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This day covers the third and final part of
Project 13: Instafilter
in Hacking with Swift.I previously created projects alongside the material in the book in a separate repository. And you can find Project 13 here. Even better, though, I copied it over to Day 52's folder so I could extend it from where I left off.
With that in mind, Day 54 focuses on extending the project according to a set of challenges.
Try making the Save button show an error if there was no image in the image view.
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- I took a slightly different approach and made the save button disabled until an image was present 🙂.
Make the Change Filter button change its title to show the name of the currently selected filter.
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Experiment with having more than one slider, to control each of the input keys you care about. For example, you might have one for radius and one for intensity.
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