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pijFORTHos FORTH Reference

Each dialect of FORTH has its own definitions. Development in FORTH involves extending the vocabulary with words specific to your application. Most pre-defined words in pijFORTHos follow tradtional standards and conventions, but see the tables below for details.

Built-in Definitions

These definitions are present in pijFORTHos on initial boot.

Built-in FORTH Variables

Variables are words that place an address on the stack. Use @ (fetch) and ! (store) to read/write the current value of a variable. The following variables are pre-defined in pijFORTHos

Variable Description
STATE Is the interpreter executing code (0), or compiling a word (non-zero)?
HERE Address of the next free byte of memory. When compiling, compiled words go here.
LATEST Address of the latest (most recently defined) word in the dictionary.
S0 Address of the top of the parameter/data stack.
BASE The current base for printing and reading numbers. (initially 10).

Here is an example using the BASE variable:

BASE @          \ read the current value of BASE (to restore later)
16 BASE !       \ switch to hexadecimal
8000 100 DUMP   \ hexdump 256 bytes starting at 0x8000
BASE !          \ restore the orignial value of BASE (from the stack)

Built-in FORTH Constants

Constants are words that place pre-defined value on the stack. They are useful mnemonics and help us avoid "magic" numbers in our code. The following constants are pre-defined in pijFORTHos

Variable Description
VERSION The version number of this FORTH.
R0 Address of the top of the return stack.
DOCOL Address of DOCOL (the word interpreter).
PAD Address of the 128-byte scratch-pad buffer (top of HERE memory).
F_IMMED The IMMEDIATE flag's actual value.
F_HIDDEN The HIDDEN flag's actual value.
F_LENMASK The length mask in the flags/len byte.
FALSE Boolean predicate False (0)
TRUE Boolean predicate True (-1), anything != 0 is TRUE

Given the relationship between HERE and PAD, the following calculates the number of free memory cells available:

PAD        \ the base of PAD is the end of available program memory
HERE @ -   \ subtract the base address of free memory
4/         \ divide by 4 to convert bytes to (32-bit) cells

Built-in FORTH Words

There are many words pre-defined in pijFORTHos. They are presented here by category, so you can see related words together.

Stack Manipulation

Word Stack Description
DROP ( a -- ) drop the top element of the stack
DUP ( a -- a a ) duplicate the top element
SWAP ( a b -- b a ) swap the top two elements
OVER ( a b -- a b a ) push copy of second element on top
ROT ( a b c -- b c a ) stack rotation
-ROT ( a b c -- c a b ) backwards rotation
NIP ( a b -- b ) drop the second element of the stack
TUCK ( a b -- b a b ) push copy of top element below second
PICK ( a_n ... a_0 n
-- a_n ... a_0 a_n )
copy n-th stack item
2DROP ( a b -- ) drop the top two stack elements
2DUP ( a b -- a b a b ) duplicate top two stack elements
2SWAP ( a b c d -- c d a b ) swap top two pairs of stack elements
2OVER ( a b c d -- a b c d a b ) copy second pair of stack elements
?DUP ( 0 -- 0 | a -- a a ) duplicate if non-zero
DEPTH ( -- n ) the number of items on the stack
>R (S: a -- )
(R: -- a )
move the top element from the data stack to the return stack
R> (S: -- a )
(R: a -- )
move the top element from the return stack to the data stack
RDROP (R: a -- ) drop the top element from the return stack
RSP@ ( -- addr ) get return stack pointer
RSP! ( addr -- ) set return stack pointer
DSP@ ( -- addr ) get data stack pointer
DSP! ( addr -- ) set data stack pointer

Arithmetic Operations

Word Stack Description
NEGATE ( n -- -n ) negation
+ ( n m -- n+m ) addition
- ( n m -- n-m ) subtraction
* ( n m -- n*m ) multiplication
/ ( n m -- n/m ) division
MOD ( n m -- n%m ) modulus
/MOD ( n m -- r q ) where n = q * m + r
S/MOD ( n m -- r q ) alternative signed /MOD using Euclidean division
1+ ( n -- n+1 ) increment
1- ( n -- n-1 ) decrement
2+ ( n -- n+2 ) increment by 2
2- ( n -- n-2 ) decrement by 2
4+ ( n -- n+4 ) increment by 4
4- ( n -- n-4 ) decrement by 4
2* ( n -- n*2 ) double
2/ ( n -- n/2 ) halve (arithmetic shift right)
4* ( n -- n*4 ) quadruple
4/ ( n -- n/4 ) quarter

