This repository is a web application project that uses ONNX Runtime and Blazor to classify images
- .NET 6
- Visual Studio Code
The project was created as a Blazor server applicattion with the next template:
dotnet new blazorserver -o demo-ortblazor --no-https
The project uses the next packages:
dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime
dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp
It's not necessary to add them again, just restore the packages or build the project
Just run the project in your localhost using the command:
dotnet run
In the web application open the menu tab "Ort Blazor" Select the image of a dog located in the same project demo-ortblazor/SampleImg/dog.jpeg
if the project runs successfully it should show the next result:
Golden Retriever 0.7550826
Kuvasz 0.1418474
Clumber Spaniel 0.02673398
Otterhound 0.011237004
Sussex Spaniel 0.008394765
Pyrenean Mountain Dog 0.007158577
Labrador Retriever 0.004976533
Saluki 0.0046295193
Tibetan Terrier 0.004320859
English Setter 0.003663472
This project was based on the onnxruntime-csharp-cv-template and updated for .NET 6
More details about the code can be found in this blog post: