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H2GF: Hierarchical inference for the HGF



The h2gf package is an extension of the HGF for hierarchical inference in group studies. It provides a very simple method to pool information from a sample population to estimate the prior mean over subjects using hierarchical Bayes. In addition, it can be used to compute the model evidence using thermodynamic integration.

Quick start

From the matlab command line, write

% Initialize tapas
% Run an example script
posterior = tapas_h2gf_example();

An example script

The h2gf package works out of the box with HGF models. The three main inputs of the model are the data, an 'hgf' structure defining the model, and a structure defining the configuration of the sampler. In this section, we explain the sample script tapas/h2gf/tapas_h2gf_example.m, whose contents we will go through step by step.


The first part of the script sets up the model.

% Initialize a structure to hold the hgf
hgf = struct('c_prc', [], 'c_obs', []);
% Set up the number of levels
hgf.c_prc.n_levels = 3; 

% Set up the perceptual function
hgf.c_prc.prc_fun = @tapas_hgf_binary;
% Set up the reparametrization function
hgf.c_prc.transp_prc_fun = @tapas_hgf_binary_transp;

% Set up the observation function.
hgf.c_obs.obs_fun = @tapas_unitsq_sgm; 
% Reparametrization function 
hgf.c_obs.transp_obs_fun = @tapas_unitsq_sgm_transp; 

% Enter the configuration of the binary hgf
config = tapas_hgf_binary_config();

% Priors of the perceptual model 
hgf.c_prc.priormus = config.priormus;
hgf.c_prc.priorsas = config.priorsas;

% Priors of the observational model
hgf.c_obs.priormus = 0.5;
hgf.c_obs.priorsas = 1;

% Set the empirical prior
% Eta weights the prior with respect to the observations. Because the prior
% mean mu is treated as fixed observations, eta is the number of observations
% represented by mu. If eta = 1, mu is treated as a single additional observation.
hgf.empirical_priors = struct('eta', []);
% eta can be a scalar of a vector. If eta is a vector, it should have
% the dimensionality of mu. 
hgf.empirical_priors.eta = 1;


Following the definition of the model, we enter the 'experimental' data. It is entered as the data structure array with fields y, u, ign, and irr. y corresponds to subjects responses and u to experimental inputs. Each row in 'data' corresponds to a different subject.

%% Simulating data
% Number of subjects
num_subjects = 10;

% Values of ze, ka
ze = 0.5;
ka = 0.5;

% Used if data is simulated from fixed parameters
pars = [NaN 1 1 NaN 1 1 NaN 0 0 NaN ka NaN -4 log(0.0025)];
% Initialize a structure for the data
data = struct('y', cell(num_subjects, 1), ...
    'u', cell(num_subjects, 1), 'ign', [], 'irr', []);

% These are trials used in the experiment
[y, u] = tapas_h2gf_load_example_data();

for i = 1:num_subjects
	% Generate artifical data
    % sim = tapas_simModel(u, 'tapas_hgf_binary', ...
	%	pars, 'tapas_unitsq_sgm');

    % Instead of simulating data we use the same data 10 times. It is also
    % possible to generate data by uncommentic the lines above.

	% Fill the responses
    data(i).y = y;
	% and experimental manipulations
    data(i).u = u;


At this point, we enter the parameters for the inference for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that draws samples from the posterior distribution of the model parameters. Default values are set in tapas_h2gf_inference.m.

%% Parameters for inference
% Initialize the place holder for the parameters of the 
% inference. Missing parameters are filled by default
% values. This is implemented in tapas_h2gf_inference.m

inference = struct();
pars = struct();

% Number of samples stored 
pars.niter = 600;
% Number of samples in the burn-in phase
pars.nburnin = 600;
% Number of samples used for diagnostics. During the 
% burn-in phase the parameters of the algorithm are 
% adjusted to increase the efficiency. This happens after 
% every diagnostic cycle.
pars.ndiag = 200;

% Set up the so called temperature schedule. This is used to
% compute the model evidence. It is a matrix of NxM, where N 
% is the number of subjects and M is the number of chains used 
% to compute the model evidence. The
% temperature schedule is selected using a 5th order power rule. 
pars.T = ones(num_subjects, 1) * linspace(0.01, 1, 16).^5;

% This controls how often a 'swap' step is perform. 
pars.mc3it = 0;

The next line runs the algorithm using the input.

%% Run the inference method
% This function is entry point to the algorithm. Note that its
% behavior can be largely modified by changing the default 
% settings.
hgf_est = tapas_h2gf_estimate(data, hgf, inference, pars);


Inputs and outputs


The inputs to tapas_h2gf_estimate are: data, hgf, inference, parameters.


data is a Nx1 structure array with the fields y, u, ign, irr. N is the number of observations or subjects.

Field name Type Meaning
y Depends on the model. Participants responses in N trials
u Depends on the model. Experimental manipulation in N trial
ign Double array. Ignored trials.
irr Double array. Irregular trials.


hgf is a structure that defines the hgf model used for inference. The fields are c_prc and c_obs.

Field name Type Example Meaning
c_prc Structure [1x1 struct] Perceptual model.
c_obs Structure [1x1 struct] Observation model.


inference is a structure containing the parameters of the inference method. It should always be passed as an argument. The fields not specified by the user are set in tapas_h2gf_inference.

Field name Type Default Meaning
estimate_method Function handle @tapas_mcmc_blocked_estimate Main method used for inference.
initialize_state Function handle @tapas_h2gf_init_state Initializes the state of the sampler.
initialize_states Function handle @tapas_h2gf_init_states Initialize the structure that contains the states of the sampler that are stored.
sampling_methods Cell array See tapas_h2gf_inference An array of methods used to draw samples from the posterior distribution. Samples from each participants are drawn using Metropolis-Hastings with a Gaussian kernel as a proposal distribution and a Gibbs step is used for the second level parameters.
metasampling_methods Cell array See tapas_h2gf_inference An array of methods for diagnosis and adaptive MCMC. By default the kernel of the Metropolis-Hastings is updated every certain number of iterations.
get_stored_state Function Handle @tapas_h2gf_get_stored_state Called to store (part) of the state of the sampler.
prepare_posterior Function handle @tapas_h2gf_prepare_posterior Function handle
mh_sampler Cell array See tapas_h2gf_inference Method used for the Metropolis-Step.


Structure with general parameters of the samplers. It can be an empty structure that will be automatically filled by tapas_h2gf_pars.

Field name Type Default Meaning
niter Int scalar 4000 Number of iterations of the model that are stored after burn-in.
nburnin Int scalar 1000 Number of burn-in samples (not stored).
seed Int scalar 0 Seed of the sampler. If 0, it use rng('shuffle') which uses the CPU clock to seed the RNG. Otherwise it uses seed as starting point RNG.
ndiag Int scalar 400 Frequency of diagnostics. During the burnin phase, every ndiag samples the kernel of the samplers is updated.
T Double matrix NxM Matrix with the temperature schedule, where N is the size of data, and M is the number of chains. The values should be between 0 and 1.
nchains Int scalar 8 Number of chains used. If this argument is provided and T is not, it will construct a temperature schedule with nchains. If parameters has the T field, nchains will be ignored and a warning will be generated. The temperature schedule is constructed as linspace(0.01, 1, nchains).
mc3it Int scalar 0 When using multi-chain this determines the frequency of 'swapping' proposal. This determines how many proposal are made per 'niter'. Note that this samples are not counted as part of the total number of samples.
thinning Int scalar 1 Thinning factor. Only every thinning samples are stored. Thus the total number of samples will be floor(niter/thinning).


The output of the algorithm is hgf_est. This is a structure array with the fields:

Field name Example Meaning
data [10x1 struct] Input data
model [1x1 struct] Fully specified model.
inference [1x1 struct] Inference parameters. The seed of the random number generator is stored as rng_seed.
samples_theta {10x200 cell} NxM cell array with samples from the posterior, where N is the number of subjects and M is the number of samples.
fe -1152.5 Log model evidence
llh {2x1 cell } Samples of the log likelihood
accuracy -1127.1 Estimated accuracy (expected log likelihood).
T [10x8 double] Temperature schedule.
hgf [1x1 struct] Input hgf model.
summary [10x1 struct] Nx1 summary structure of the parameter estimates.

The field hgf_est.summary contains a summary of the posterior samples. It is a Nx1 struct array, where N is the number of subjects. The fields are:

Field name Example Meaning
prc_mean [14x1 double] Expected value of the perceptual parameters.
obs_mean 0.83 Expected value of the observation parameters.
mean [14x1 double] Expected value of all the parameters.
sequence [1x1 struct] States of the model computed from the values in mean. This should be compatible with the respective plotting functions.
covariance [3x3 double] Covariance of all estimated parameters. Observation model parameters are stacked below the perceptual parameters.
pseudo_lm2 [-114.43] Pseudo model evidence for each subject.
r_hat [15x1 double] R hat statistic or 'potential reduction factor' is a heuristic measure of MCMCM convergence. Values below 1.1 usually indicate convergence

The model

The main model used here is a 'Gamma-Gaussian' prior over the HGF parameters of each subject \(\theta_i\). It is assumed that the parameters are Gaussian distributed around the population mean \(\mu\). The prior of the parameters \(\mu_0\) is effectively treated as a fixed number of observations. The weight of the observations is defined by \(\eta\).


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