An unsorted tidal-wave of links
Mike Gershon - Resources for teachers
- Starter Generator
- Plenary Producer
- Differentiation Devisor
- AfL Toolkit
- AfL Tookkit old - but web visible
- Carousel in under 5 minutes (almost) YouTube 5min teacher flow
- Homework?
- See more
in this document
- See more
- CodingBat
- Java + Python on site
- Problems + Automated tests + Stars/Login(optional)
- CodeHS - Code Highschool
- Computer science classroom in a box - lessons, courses, videos, management system, online browser ide, submission
- Online whole class live coding and automarked assignemnts, pre built exercises for gcse/a-level
- Education
- Video: Tutorial for Teachers - How to Use Teams for Education on Replit 20min introduction
- Mimir Classroom Scale and automate your Computer Science classroom.
- + assignments + automated tests + plagiarism detection + student analytics
- video demo
- - Save time and help students learn using the power of community
- Questions and posts needing immediate action are highlighted
- Instructors endorse answers to keep the class on track
- Anonymous posting encourages every student to participate
- Highly customizable online polls
- See a Real Computer Science Class On Piazza
- - for classrooms
- W3Schools - online ide
- - tutorials -
- - browser animated turtle
- Learn professional programming languages using an editor that lets you work in either blocks or text. Create art, music, games, and stories. Or invent a program that will change the world.
- Online blockly computing (primary)
- Algorithum and interview tasks
- app/graph_editor
- Local
- Thonny - Python IDE for beginners
- Shows scope and highlights (strangely no line numbers by default?)
- Thonny - Python IDE for beginners
- Online
- AR VR, Blocks + javascript
- inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA)
- Online videos and activities that lead to badges and certificates
The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is an international award winning programme that helps you develop and demonstrate your digital, enterprise and employability skills for free.
- Topics: Blockchain, Social Media, Growth Hacking, Data Visualisation, eSafety, GDPR, Digital Ethics, What is 'The Cloud', Automation
- Full KS3/KS4/KS5 lesson plans
Stanford CS101 - Introduction to Computing Principles
- Free materials for teaching the essential qualities of computers using little snippets of code in the browser.
- materials are based on Nick Parlante's Stanford CS101 course
- Really impressive tasks in browser
- Image-5 Puzzles hidden data in rgb image - green and blue are random noise, red is the image, divided by 10
- Image-9 Bluescreen Blue screen - monkey/moon
- Table-1 Data baby name data tasks - loops and ifs over csv
(Undergraduate) MIT OpenCourseWare Computer Science #MITOpenCourseWare
Computer Science Field Guide - An online interactive resource for high school students learning about computer science.
- Interactives and Teacher plans
- A game to teach network communication reliability problems and solutions
- "Packet Attack"
- All linked to OCR/AQA spec + KS3
- python-blocks interactive
- A transition from scratch to python
- Great site to raise awareness for stealing your password
- Teachers
- Previously NCCE
- KS3/KS4 Resources
- Tweet: Jennies lesson
- ks4, remote search by tags
- KS4 Networks
- Unit of work with PacketTracer
- KS3/KS4 Resources
- * 200+ projects for scratch, python, microbit, 3dprinting, mobileapps - amazing and creative
- isaac Computer Science - A-Level (sponsored by RaspberyPi foundation + NCCE +BCS)
- A Department for Education project, part of the National Centre for Computing Education and created by the University of Cambridge and the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
- AQA Workbook
- GCSE Workbook
- All Topics
- Assignments online? (need to sign up and investigate)
- Suggested teaching order
- Research
- research/publications
- Computing education research seminars: Seminar publications - Accessible open research papers in compendiums
- Showcase of young peoples computing projects
- Previously NCCE
- Learners
- Gamerfied learning program (mario world esq graphics)
- Teachers
- Discover our projects and paths - (extra curricular for primary -> secondary)
- challenges across schools
- - learn computing - @compinsch Mr Mills
- Posters for teaching CS
- Bias
- Inclusivity
- Lecturing
- Help seeking
- Pair Programming
- Assessment
- Scratch
- Recruitment
- CS Lab rules
- @clcsimon Simon Johnson
- Author of 100 Outstanding Computing Lessons
- 21 things every computing teacher should try!
