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DaloLorn edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 9 revisions


This outlines the current plans for the mod's development. Its thoroughness and accuracy are both questionable - take this all with a grain of salt.

  • 1.2.0 (Coming of the Vanguard, 26.10.2017 - WE ARE HERE)

    • Restores the Bluuhbi, finally restoring all of ABEM's content

    • Revamped research grid

    • Return of boarding parties

  • 1.2.1 (early February 2018)

    • Reworked cargo resources, converting most of them to secondary global resources

    • Reworked orbitals using a combination of a GalCiv3-esque core-module system and standalone orbitals

    • Revamped planetary defenses that can actually threaten an invading force

    • FXAA antialiasing

    • Various Bluuhbi fixes and improvements

    • First release to be simultaneously accessible to both Steam and non-Steam users through the newly-developed SR2 Mod Manager

  • 1.3.0 (The Khalerii Endeavour, hopefully Q1 2018)

    • Restore sensors (hopefully), hybridize with Shores of Infinity to get AI improvements, galaxy rescaling and probably a few other things

    • Another Vanguard race emphasizing industrial capacity and attrition warfare, capable of rapidly replacing lost ships and losing them just as easily

  • 1.3.1 (hopefully a month or two after 1.3.0, if at all)

    • Hopefully resume the Power/FTL revamp initiated back in ABEM 0.5.0
  • 1.4.0 (Situational Gravity, hopefully Q2 or early Q3 2018)

    • Add another Vanguard race with a focus on subspace and gravitational manipulation

    • Add some form of hero system (might delay until 2.0.0)

  • 2.0.0 (Vengeance of the Overlords, hopefully by 2019)

    • Overlord invasion

    • New tech, including a new FTL method

    • Large-scale specializations tailored to each race, similar to the Rebellion system from Sins of a Solar Empire

  • The fuuuuuuuuture (AKA things I'd like to do eventually)

    • Story campaign covering the rise of the various empires and going all the way through to the Overlord invasion

    • Various singleplayer or multiplayer scenarios or galaxy layouts (might be sprinkled throughout previous releases)

    • Tutorial revamp, probably tying into the campaign above (I'm hoping to give each race a couple of missions at minimum, so that gives me plenty of time to introduce the quirks of each species; Mono may wind up having the 'basic' tutorial due to being the first race to get on their feet chronologically)