- This is a tool to help you track and develop your subject knowledge
- Perform a gap analysis of your own skills
- It is not expected that even professional teachers are at level 4 in all categories. The purpose is not to "complete" this audit.
- Trainees want a simple "tick list", this is not a "tick list"
- Computing is a wide discipline. A Computing teachers' role is wider than "just the syllabus"
- This is 'Teacher' skill audit
- and not a 'Student/Pupil' skill audit. Not a list of student tasks
- This audit is NOT used for assessment. It is a tool to help teachers grow.
(see bottom of document for full level descriptors)
- Level -1
- Not aware of topic
- Level 0
- No evidence available. Could reason about the topic verbally.
- Level 1: Evidence of Theory
- e.g. past exam paper question, personal notes , evidence of training course (NCCE?)
- Level 2: Evidence of Code/Implementation/Practical
- e.g github link, screenshot, video-screen-capture
- Level 3: Evidence of Teaching
- e.g. link/evidence of resources/plans
- Can explain how and why to someone else. Can use analogies, models or similar. Can link prior knowledge and next development stages. Understands the progression in a topic
- Level 4: Masters level pedagogical discussion about teaching this topic
- Can interconnect and link to other topics. Use relevance and everyday applications to motivate. Anticipate problems and difficulties through use of common misconceptions and other strategies. Understand conceptual structure. Deconstruct learning into manageable chunks. Enable meta-cognition.
For each review point, state:
- Level you are currently working at (1 to 4)
- Provide a reference to evidence, e.g
Week 8: 9IT2 Networks part2 10/12/2023
NCCE Python Introduction Unit 19/11/2023
- (if possible a link)
- An external examiner should be able to find these items in your ePortfolio
- Self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service teachers in relation to digital technology use in lesson plans Computers and Behaviour, Volume 115, February 2021 Schmid, Brianza, Petko
Therefore, research on teacher professional knowledge has extended beyond self-reports and focused on performance-oriented measures like actual classroom performance (Blömeke & Delaney, 2014; Hill, Loewenberg-Ball, & Schilling, 2008).
There does not seem to be a direct connection between self-reported TPACK and technology use in lesson plans, thus research needs to understand the indirect and mediated connections in order to support teachers in the task of integrating technology in a meaningful way in their lessons.
- Flexible Autonomy: How online resources and live tutorials have been used successfully to develop and enhance subject knowledge in trainee teachers
- https://github.com/ComputingTeachers/subjectKnowledge
- Please feel free to submit alterations, modifications, additions, removals in the form of a pull request.