- Teaching Computing
- SOW, Advice Blog, Theory, Resources
- The project will be developing an interdisciplinary data education curriculum for Scotland and a set of engaging real world data science teaching materials for primary and secondary school teachers.
- Using data cross curricular
- behind a paywall
Algorithm Societal Impact
- - Consider the effect algorithms have on your own life.
- Screen time
- Circle of privacy
- Preference Bubble
- The Most Likely Machine - Helping children develop algorithmic literacy
- A visual hands-on learning module to get algorithm savvy
- - Consider the effect algorithms have on your own life.
- Teach a computer to play a game
- Scratch, Python, Appinventor
- worksheets
- Use webcam to look at hands (rock, paper, scissors) and use Scratch for logic
- Create models and pre-trained models
- Dale Lane creator, sponsored by IBM
- book - project based introduction to artificial intelligence
- Raspberry Pi Foundation - Try our new free machine learning projects for Scratch
- raspberry pi foundation
- help introduce AI to KS3 students (aged 11–14)
- Lesson 1: What is AI?
- Lesson 2: How computers learn from data
- Lesson 3: Bias in bias out
- Lesson 4: Decision trees
- Lesson 5: Solving problems with ML models
- Lesson 6: Model cards and careers
- Dancing with AI - Designing Interactive AI Systems - Scratch blocks with curriculum
- Scratch Lab - Face Sensing
- Coded Bias - Documentary
- IBM AI Education - AI Webinars
- Diversity
- Robotics
- Ethics
- Careers
- machine learning
- - The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative
- MIT Media Lab - AI + Ethics Curriculum for Middle School
- Best K-12 Resources to Teach AI Ethics - Curricula, projects, and even fiction books to empower students to learn about AI ethics
- Middle School AI
- Impressively deep set of modules - suitable for concepts even up to ks5!
- Unlpugged KS3 appropriate school activities
- Unplugged - Predict a Pie with a Neural Network
- Teaching Machine Learning in K–12 Classroom: Pedagogical and Technological Trajectories for Artificial Intelligence Education 2021 Matti Tedre
- List of tools and how they are used in the classroom
- NPA Curricular Resources
- Massive list of datasets and data capture, statistics, data formats, What is data, ethics
Edge Impulse is the leading development platform for machine learning on edge devices, free for developers and trusted by enterprises.
- Build a model in 5 minutes.
- futurelearn
- Raspberry Pi Foundation - LOADS of very good courses
- see #pedagogy
- Introduction to Machine Learning and AI
- Raspberry Pi Foundation - LOADS of very good courses
- A better way to learn Python. A fun exercise heavy approach to learning modern Python from scratch.
- Interactive activities, quiz's, instant feedback
- In browser
- primary level browser robot sequence
TLCS (Teach and Learn Computer Science) database of CS resources categorised
- - exploring-computational-thinking
- Exploring Computational Thinking
- Program-Python: Theme Park Ride
- Algebra | Grades 6-12 | This Python program helps students conceptualize the following word problem: There are 90 people in line at a theme park ride. Every 5 minutes, 40 people get on the ride and 63 join the line. Estimate how long it would take for 600 people to be in line.
- Program-Python: Theme Park Ride
- Exploring Computational Thinking
- free beginner's programming language that is based on simple graphical flowcharts.
- Flowgorithm can interactively convert your flowchart to over 18 languages. These include: C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, Swift, Visual Basic .NET, and VBA (used in Office).
