- This is a tool to help you track and develop your subject knowledge
- Perform a gap analysis of your own skills
- It is not expected that even professional teachers are at level 4 in all categories
- This audit is NOT used for assessment. It is a tool to help teachers grow
- Levels 1-2 covers a subset of required Computing teachers skills focusing on 'Technical' and 'Content' knowledge from the TPACK model
- Level 3-4 focus on pedagogical content knowledge
- By virtue of a 'working implementation' being required for Level 2, you will be better positioned to create practical/active lessons
(see bottom of document for full level descriptors)
- Level -1
- Not aware of topic
- Level 0
- No evidence available. Could reason about the topic verbally.
- Level 1: Evidence of Theory
- e.g. past exam paper question, personal notes , evidence of training course (NCCE?)
- Level 2: Evidence of Code/Implementation/Practical
- e.g github link, screenshot, video-screen-capture
- Level 3: Evidence of Teaching
- e.g. link to resources
- Level 4: Masters level pedagogical discussion about teaching this topic
This subject knowledge audit is experimental and part of an ongoing improvement program. Some topics have been tagged with WIP
. It is currently unclear how some of these topics could be evidenced.
- https://computingteachers.uk/subjectKnowledge/subject-knowledge.html
- https://github.com/ComputingTeachers/subjectKnowledge
- Please feel free to submit alterations, modifications, additions, removals in the form of a pull request.