Android Project tool is a simple replacement for infamous android
util from Android SDK, prior to Android SDK Tools Revision 25.3.0 (March 2017) release when they dropped that util abruptly. Realising their mistake later that March, they got it back, so it actually forwards the commands for avd
, target
, and device
to the underlying layers properly, but still lacks of android project update
I used android project update
to simply create Ant build scripts for the projects with guarantees, that platform exists and is supported. So this tool does the same thing and it's the only feature implemented now.
go get
Also you must set $ANDROID_HOME
to your Android SDK location, e.g.
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/xlab/Library/Android/sdk
Usage: android-project update [--sdk] [--target] --name --path
Updates an Android project (must already have an AndroidManifest.xml)
$ android-project update --target android-23 --name GolangExample --path .
├── Environment
│ ├── [/Users/xlab/Library/Android/sdk] Android SDK location
│ ├── [/Users/xlab/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle] Android NDK location
│ ├── [/Users/xlab/Library/Android/sdk/platforms] Android Platforms location
│ └── [[android-23 android-N]] Android Platforms available
├── Project
│ ├── [GolangExample] Project name
│ ├── [android-23] Project target
│ └── [.] Project location
└── Files updated
├── build.xml
└── proguard-project.txt
As you can see, the effect of running this command is very similar to android project update
. At least is used to be.
$ android project update
The "android" command is deprecated.
For manual SDK, AVD, and project management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
Invalid or unsupported command "project update"