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A minimal language for boolean expressions

This is a step-by-step guide to create an interpreter for a small language of boolean expressions, with the following abstract syntax:

type boolExpr =
  | False
  | If of boolExpr * boolExpr * boolExpr

Project setup

To start, create a new project named boolexpr by launching the following command from your working directory:

dune init proj boolexpr

This command creates a directory boolexpr with the following file structure:

├── dune-project
├── bin
│   └── dune
│   └──
├── lib
│   └── dune
├── test
│   ├── dune
│   └──
└── boolexpr.opam

To check that the OCaml installation was successful, try to execute the project:

cd boolexpr
dune exec boolexpr

If everything is fine, the output will be:

Hello, World! 

To instruct dune that our project will use Menhir, add the following line at the end of the file dune-project:

(using menhir 2.1)

Now, create a directory src under boolexpr:

mkdir src

At the end of this tutorial, the boolexpr/src directory will have the following structure:

├──         # Abstract syntax tree
├── dune           # Dune library definition
├── lexer.mll      # Ocamllex lexer definition
├──        # Language semantics and utility functions
├── parser.mly     # Menhir parser definition

We will discuss these files in the following sections. You can find them in the src folder of this repository.


The file parser.mly contains the grammar definition of our language. Menhir will process this file and produce the actual parser in OCaml (this will be located in _build/default/src/

The grammar definition is split into four sections: header, declarations, rules, and trailer (the last one is not needed in our language). We discuss below these sections.


The header, which is included between %{ and %}, contains code that will be copied verbatim into the generated parser. Here we just open the Ast module, in order to avoid pre-pending Ast to each boolExpr expressions (for instance, we can write True instead of Ast.True).

open Ast


The declarations define the lexical tokens of our language:

%token TRUE
%token FALSE
%token LPAREN
%token RPAREN
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token EOF

%start <boolExpr> prog

Note that these tokens are just names, and they are not yet linked to their concrete string representations. For instance, there is nothing that says that LPAREN and RPAREN correspond, respectively, to ( and ). The lexer will associate token names to their string representations.

The last declaration:

%start <boolExpr> prog

says that parsing starts with rule named prog (defined below), and that the result of the parsing will be an OCaml value of type Ast.boolExpr.


The rules section defines the productions of the grammar. The start symbol is prog, with has the following production:

  | e = expr; EOF { e }

This says that a prog is an expr followed by the token EOF (which stands for "end of file"). The part e = expr binds the value obtained by parsing expr to the identifier e. The final part { e } means that the production returns the value associated to e.

The rule expr defines four productions:

  | TRUE { True }
  | FALSE { False }
  | IF; e1 = expr; THEN; e2 = expr; ELSE; e3 = expr; { If(e1, e2, e3) }
  | LPAREN; e=expr; RPAREN {e}

The first two productions associate the tokens TRUE and FALSE to the values True and False of our type boolExpr. The third production parses the IF-THEN-ELSE construct. The last production parses an expression surrounded by parentheses.


The file lexer.mll contains the code needed to generate the lexer. Ocamllex will process this file and produce the actual lexer in OCaml (this will be located in _build/default/src/

The lexer definition is split into four sections: header, identifiers, rules, and trailer (the last section is not needed for our language).


In the header we open the Parser module, in order to use the token definitions in that module without pre-pending Parser:

open Parser


This section defines named regular expressions, to be used later in the rules section. Here, we define an indentifier white, to denote sequences of one or more whitespaces (spaces and tabs):

let white = [' ' '\t']+


This section defines rules that associate tokens to their string representations. The lexer tries to match regular expressions in the order they are listed (similarly to the match construct). When it finds a match, it ouputs the token specified in the curly brackets. Our lexer is defined as follows (the terms rule, read, parse and eof are keywords):

rule read =
  | white { read lexbuf }  
  | "true" { TRUE }
  | "false" { FALSE }
  | "(" { LPAREN }
  | ")" { RPAREN }
  | "if" { IF }
  | "then" { THEN }
  | "else" { ELSE }
  | eof { EOF }

Most of the lines are straightforward. The first line means that if the regular expression names white is matched, the lexer should just skips it, without producing a token. The last line matches the eof regular expression, i.e. the end of the file or string being lexed.