- KS3 + All exam boards resources (Paid for teacher resources)
- Lesson plans and online videos/resources/code-environment
- Lesson 1: Dance Party
- Scratch like interface to make cats dance
- Lesson 1: Dance Party
- Browser based environments
- Courses
- Computer Science Principles - Course for K12 CS
- Lesson plans for lots of computing
- Unplugged - Internet 1min video preview of lesson
- Lesson plans and online videos/resources/code-environment
- Browser Network simulator with exercise
- requires trivial username and password login setup
Diagnostic Questions: Project Quantum - Computer Science Questions bank from bcs
- Banks for online computing questions
- Craig and David: Students
- SmartRevise question bank system
- Programming with T.I.M.E.
- - Linked with RaspberyPi foundation and NCCE
- STEM Computing CPD
- STEM Resources: Secondary and A level Computing
- GCSE Computer Networks
- Collection of resources for teaching networks, both unplugged and via network simulators
CAS Tenderfoot CPD for teachers
- e.g.
- Tenderfoot: Unit 5 Theoretical Computers Fun with finite-state machines Trainer's Notes
- e.g.
- Magazine + Booklets downloads
- with cool Computing activities
- Magazine + Booklets downloads
- Unit: Algorithms
- khan-dl
- A python script to download courses from Khan Academy using youtube-dl and beautifulsoup4
- ComputerScienceForAll - most topics have an unplugged component (loops, events, variables, conditions)
- Activities + Cross curricular ideas
- a year-long, research-based, high school intro-level computer science curriculum and teacher professional development program that focuses on broadening participation in computing.
- CS Concepts, Inquiry, Equality
- Code At Home Activities
- Free computer science activities for students, educators, and parents
- Code At Home Activities
- microbit
- circitplayground
- minecraft
- arcade
- lego mindstorm
- chibi chips
- Setting Up App Inventor - web based editor + run on android app over wi-fi
- Screen designer and block code
Exam Boards
CyberGames Cyber Security Challenge NCA (National Crime Agency)
- SQL Police Department Exercises
- SQL Murder Mystery - Can you find out whodunnit?
- - sql visualiser
- Coding Challenges, AI, Algorithmic Art, ServerSide
- Youtube channel YouTube video channel
- Searching in PI - JS client / server project
- Coding Challenge #158: Shape Classifier Neural Network with ml5.js
- Videogame progression of challenges. Beautiful artwork. Very pro.
- Python, Scratch, Javascript projects and live web demonstrations
- Little Man Computer (LMC) CPU Simulator
- youtube channel
- - One of the UK's top computing teachers
- @pddring Pete Dring
- YouTube
- Loads of CS, SQL, pygame, exam questions, hardware, 3D Blender vids
- loads of web computing tools and examples
- CPU Simulator - fetch decode execute step by step in browser
- psudocode quickref (equivalent of my cheatsheet idea)
- alternartive curriculum day puzzles
- Generator for binary conversion questions - and live marking
- blockpy - use blocks to create python
- Page-rank Algorithm simulator
- psudocode challenge - online quiz, 'what will the code return'
- resistor colour code
- blooms taxonomy teacher questioning tool
- snippets (with an onscreen keyboard to type along to)
- video lessons and exercises
- python - live graphics - snowflakes
- Competitive code challenges (across schools) - see live.withcode above
- python lessons
- RPi GPIO python simulator
- Python bitmap image activities in browser
- GCSE Computer Science Revision Paper 1 Worked Solution
- Making computing accessible for all
- tips on lesson structure
- Python and HTML
- Scratch + 3D + VR + AI + Self paced learning activities
- hundreds of tried and tested exercises with feedback and auto marking - links to blackboard
- Interactive tryit in browser for a range of languages
- python, c#, java, javascript exercise (mini questions with text box's)
- exercises have a full url to link to them
- examples (kind of like snippets from my cheat sheet)
- snippet examples live in browser
- UTF-8 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
- gcse/a-level notes
Map of Computer Science 10min video
- Raspberry Pi Foundation (reference under #pedagogy and #ai too)
- Networking with Python: Socket Programming for Communication
- loads more - directed at teachers and students
- Raspberry Pi Foundation (reference under #pedagogy and #ai too)
- Maths and some computing visual guides
- 12 week curriculum
- Beautiful hand drawn summary diagrams
- Very advanced concepts - Git + Azure Deployments
- Repo can be forked - lessons can be forked for assignments set by GitHub Classroom
- Students can make commits to their own forks for assessment
Microsoft Learn - mostly adverts/lockins for microsoft products
- web dev jenlooper
- python-first-steps
- Learn Python basics with Wonder Woman 2h - caesar cypher
- Discover the role of Python in space exploration 3h - just counts occurrences of strings in a
file in 3 hours? - Foundations of data science 13h
- Accessibility fundamentals 2.5 hours
Magpie Education - EdTech Resources & Curriculum Tools to Inspire STEM Learning through the Joy of Creating.
