Lightning Talks and Lunch Sessions
10 Core Guidelines You Need to Start Using Now
A Not So Complicated Lockfree Queue
A Tour of Deep Learning with C++
A Type, By Any Other Name
Allocators, the Good Parts
Almost Unlimited Modern C++ in Kernel-Mode Applications
C++ Atomics, From Basic to Advanced
C++ WinRT and the future of C++ on Windows
C++ and Persistent Memory Technologies
CNL A Compositional Numeric Library
Class Template Argument Deduction - A New Abstraction
Concurrency, Parallelism and Coroutines
Coroutines What Can't They Do
Customizing the Standard Containers
Design Patterns for Low-Level Real-Time Rendering
Design Patterns for Low-Level Real-Time Rendering - Nicolas Guillemot - CppCon 2017.pdf
Design Patterns for Low-Level Real-Time Rendering - Nicolas Guillemot - CppCon 2017.pptx
Designing a Feature That Does Not Fit
Designing a Unified Interface for Execution
Driving Into the Future With Modern C++
EA's Secret Weapon - Packages and Modules
Effective Qt - 2017 Edition
Eight Ways To Handle Non Blocking Returns
Enhanced Support for Value Semantics in C++17
Esoteric Data Structures and Where To Find Them
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about DLLs
From Security to Performance to GPU Programming - Exploring Modern Allocators
Function Default Arguments - Slingshot or Shotgun
Game Audio Programming in C++
Howling at the Moon - Lua for C++ Programmers
Language Support for Compile-time Reflection
Language Support for Metaprogramming in C++
LauncherOne Rocket With C++ Engine
Migrating a C++03 library to C++11 case study, Wt 4
Mocking Frameworks Considered Harmful
Optimizations and Debug Quality
Parallel STL for CPU and GPU
Practical Techniques for Improving C++ Build Times
Programming with C++ Constraints
Read, Copy, Update... Then What
Runtime Polymorphism - Back to the Basics
So, You Inherited a Large Code Base
The Asynchronous C++ Parallel Programming Model
The Point of Views - Multidimensional Index Sets
ThinLTO - Building C++ Applications with Scalable Whole Program Optimization
Traveling the Solar System with C++
Type Punning In C++17 - Avoiding Pun-defined Behavior
Undefined Behavior in 2017
Undefined Behavior is Awesome
Using Functional Programming to build a HTTP routing API
Values, Objects, and References, oh my!
When a Microsecond Is an Eternity
Which Machine am I Coding to
dynamic_cast From Scratch
folly Function - A Non-copyable Alternative to std function
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