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HID::LoupedeckCT - Perl driver for the Loupedeck CT keyboard


use feature 'say';

my $ld = HID::LoupedeckCT->new();
say "Connecting to " . $ld->uri;
$ld->on('turn' => sub($ld,$info) {
    my $knob = $info->{id};
    my $direction = $info->{direction};

    # ...



The (websocket) URI where the Loupedeck device can be contacted. If not given, this is autodetected.


The Mojo::UserAgent used for talking to the Loupedeck CT.


The Websocket transaction used for talking.



my @ipv4_addresses = HID::LoupedecCT->list_loupedeck_devices;

This method lists potential candidates for USB connected Loupedeck CT devices. It returns them as ws:// URIs for (USB) network connections and as raw path names for (USB) serial connections.

->send_command $command, $payload

$ld->send_command( 0x0409, "\03" )->then(sub {
    say "Set backlight level to 3.";

Sends a command and returns a Future that will be fulfilled with the reply from the device.

->hexdump $prefix, $string

Helper to dump bytes sent or received to STDOUT.


Helper to return a button number from X/Y touch coordinates

->button_rect $button

my( $screen, $x,$y,$w,$h ) = $ld->button_rect(6);

Helper to return rectangle coordinates from a button number

->connect $uri

$ld->connect->then(sub {
    say "Connected to Loupedeck";



Disconnects gracefully from the Loupedeck.

->read_register $register

$ld->read_register(2)->then(sub {
    my ($info,$data) = @_;
    say $info->{register};
    say $info->{value};

Reads the value of a persistent register.

These registers are mostly used to store configuration values on the device.

->read_register $register


Sets the value of a persistent 32-bit register.

These registers are mostly used to store configuration values on the device.


$ld->get_backlight_level->then(sub {
    my( $level ) = @_;

Reads the value of the backlight level stored in the device.

This level can deviate from the actual level.

->set_backlight_level $level, %options


Sets the value of the backlight level and optionally stores in the device for persistence across machines/power loss.

The level ranges from 0 (off) to 9 (bright).

If you pass in the persist option, the backlight level stored in the permanent register 2 will be updated.

$ld->set_backlight_level(9, persist => 1)->retain;



Restores the value of the backlight level to the level stored on the device.

Use this method at the startup of your program.

->vibrate $pattern

$ld->vibrate()->retain; # default
$ld->vibrate(10);       # do-de

Vibrates the Loupedeck CT in the given pattern.

->set_flashdrive $enable


Enables or disables the built-in flash drive

You need to unplug and replug the device to get the flash drive recognized by your system.



Resets/restarts the Loupedeck device



This updates the screen after paint operations.

->set_button_color $button, $r, $g, $b

$ld->set_button_color(10, 127,255,127)->retain;

Sets the backlight colour for a physical button. The button values are 7 to 14 for the round buttons and 15 to 26 for the square buttons.



    button  => 1,
    file    => 'logo.jpg',
    refresh => 1,

    button  => 1,
    string  => "\N{DROMEDARY CAMEL}",
    refresh => 1,
    bgcolor => [30,30,60],

Loads one of the touchscreen buttons with an image file or string.