- KS1 to KS3 expert
- Code-it 'Gold Planning' - KS2 - couple be applied to ks3
MakeyMakey - make controllers out of anything
The Ultimate Python Seaborn Tutorial: Gotta Catch ‘Em All
- Pokemon gen1 data (csv) mined with python
- - Build data skills online
- Online lessons, processing tools, data, interactive assessments
- DataCamp For The Classroom - Democratizing data science education - DataCamp is 100% free for educators.
- One hour activities
- Good for cover lessons?
- I'm not overly convinced about the quality of many of these
- project which seeks to understand how to integrate computational thinking into elementary mathematics.
- Action Fractions (crossing computing with Maths)
- Nintendo, Sega, UbiSoft collaborated on curriculum relevant resources for schools
Network Simulators
- UK Council for Internet Safety - Education for a Connected World 2020
- A framework to equip children and young people for digital life
- The Breck Foundation campaigns for a safer internet for all children and young people – whether they are gaming, communicating on social media, using apps or taking part in any other internet-based activity.
- First to a Million Videos
- Interactive video about digital permanence a bunch of kids race to 1million views
- Project Evolve
ProjectEVOLVE resources each of the 330 statements from UK Council for Internet Safety's (UKCIS) framework “Education for a Connected World” with perspectives; research; activities; outcomes; supporting resources and professional development materials.
- Apparently brilliant resources, but needs a signup
- 8 Strands
- Self image and identity
- Online Relationships
- Online Bullying
- Copyright and Ownership
- Online Reputation
- Managing online information
- Privacy and Security
- Health Wellbeing and lifestyle
- Keywords + Objectives + Criteria
- Digital Citizenship Recommendations
- Just Algorithms Action Group
- Supporting Justice and Equality in tech systems
- Promotes teaching and learning about ethics in AI throughout society in general and computer engineers in particular.
- Investigates digitally enabled rule-based systems for socially unjust impacts
- Works for the development of practical solutions for AI ethical problems
- Contributes to the formation of UK government policy
- MIT Open Courseware - computer science
- offered by University of Helsinki's Department of Computer Science
- Ethics of AI
- Full stack
- Haskell
- Data Analysis with python
- - Gain today's most in-demand skills
- Gain the skills you need, whether you're growing your business, starting a career, or just want to try something new.
- Data and Tech
- Digital Marketing
- Career Development
- Fundamentals of digital marketing
- Gain the skills you need, whether you're growing your business, starting a career, or just want to try something new.
- Learn in-demand tech skills in half the time
- Courses for new developers
- Courses for experienced developers
- Courses for interview preparation
- Learn in-demand tech skills in half the time
- Interactive tasks to learn code - (I want to research this in more detail)
- online tutorials with steps (similar to my TeachProgramming engineering tasks)
- pluralsight
- Company modules and monitoring of staff/cohort progress
Links to other MD documents
- Microbit
- tech TinkerCAD - Browser based coding
- collaboration - Browser based coding - duplicate?
- Challenges
LeekWars - Game to learn AI - guns and stuff DOWN?
