- feat: add apktool
- feat: add jwt_tool
- fix: dalfox installation
- feat: add GitTools
- feat: add aws-cli and php
- feat: add all.txt wordlist, gau, otxurls, node and zsh plugins
- feat: add subjs
- feat: add gotop, kxss and dalfox
- refactor: change go env variables
- docs: fix README.md file
- feat: add hakcheckurl and haktldextract
- feat: add dig and tojson
- feat: add SubOver and tko-subs
- refactor: apply dockerfile best practices
- feat: add strike, httprobe and cmseek
- feat: add spyse, getJS, sublist3r, findomain and subfinder
- feat: add spiderfoot
- feat: add LinkFinder, chromium-browser, gowitness and aquatone
- feat: add subjack and droopescan
- refactor: merge discovery tools on recon folder
- feat: add xsstriker, gitgraber, gospider, pentest-tools and qsreplace
- feat: add wpscan and joomscan
- feat: add amass, knock, altdns, massdns, github-search and gobuster
- refactor: change folder /tool organization according to readme file
- refactor: use multi-stage to build the docker image
- feat: add prips, ffuf, hakrevdns and arjun
- feat: add photon and waybackurls
- docs: change readme file
- feat: add go language and hakrawler
- feat: add whatweb and wafw00f
- refactor: use env variable for version
- feat: add cracking password tools
- feat: add nikto, masscan and host packages
- docs: add bagdes on readme file
- refactor: use scanPorts by github repository
- feat: add gitrob and gitleaks
- refactor: change repos by packages in dockerfile
- feat: Add whois, shell folder
- refactor: Add file for shell alias.
- feat: Add banner for shell container.
- docs: Add contributing file.
- docs: Add docker shell image to readme file.