diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 44f7576..01855f0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ the following table (called "registry") is marked with | `boschrexroth` | Namespace for use by Bosch Rexroth. | [Bosch Rexroth AG](https://github.com/boschrexroth) | [Bosch Rexroth taxonomy](https://github.com/boschrexroth/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy#readme) | | `bytetrail` | Namespace for use by ByteTrail. | [ByteTrail](https://github.com/bytetrail) | `RESERVED` | | `codenotary` | Namespace for use by Codenotary platform. | [Codenotary](https://github.com/codenotary) | [Codenotary taxonomy](https://github.com/codenotary/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy#readme) | +| `contact-software` | Namespace for use by Contact Software. | [Contact Software](https://github.com/cslab) | `RESERVED` | | `dependency-track` | Namespace for use by the Dependency-Track project. | [Dependency-Track Maintainers](https://github.com/DependencyTrack) | `RESERVED` | | `expliot` | Namespace for use by EXPLIoT. | [EXPLIoT](https://gitlab.com/expliot_framework) | [EXPLIoT taxonomy](https://gitlab.com/expliot_framework/expliot/-/blob/master/docs/compliance/cyclonedx.rst) | | `finitestate` | Namespace for the use by Finite State. | [Finite State](https://github.com/FiniteStateInc) | [finitestate taxonomy](https://github.com/FiniteStateInc/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy#readme) |