- full adder and ripple counter in browser
- Build and simulate logic circuits in browser
Iltis: Learning Logic in the Web
NetSimK - The ultimate aid to teaching and learning Cisco™ Routers
- Each student works individually, with as many devices as required.
- - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
Hacker Earth - Programming Tutorials and Practice Problems
- Lots of algorithms, visualisations and live coding
Harvard University CS50: Introduction to Computer Science - An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
- The budget! Every lecture is a stage show with top tier content and editing.
- SEND Computing
- Computing resources and ideas for teachers of students with special educational needs and disabilities.
- collate coding support for those who have neurodiversity (dyslexia, ADHD etc)
- - magazine
- FREE phsyical or digital magazine
- Issue 0 free PDF is a masterpiece of pedagogy!
- NCCE -
- TPEA: Technology Pedagogy and Education Association
- Future Learn
- TODO: uni courses? online free?
- Raspberry Pi Foundation Courses
- Improving Computing Classroom Practice Through Action Research
- Learn how to run your own action research project to improve the computing pedagogy and practices in your classroom.
- Impact of Technology: How To Lead Classroom Discussions
- An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers
- Programming Pedagogy in Secondary Schools: Inspiring Computing Teaching
- Improving Computing Classroom Practice Through Action Research
- CAS - Computational Thinking - A guide for teachers
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
- The Pixel Gang: Bromley
- Schools Computing
- Conferences and Training
- The MirandaNet Fellowship
a professional education community that was founded in 1992
Originally it was formed as a response to the realisation that short one-day training sessions for teachers about using computers in schools and classrooms was not enough. professional development to continue sharing policy and practice in the emerging field of computers in teaching and learning
- Microsoft CodeTour
- vscode plugin
- Create notes bound to a git commit ref
- create prompts, guides, examples
- Export to plain json to be played back
- LeTech Research Group - Learning + Technology github
- A very interesting research team
- a tool for visually and interactively exploring the execution-time behavior of computer programs. Through UUhistle's graphics, novice programmers can improve their code-tracing skills and understanding of programming concepts and programming-language constructs.
- depricated
- Jsvee & Kelmu: Creating and Tailoring Program Animations for Computing Education youtube demo 5min
- VISUALIZE CODE EXECUTION - Learn Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby
- Build graphviz from code (Diogo Soares)
- Search current/past CS research papers?
- good category selection
- Search current/past CS research papers?
- Raspberry Pi Foundation: Computing education research seminars: previous seminars
- Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote Informatics (Computer Science, or Computing) and computational thinking among school students at all ages.
- UK Bebras - Algorithmic Code Challenges for primary and secondary
- National competition
- National computing competition for schools and colleges.
- Live group algorithum contests and live interviews
- Inter school online activities and ranking
- meeting required standards of British Science Association CREST Awards
- Discovery level at KS2 and Bronze level at KS3! – For more info see our FAQ’s!
International Olympiad in Informatics
- Lots of journals and papers
- Represent your university in our head-to-head student coding competition
Social Events - hack days - hack events - prototype events
- battlesnake
- Write code to play snake against other code
- get-started
- battlesnake
- Design anything. Publish anywhere.
- Use Canva’s drag-and-drop feature and professional layouts to design consistently stunning graphics.
Computer Science Teachers Association CSTA US Chicago
- A formal methods toolkit for model-based development of human-machine interfaces
- Best #computing community / forum
- Best #computing blog / website
- Best 'FREE' #computing resource
- Best 'Paid for' #computing resource
- Best 'FREE' #computing software or app
- Best #computing related tech
- Best #computing book / magazine
Barefoot Computing Computing at School
Digital Schoolhouse Teaching London Computing
- Teacher Training Videos Rustle Stannard
- Videos for educating teachers to use technology in their lessons
Starters The Starter Activity Generator
- Educational Psychology
- Complete teacher course - clear articles - lots of references
- Tutor
- Subscribe by uploading course notes - or pay $10 per month
ResearchGate Search Computer Science Education - naff because no date sort and poor search tooling