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153 lines (131 loc) · 5.8 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (131 loc) · 5.8 KB


Daniel Mejía R.

##: April, 2016 Summary. This document contains the specification of LatexProjectMakefile with some considerations about use and latex source tree organization. The styles sheet DM_Styles.sty has several dependencies described in the dependencies the section Latex package dependencies

How to use this Makefile

Look at the samples in book_template and article_template they are pretty self explanatory.
Basically, all you have to do is to rename the main target at the Makefile and change it for the name of your main .tex file. It should work out of the box by calling make read more at the section Makefile special variables below.

Latex project source tree

This Makefile is designed to work with big projects, and big projects should be split in several .tex sources which are included into its main document by means of the \input{} or \include{} latex commands.
The recommended source tree for a latex project using this Makefile is,

├── appendices/  # Appendices tex sources
│   ├── apendix-1.tex
│   ├── ...
│   └── apendix-2.tex
├── chapters/
│   ├── chapter-appendices.tex  # Here we include the sources on appendices/
│   ├── chapter-1.tex
│   ├── chapter-2.tex
│   ├── ...
│   ├── complex_chapter.tex  # Some chapters can be extense
│   ├── complex_chapter_sections/ # here we include the sections of the chapter
│   │   ├── chapter_section-1.tex
│   │   ├── chapter_section-2.tex
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── chapter_section-N.tex
│   ├── ...
│   └── chapter-N.tex
├── figures/  # Here we put the figures to keep the root clean
│   ├── figure-1.png
│   ├── figure-2.jpg
│   ├── figure-3.eps
│   ├── ...
│   └── figure-N.png
├── references/  # Here we put the references
│   └── references.bib
├── tables/  # Here we put the tables to be included in the chapters
│   ├── table-1.tex
│   ├── table-2.tex
│   ├── ...
│   └── table-N.tex
├── Makefile   # the makefile
├── DM_Stiles.sty # the style sheet
└── main-document.tex # the main document includes chapters by \input or \include

Makefile special variables

Edit the following variables on the makefile according to your needs,

Project name and sources

  • PROJECT: file name of the main .tex source file of the project.
  • APPENDICESDIR: directory for the sources for the appendices (if they exist).
  • CHAPTERSDIR: directory for the sources of the chapters.
  • TABLESDIR: directory for the sources of the tables.
  • FIGURESDIR: directory for the images included in the figures.
  • REFERENCESDIR: directory for the .bib files.
  • TEXDIRS: variable that joins all the sources detailed above.

Commands to build the document

  • TEX: command to call to compile the latex document. Default pdflatex
  • BIBTEX: command to compile the bibliography. Default bibtex
  • MAKEIDX: command to make the index. Default makeindex
  • BUILDSYMBOLS: command to build the list of simbols calling MAKEIDX command.

Makefile targets

  • all: builds the document calling the compiler in $(TEX) and building references.
  • $(PROJECT).pdf: builds the pdf calling the compiler in $(TEX) without building references.
  • bibliography: builds the document and the references. This is equivalent to the target all.
  • clean: deletes auxiliary files created by latex build process leaving the working tree decluttered.
  • clean-all: Deletes all but the sources and figures.
  • clean-eqs: Useful to clean unwanted characters created by the plugin vim-latexsuite for the vim editor.

Calling make usually should be enough to build the document.

Latex package dependencies

The list of packages (or latex modules if you want to call them that way) that will be invoked by the style sheet DM_Styles.sty are the following,

  • amssymb.
  • array.
  • babel.
  • cancel.
  • caption.
  • chemfig.
  • color.
  • dsfont.
  • esint.
  • fancyhdr.
  • float.
  • fontenc.
  • geometry.
  • graphicx.
  • hyperref.
  • hyphenat.
  • inputenc.
  • latexsym.
  • layout.
  • lipsum.
  • listings.
  • mathtools.
  • multicol.
  • multirow.
  • natbib.
  • nomencl.
  • overpic.
  • paralist.
  • pdflscape.
  • sidecap.
  • subcaption.
  • textcomp.
  • upgreek.
  • upgreek.
  • url.
  • verbatim.
  • wrapfig.

In GNU/Linux Debian you can install the prerequisites by executing the following command as superuser,

apt-get update && apt-get texlive texlive-base texlive-bibtex-extra texlive-binaries texlive-extra-utils\,
texlive-font-utils texlive-fonts-extra texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-formats-extra \,
texlive-generic-extra texlive-generic-recommended texlive-humanities texlive-lang-english \,
texlive-lang-spanish texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-recommended \, 
texlive-luatex texlive-math-extra texlive-pictures texlive-plain-extra texlive-pstricks \,
texlive-publishers texlive-science texlive-xetex