Logical and Bitwise Operations

Word Stack Description
= ( n m -- p ) where p is TRUE when (n == m), FALSE otherwise
<> ( n m -- p ) where p = (n != m)
< ( n m -- p ) where p = (n < m)
> ( n m -- p ) where p = (n > m)
<= ( n m -- p ) where p = (n <= m)
>= ( n m -- p ) where p = (n >= m)
NOT ( p -- !p ) Boolean predicate not
0= ( n -- p ) where p = (n == 0)
0<> ( n -- p ) where p = (n != 0)
0< ( n -- p ) where p = (n < 0)
0> ( n -- p ) where p = (n > 0)
0<= ( n -- p ) where p = (n <= 0)
0>= ( n -- p ) where p = (n >= 0)
INVERT ( a -- ~a ) bitwise not
AND ( a b -- a&b ) bitwise and
OR ( a b -- a|b ) bitwise or
XOR ( a b -- a^b ) bitwise xor
LSHIFT ( a n -- a<<n ) logical shift left
RSHIFT ( a n -- a>>n ) logical shift right

Memory Access

Word Stack Description
@ ( addr -- value ) read (fetch) value from addr
! ( value addr -- ) write (store) value at addr
+! ( amount addr -- ) add amount to value at addr
-! ( amount addr -- ) subtract amount from value at addr
C! ( c addr -- ) write byte c at addr
C@ ( addr -- c ) read byte from addr
CMOVE ( src dst len -- ) copy len bytes from src to dst
COUNT ( addr -- addr+1 c ) extract first byte (len) of counted string
CHAR word ( -- c ) ASCII code of first character in word

Input and Output

Word Stack Description
KEY ( -- c ) read a character from input
EMIT ( c -- ) write character c to output
CR ( -- ) print newline
SPACE ( -- ) print space
WORD ( -- addr len ) read next word from input
NUMBER ( addr len -- n e ) convert string to number n, with e unparsed characters
TELL ( addr len -- ) write a string to output
. ( n -- ) print signed number and a trailing space
U. ( u -- ) print unsigned number and a trailing space
.R ( n width -- ) print signed number, padded to width
U.R ( u width -- ) print unsigned number, padded to width
? ( addr -- ) fetch and print signed number at addr
.S ( -- ) print the contents of the stack (non-destructive)
DECIMAL ( -- ) set number conversion BASE to 10
HEX ( -- ) set number conversion BASE to 16
10# value ( -- n ) interpret decimal literal value w/o changing BASE
16# value ( -- n ) interpret hexadecimal literal value w/o changing BASE
DUMP ( addr len -- ) pretty-printed memory dump

Definition and Compilation

Word Stack Description
LIT word ( -- ) compile literal in FORTH word
LITS addr len ( -- ) compile literal string in FORTH word
FIND ( addr len -- entry | 0 ) search dictionary for entry matching string
>CFA ( entry -- xt ) get code field address from dictionary entry
>DFA ( entry -- addr ) get data field address from dictionary entry
CREATE ( addr len -- ) create a new dictionary entry
, ( n -- ) write the top element from the stack at HERE
[ ( -- ) change interpreter state to Immediate mode
] ( -- ) change interpreter state to Compilation mode
: name ( -- ) define (compile) a new FORTH word
; ( -- ) end FORTH word definition
IMMEDIATE ( -- ) set IMMEDIATE flag of last defined word
HIDDEN ( entry -- ) toggle HIDDEN flag of a word
HIDE word ( -- ) hide definition of following word
' word ( -- xt ) find CFA of following word (compile only)
[COMPILE] word ( -- ) compile otherwise IMMEDIATE word
RECURSE ( -- ) compile recursive call to current word
LITERAL (C: value --)
(S: -- value)
compile LIT value
CONSTANT name ( value -- ) create named constant value
ALLOT ( n -- addr ) allocate n bytes of user memory
CELLS ( n -- m ) number of bytes for n cells
VARIABLE name ( -- addr ) create named variable location

