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5: IBC Design Patterns

This is a discussion of design patterns used throughout the interblockchain communication protocol specification.

For definitions of terms used in IBC specifications, see here.

For an architectural overview, see here.

For a broad set of protocol design principles, see here.

For a set of example use cases, see here.

Verification instead of computation

Computation on distributed ledgers is expensive: any computations performed in the IBC handler must be replicated across all full nodes. Therefore, when it is possible to merely verify a computational result instead of performing the computation, the IBC handler should elect to do so and require extra parameters as necessary.

In some cases, there is no cost difference - adding two numbers and checking that two numbers sum to a particular value both require one addition, so the IBC handler should elect to do whatever is simpler. However, in other cases, performing the computation may be much more expensive. For example, connection and channel identifiers must be uniquely generated. This could be implemented by the IBC handler hashing the genesis state plus a nonce when a new channel is created, to create a pseudorandom identifier - but that requires computing a hash function on-chain, which is expensive. Instead, the IBC handler should require that the random identifier generation be performed off-chain and merely check that a new channel creation attempt doesn't use a previously reserved identifier.

Call receiver

Essential to the functionality of the IBC handler is an interface to other modules running on the same machine, so that it can accept requests to send packets and can route incoming packets to modules. This interface should be as minimal as possible in order to reduce implementation complexity and requirements imposed on host state machines.

For this reason, the core IBC logic uses a receive-only call pattern that differs slightly from the intuitive dataflow. As one might expect, modules call into the IBC handler to create connections, channels, and send packets. However, instead of the IBC handler, upon receipt of a packet from another chain, selecting and calling into the appropriate module, the module itself must call recvPacket on the IBC handler (likewise for accepting channel creation handshakes). When recvPacket is called, the IBC handler will check that the calling module is authorised to receive and process the packet (based on included proofs and known state of connections / channels), perform appropriate state updates (incrementing sequence numbers to prevent replay), and return control to the module or throw on error. The IBC handler never calls into modules directly.

Although a bit counterintuitive to reason about at first, this pattern has a few notable advantages:

  • It minimises requirements of the host state machine, since the IBC handler need not understand how to call into other modules or store any references to them.
  • It avoids the necessity of managing a module lookup table in the handler state.
  • It avoids the necessity of dealing with module return data or failures. If a module does not want to receive a packet (perhaps having implemented additional authorisation on top), it simply never calls recvPacket. If the routing logic were implemented in the IBC handler, the handler would need to deal with the failure of the module, which is tricky to interpret.

It also has one notable disadvantage:

  • Without an additional abstraction, the relayer logic becomes more complex, since off-chain relayer processes will need to track the state of multiple modules to determine when packets can be submitted.

For this reason, there is an additional IBC "routing module" which exposes a call dispatch interface.

Call dispatch

For common relay patterns, an "IBC routing module" can be implemented which maintains a module dispatch table and simplifies the job of relayers.

In the call dispatch pattern, datagrams (contained within transaction types defined by the host state machine) are relayed directly to the routing module, which then looks up the appropriate module (owning the channel & port to which the datagram was addressed) and calls an appropriate function (which must have been previously registered with the routing module). This allows modules to avoid handling datagrams directly, and makes it harder to accidentally screw-up the atomic state transition execution which must happen in conjunction with sending or receiving a packet (since the module never handles packets directly, but rather exposes functions which are called by the routing module upon receipt of a valid packet).

Additionally, the routing module can implement default logic for handshake datagram handling (accepting incoming handshakes on behalf of modules), which is convenient for modules which do not need to implement their own custom logic.