Welcome to the OpenStack Cloud App Labs. Each lab is a playful way to see if you have what it takes to be a 'Cloud Application Engineer' - the future of apps.
Before you begin, don't forget to setup your laptop with the OpenStack powered cloud of your choice.
- Your organisation has started to use the cloud, with intentions to move as many of the applications currently being used by staff and users to the cloud. As part of this organisation-wide change initative you've been made part of a 'cloud app team'. Your job is to work with this team to help evaluate the various applications which your organisation uses. Your evaluation of applications should result in suggestions for how the application can be optimised to work on the cloud.
- Your bosses would like recommendations for the simplest possible options for starting to shift large monolith applications into the cloud. They have asked you to use the Shade Cloud Developer Kit, to assure interoperability with multiple clouds.
- Using the Shade library draw an architecture diagram for an application which can abstract parts of the application to different cloud hardware based on the Shade library API calls. Hint: look up a cloud architecture diagram like the below Plone diagram and redraw the diagram showing how the applicaiton could be used with Shade to make the application more versatile for the cloud.
- ...work with the Shade Cloud Dev Kit so that you can easily control a datacentre's resources for your cloud applications architecture.
- ... meet DevOpps, SysAdmin and NetEng who understand the hardware capabilities of a datacentre and how those resources can be utlised for different parts of your cloud application to achieve efficiency.
- ... understand the importance of evolving your cloud app to take advantage of the many different hardware optimisations which change based on usage patterns.
- Tweet a picture of your cloud app architecture showing a new application architecture which uses a minimum of 3x shade commands which abstracts the application into a more agile/scalable/native cloud application, i.e. look through the list of shade commands and understand which hardware resources do what.
- Get one of the Cloud App Pros to "❤" your tweet which shows your new architecture diagram with 3x shade resources being utilised.
- Once an App Pro has +1'd your tweet, come and show your ❤'d tweet to the helpdesk in the Cloud App Lab Lounge in the Marketplace (Expo Hall) to claim your StackerPoints.
- Find a architecture diagram of an application and redraw the application diagram to incporate shade resources so that application will be more scablable.
- Read over the 'usage commands for Shade' and select the ones which you feel will help architect your application to be more efficient.
- Ask for help from a SysAdmin, DevOpps and/or NetEng as they know what the hardware does and how best to use it - it's what their job is!
Stuck on this lab, need some help to solve? Ping one of our Cloud App Lab Pros on Twitter/IRC. NB Open Source is about knowing who as much as it is about knowing what.
Recommended cloud app pros who can help (via Twitter/IRC):
- @e_monty what is your favorite shade usage command for helping make an application more robust? https://twitter.com/e_monty
- @squidboylan how do I use shade to abstract out parts of my application to be used with containers using shade? https://twitter.com/squidboylan
- @brunoyvanmorel what are some patterns for using baremetal with a cloud application? https://twitter.com/brunoyvanmorel
Having trouble? Sit back and watch someone else solve this lab learning challenge ;-)