Generating the library

In order to use the lexer and parser from OCaml, we write in a small driver function to translate a string into an AST:

open Ast

let parse (s : string) : boolExpr =
  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
  let ast = Parser.prog lexbuf in

This function first transforms the string in input into a stream of tokens. Then, is applies the lexer and the parser to transform this stream into an AST.

At this point we can wrap the driver, lexer and parser into a library named boolexprLib. This is specified in the dune file in src:

 (name boolexprLib))

 (modules parser))

(ocamllex lexer)

We can now build the project, by launching the following command from the boolexpr directory:

dune build

If everything is correct, dune build runs silently without errors.

Testing the parser

We can test the parser within the utop REPL, which can be accessed through the command:

dune utop src

From utop, we can execute OCaml code. First, it is useful to open our library, so to avoid to prepend BoolexprLib.Main everytime we use a function:

open BoolexprLib.Main;;
open BoolexprLib.Ast;;

We can now test the parser by applying the parse function:

parse "true";;
- : boolExpr = True

parse "if true then false else true";;
- : boolExpr =
If (True, False, True)

Note that the parser will fail to parse strings which do not correspond to syntactically correct boolean expressions. In these cases, the parser will raise an exception, without providing details about what caused the error:

parse "if true then false";;
Exception: BoolexprLib.Parser.MenhirBasics.Error.

Big-step semantics

We now implement the big-step semantics of our language, defined by the following rules (where b is a boolean value):

------------------- [B-True]
True => true

------------------- [B-False]
False => false

e0 => true   e1 => b
---------------------------- [B-IfTrue]
If(e0,e1,e2) => b

e0 => false  e2 => b
---------------------------- [B-IfFalse]
If(e0,e1,e2) => b

This semantic is implemented as a recursive function eval that evaluates the expression True to the boolean value true, False to false, and call itself recursively to evaluate if-then-else expressions. We add this function to

let rec eval = function
    True -> true
  | False -> false
  | If(e0,e1,e2) -> if eval e0 
                    then eval e1 
                    else eval e2

We can test the semantics via dune utop src, as we did for the parser. For instance:

parse "if true then false else true" |> eval;;
- : bool = false

Here we have used the pipeline operator |> to pass the string resulting from parse as input to the function eval.

Small-step semantics

The small-step semantics of our language is defined by the following inference rules:

--------------------- [S-IfTrue]
If(True,e1,e2) -> e1

--------------------- [S-IfFalse]
If(False,e1,e2) -> e2

e0 -> e0'
----------------------------- [S-If]
If(e0,e1,e2) -> If(e0',e1,e2) 

We implement these rules in OCaml as follows:

exception NoRuleApplies

let rec trace1 = function
    If(True,e1,_) -> e1
  | If(False,_,e2) -> e2
  | If(e0,e1,e2) -> let e0' = trace1 e0 in If(e0',e1,e2)
  | _ -> raise NoRuleApplies

Note that in case no rule can be applied, we raise an exception.

We then implement the transitive closure of the transition relation trace1, by applying it recursively until an exception is raised. Actually, rather than producing the resulting non-reducible expression, the function trace defined below produces the whole execution trace, in the form of a sequence of boolean expressions:

let rec trace e = try
    let e' = trace1 e
    in e::(trace e')
  with NoRuleApplies -> [e]

We can test this function via utop:

parse "if (if true then false else true) then true else false" |> trace;;
- : boolExpr list =
[If (If (True, False, True), True, False);
 If (False, True, False);

Frontend & testing

To simplify debugging, the project includes a frontend which allow users to run the functions eval and trace by command line, providing the input via stdin or file. Before proceeding, copy the files and dune into your working directory, under boolexpr/bin. Then, execute:

dune exec boolexpr

This command reads a string from stdin, and evaluates it with the big-step semantics. For instance, if we enter:

if (if true then false else true) then true else (if false then true else false)

then the result of the evaluation will be false.

The frontend also features a pretty-printer for the trace command:

dune exec boolexpr trace 

For instance, if we enter the same string as before, we obtain as output:

 -> If(False,True,If(False,True,False))
 -> If(False,True,False)
 -> False

Finally, the test folder contains some automated tests, which can be run via the command:

dune test

If no output is produced, then all tests have passed. Further information for writing tests can be found on the dune manual.