <
+ Heading fontSize = "1.2rem"
+ color = "blue.500"
+ fontWeight = "semibold"
+ py = { 3 } >
+ Register HERE <
+ /Heading> <
+ InputGroup w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full" >
+ <
+ Input borderRadius = "full"
+ type = "tel"
+ placeholder = "First Name"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" /
+ >
+ <
+ Input borderRadius = "full"
+ type = "tel"
+ placeholder = "Last Name"
+ bgColor = "gray.200"
+ marginLeft = "4px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ InputGroup w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ BsFillPersonFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "1.6rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input borderRadius = "full"
+ type = "tel"
+ placeholder = "Username"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ InputGroup className = "Register__input"
+ w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ BsFillLockFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "1.4rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input type = "password"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ placeholder = "Password"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ InputGroup className = "Register__input"
+ w = "95%"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ bgColor = "gray.200" >
+ <
+ InputLeftElement margin = "0 20px"
+ pointerEvents = "none"
+ children = { <
+ BsFillLockFill color = "#C6C6E8"
+ fontSize = "1.4rem" / >
+ }
+ /> <
+ Input type = "password"
+ borderRadius = "full"
+ placeholder = " Confirm Password"
+ paddingLeft = "60px" /
+ >
+ <
+ /InputGroup> <
+ Link fontSize = "sm"
+ textDecoration = "underline"
+ color = "blue" >
+ <
+ a href = "/login" > Have Account ? < /a> <
+ /Link> <
+ HStack className = "Register__btn"
+ alignSelf = "flex-end" >
+ <
+ Button colorScheme = "pink"
+ px = "6"
+ size = "sm"
+ fontWeight = "bold"
+ className = "RegisterBtn" >
+ Register <
+ /Button> <
+ /HStack> <
+ /VStack> <
+ /div> <
+ /div> <
+ /div> <
+ />
+ );
-export default Register;
+export default Register;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/contactus.js b/src/components/contactus.js
index 6e3c366..ba114ba 100644
--- a/src/components/contactus.js
+++ b/src/components/contactus.js
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ import React from "react";
import "./contactus.css";
import GitMarkonics from "../assets/GItMarkonIcsreadme.png"
import { SocialIcon } from "react-social-icons";
+import Navbar from "./NavbarContact";
function ContactUs() {
return ( <
div className = "contact" >
+ <
+ Navbar / >
div className = "contact__Packet" >
diff --git a/src/components/nav-head.js b/src/components/nav-head.js
index b00d1b4..e4370a2 100644
--- a/src/components/nav-head.js
+++ b/src/components/nav-head.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from "react";
import "./nav-head.css";
-import { GrLogin } from "react-icons/gr";
+import { GrContact, GrLogin } from "react-icons/gr";
import { Button, Spacer, Flex, Stack, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function NavHeader() {
Link to = "/login" >
Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
- colorScheme = "pink"
+ colorScheme = "blue"
variant = "solid" >
Login <
/Button> < /
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ function NavHeader() {
Link > <
Link to = "/contactus" >
- Button leftIcon = { < GrLogin / > }
- colorScheme = "blue"
+ Button leftIcon = { < GrContact / > }
+ colorScheme = "red"
variant = "solid" >
ContactUs <
/Button> < /