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Initial setup

First of all, make sure you are running the latest version of the eb cli:

pip3 install -U --user awsebcli

Use a t2.micro instance if you are using the AWS free tier. Otherwise, use t3.nano or t3a.nano with spot to get the lowest price.

Create environment:

git tag -f -a -m "First deploy" eb
eb init rssbox --platform ruby-3.0 --keyname id_rsa
eb create --single --instance_type t2.micro

Using spot instances:

eb create --single --enable-spot --instance-types t3.nano,t3a.nano

With an application load balancer:

eb create --enable-spot --instance-types t3.nano,t3a.nano --elb-type application --envvars ASG_HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE=ELB

With a network load balancer:

eb create --enable-spot --instance-types t3.nano,t3a.nano --elb-type network --envvars ASG_HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE=ELB

Launch in a specific VPC (alternatively omit --vpc and update vpc.config):

eb create --vpc --instance-types t3.nano,t3a.nano --elb-type application --envvars ASG_HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE=ELB

The following environment variables are automatically set:

  • BUNDLE_WITHOUT=test:development
  • RACK_ENV=production (this is why the app still has to default APP_ENV to RACK_ENV)

For best experience, please set the following variables as well:

  • LANG=en_US.UTF-8


Deploy with:

./bin/eb-deploy --staged

To export a deployable zip, use:

git archive --format zip -9 -o HEAD

While testing, it is a lot faster to deploy if there is only one instance running.

Upgrade major Ruby version

To upgrade an existing app to a new major version of Ruby:

aws elasticbeanstalk list-available-solution-stacks --region us-west-2 --query 'SolutionStacks[?contains(@,`Ruby`)==`true`]'
aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --region us-west-2 --environment-name rssbox --solution-stack-name "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.4.0 running Ruby 3.0"

Supported Ruby versions:


Application files are located at:

  • /var/app/current

Logs on the instances are available at:

  • /var/log/web.stdout.log

Elastic Beanstalk deployment logs:

  • /var/log/eb-engine.log