setTextSize(int unit, int size)TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX : PixelsTypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP :Scaled PixelsTypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP : Device Independent Pixels
alrmmanagement 记得加userpermission
判断密码两次输入是否相等 trim();
setUserVisibleHint is only accessible in FragmentPageAdapter
scrollview 里嵌套listview gridview 只显示单行
found carriage return (\r) without corresponding newline (\n) ctrl A+X+V+S
listview adapter visible set visible 或者gone必须!
softinput manifext resize
cast (youractivity)getActivity()
inflater(,,false) the specific child already has a parent
translate fromXDelta 100% 与100%p
FragmentPagerAdapter getFragment private String getFragmentTag(int fragmentPosition) { return "android:switcher:" + R.id.pager + ":" + fragmentPosition; }
addheadview setonitemtclick pisition-1 or parent.getItemAtPosition(position),onclick不会错;
Math.round(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 210, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()));
getChildFragmentManager!!nested fragment
transaction.addToBackStack after u remove or replace a fragment so that user can navigate back
context.getFileDir() or gerCacheDir()
Alternatively, you can call openFileOutput() to get a FileOutputStream that writes to a file in your internal directory.
When the user uninstalls your app, the Android system deletes the following: All files you saved on internal storage All files you saved on external storage using getExternalFilesDir().
queryIntentActivities() before send an implicit intent
enabled and clickeable if clickable false then long click still fuctions
dialog u must setOnKeyListener rather than override onKeyDown
onkeydown cannot listene back key ,u can use onbackpressed LOL
setresult should before super.onBackPressed in onBackPressed
API 18 android - 3 Bluetooth low energy
seekbar progressdrawable layer-list clip maxheight minheight
screen size getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getSize(new Point());
start an activity outside an activity should set FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
android - 0杀死应用进程后并不会杀死应用内的闹钟
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK cannot wake up the screen use SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK or SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK; But the best choice is to user PATIEAL_WAKE_LOCK to wake up the screen then in the activity set WindowManger.LayoutParams.FlAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON
以后 start Intent(String) 必须加上setPackageName();
parcel marshall和unmarshall前都要加上setDataPosition;
Calendar getDayOfWeek 妙法 (getDayOfweek+5)%7
contentProvider insert时 ContentValues mValues = new ContentValues(values);but why
when u comes with View1 cannot be cast into View2,u may need to delete the R file and recreate it;
dialog alginleft problem :getWindow().setlayout(match_parent,wrap_content); wrong
seekbar thumb if set offset=0 then u cannot get the center position of thumb
如int i = 1000000; long j = 1000+i100000000000; !!!bug,i100000000000超过i最大值会显示为最大值
button with image and text
- return type="json" timestamp??? @JSON(format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- do things like setResult() before super.onbackPressed(); or you will get default resultcold(0)
- preference.editor.commit后立刻离开activity可能会失败,毕竟读写需要时间
- data/data/pachage need phone root to show
- visibiliy = gone 以及 无法显示(parent 太小) 很可能得到的getheight 和getwidth 都是 0 ;
- view- getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener getheight before show
- relativelayout 里的 imageview ,在设置relativeLayout 宽高后后zoom效果
- service intent must be explicit. just setPackage both start and stop
- android weight 在match parent 和wrap_content 时的不同
- android bugs nested fragment
- edittext 对于小数有可能以小数点开始或者结尾,注意判断
- editext onEditorAction
- using dialogfragment other than dialog
- never and never put a scrollable view inside another , you foolish fucking fish!
- drawlayout.setlockmode
- recyclerview StaggeredGridLayoutManager
- app:layout_anchor app:layout_anchorGravity for floatactionbutton
- arraylist<>(size) the size doestn't mean this list's size but its max size u fool!
- navigationView.getMenu().getItem(0).setChecked(true);
- tinmanager
- d better not to usr list = list2; rather list.clear(); list.addAll()
- custom style save in style.xml
- Relative width wrap_content 里的 view width match_parent 似乎无效 换成lienearLayout 成功 难道是linearlayoutmanager 的作用?
- get drawble from res then setColorFilter PorterDuff
- list preference only support string array remember to convert after got
- listpreference forbid dialog overide showDialog
- after setSupportActoolbar the toolbar's setTitle doesnt work,use getSupportActionBar.setTitle instead. But when u have a navigationDrawable it seems still work
- settheme should called before setContentView so when after changed ur activity in back state may need to be recreated
- settheme must call before supe.create or some attr such as windowbackground wont work 145
- when use weight be carefull of odp wrap_content and match_parent
- dialogfragment match_parent
- customview extends viewgroup,addview(child) in onmeasure and onLayout calculate and set child's size call:getChildAt(),child.onMeasure ,child.onLayout
- isInEditMode()
- cardview cardBackgroundColor should be set when using whole context theme background color
- sometimes need parcel to store sth maybe u can try bundle
- setBackGround(null) maybe cause resize problem
- 注释换行
- RelativeLayout.LayoutParams addRule(RelativeLayout.。。)
- android studio ALT+TAB perfect!!!!