Simply complete the form, no credit card required.
The system will geolocalie yourself but you probably would like to open an account in your country, to do that, follow this steps:
- Click on the flag on the top and select your country
- Click on Web Control Panel or Customer Space (depending to the translation)
- Click create your account and complete the form
For US and CA, login directly with your email address.
For others countries, an email was sent containing your login information.
Select the Cloud on the top menu and click "Order", "Cloud project" and give the voucher code when requested for payment method.
If you want to play with OpenStack APIs, Horizon or CLI, then click on "OpenStack" and "Create user"
Then you can download the file clicking on the tool icon.
We would appreciate any feedback, whether good or bad. This will help us provide the best possible service. Send your comments to [email protected] (subscribe first to [email protected]).