Control Structures

Word Stack Description
EXIT ( -- ) restore FIP and return to caller
BRANCH offset ( -- ) change FIP by following offset
0BRANCH offset ( p -- ) branch if the top of the stack is zero
IF true-part THEN ( p -- ) conditional execution
IF true-part ELSE false-part THEN ( p -- ) conditional execution
UNLESS false-part ... ( p -- ) same as NOT IF
BEGIN loop-part p UNTIL ( -- ) post-test loop
BEGIN loop-part AGAIN ( -- ) infinite loop (until EXIT)
BEGIN p WHILE loop-part REPEAT ( -- ) pre-test loop
CASE cases... default ENDCASE ( selector -- ) select case based on selector value
value OF case-body ENDOF ( -- ) execute case-body if (selector == value)

System Operations

Word Stack Description
QUIT ( -- ) clear return and data stacks, restart interpreter loop
UPLOAD ( -- addr len ) XMODEM file upload to memory image
BOOT ( addr len -- ) boot from memory image (see UPLOAD)
MONITOR ( -- ) enter bootstrap monitor
EXECUTE ( xt -- ) call procedure indicated by CFA

Additional Definitions in FORTH

Many standard words can be defined using the built-in primitives shown above. The file jonesforth.f contains additional important and useful definitions. The entire contents of this file can simply be copy-and-pasted into the terminal session connected to the pijFORTHos console. Code at the end of the file displays a welcome message when processing is complete.

Additional Constants Defined in FORTH

The following constants are defined in jonesforth.f

Constant Description
'\n' newline character (10)
BL blank character (32)
':' colon character (58)
';' semicolon character (59)
'(' left parenthesis character (40)
')' right parenthesis character (41)
'"' double-quote character (34)
'A' capital A character (65)
'0' digit zero character (48)
'-' hyphen/minus character (45)
'.' period character (46)

Additional Words Defined in FORTH

The following words are defined in jonesforth.f

Word Stack Description
( comment text ) ( -- ) comment inside definition
SPACES ( n -- ) print n spaces
WITHIN ( a b c -- p ) where p = ((a >= b) && (a < c))
ALIGNED ( addr -- addr' ) round addr up to next 4-byte boundary
ALIGN ( -- ) align the HERE pointer
C, ( c -- ) write a byte from the stack at HERE
S" string" ( -- addr len ) create a string value
." string" ( -- ) print string
VALUE name ( n -- ) create named value initialized to n
TO name ( n -- ) set named value to n
+TO name ( d -- ) add d to named value
DICT word ( -- 0 | entry ) dictionary entry for word, 0 if not found
ID. ( entry -- ) print word/name associated with dictionary entry
?HIDDEN ( entry -- p ) get HIDDEN flag from dictionary entry
?IMMEDIATE ( entry -- p ) get IMMEDIATE flag from dictionary entry
WORDS ( -- ) print all the words defined in the dictionary
FORGET name ( -- ) reset dictionary prior to definition of name
CFA> ( xt -- 0 | entry ) CFA> is the opposite of >CFA
SEE word ( -- ) print source code for word
:NONAME ( -- xt ) define (compile) an unnamed new FORTH word
['] name ( -- xt ) compile LIT
CATCH ( xt -- 0 | n ) execute procedure reporting n THROW or 0
THROW ( n -- ) send exception n to CATCH
ABORT ( -- ) THROW exception -1
BINARY ( -- ) set number conversion BASE to 2
OCTAL ( -- ) set number conversion BASE to 8
2# value ( -- n ) interpret binary literal value w/o changing BASE
8# value ( -- n ) interpret hexadecimal literal value w/o changing BASE
# value ( b -- n ) interpret base-b literal value w/o changing BASE
PRINT-STACK-TRACE ( -- ) walk up return stack printing values
UNUSED ( -- n ) calculate number of cells remaining in user memory