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GRIDSS Post Somatic Script (GRIPSS)

GRIPSS applies a set of filtering and post processing steps on GRIDSS paired tumor-normal output to produce a high confidence set of somatic SV for a tumor sample. GRIPSS inputs the raw GRIDSS vcf and outputs a somatic vcf.


java -Xms4G -Xmx16G -cp com.hartwig.hmftools.gripss.GripssApplicationKt \
   -ref_genome /path/to/Homo_sapiens_assembly37.fasta \
   -breakend_pon /path/to/gridss_pon_single_breakend.bed \
   -breakpoint_pon /path/to/gridss_pon_breakpoint.bedpe \
   -breakpoint_hotspot /path/to/KnownFusionPairs.hg19.bedpe \
   -input_vcf /path/to/SAMPLE.gridss.unfiltered.vcf.gz \
   -output_vcf /path/to/SAMPLE.gridss.somatic.vcf.gz 

We typically then hard-filter all but PON filtered from the somatic file with the following command:

gunzip -c SAMPLE.gridss.somatic.vcf.gz | awk '$7 == "PASS" || $7 == "PON" || $1 ~ /^#/ ' | bgzip > SAMPLE.gridss.somatic.filtered.vcf.gz

These two files are used in purple as the structural variant recovery vcf and structural variant vcf respectively.

The GRCH 37 bed and bedpe files are available to download from HMFTools-Resources > GRIDSS.


There are 5 steps in GRIPSS described in detail below:

  1. Hard filters
  2. Realignment
  3. Soft filters
  4. Linkage, deduplication and rescue
  5. Pon filtering

1. Hard filters

Two hard filters are applied upfront before other processing occurs:

  • NO_MATE - Any non single breakend with no mate is filtered
  • MAX_NORMAL_SUPPORT - Any variant with normalSupport > 3% of tumor support is filtered as likely germline or artefact unless it links a pair of genes in the known pathogenic fusion list via translocation or local break junction of length more than 10kb. Ideally we would not allow any support for the variant in the normal, but contamination of the blood with tumor DNA is not uncommon.

2. Realignment

We realign imprecise variants where the breakend can be precisely resolved but the length of the insert sequence is unknown. By default GRIDSS offsets these variants by the uncertainty of the insert sequence with a wide CIPOS. GRIPSS realigns the variant to the earliest possible base in the uncertainty window which is the most likely base for the soft clipping.

For the purposes of backwards compatibility we also perform 3 other fixes to correct errors in earlier GRIDSS versions

  • Breakends are shifted to the centre of homology.
  • Ensure that breakends pairs are internally consistent in their positions
  • Ensure that local and remote inexact homology are internally consistent.

3. Soft filters

The following filters are applied to all variants

Filter Default Description / purpose
minQual 400 (single breakend:1000) Minimum absolute tumor support for variant
minNormalCoverage 8 Variants with low coverage in germline may be germline variants.
minTumorAF 0.5 Low AF variants in high depth regions may be artefacts
imprecise FALSE Imprecise variants may be artefacts linking low mappability regions of the genome.
discordantPairSupport TRUE Variants (except for DEL,INS & DUP < 1000 bases) must have at least 1 read mapped at each end. Avoids artefacts linking regions of low mappability. Not suitable for non paired reads or very short fragment sizes. Single breakends without any assembly read pairs (BASRP=0) are also filtered
PON FALSE Breakpoint must be found < 3 times in our cohort in ~3800 germline samples (panel of normals). The PON excludes imprecise calls and breakpoints <75 qual score and breakends < 428 qual score. MH is counted in overlap and a 2bp margin of error is allowed for.
maxPolyAHomLength 6 Variants with long POLYA homology are frequent artefacts at low VAF
maxPolyGLength 16 Long stretches of polyG/polyC are extremely rare in the ref genome but are known sequencer artefacts. Single breakends with insert sequences containing long polyG homopolymers are filtered. This filter is also applied to break junctions where 1 end maps in the POLY-G region of LINC00486 (hg38: chr2:32,916,190-32,916,630; GRCH37: 2:33,141,260-33,141,700).

We also have 7 special filters applying to specific short variant categories:

Filter Default Scope Description
minLength 32 DEL, DUP & INS Minimum absolute length (including insert sequence length) for short DEL and DUP SV to be called.
maxHomLengthShortInv 6 INV(<40b) Very short INV with high homology are a common sequencer artefact
maxInexactHomLengthShortDel 6 DEL(<1kb) Short DEL with high homology are a common mapping artefact
shortStrandBias TRUE INS,DEL & DUP(<1kb) Short DEL and DUP must be strand balanced
shortSRTumorSupport TRUE INS,DEL & DUP(<1kb) Short DELs and DUPs must be supported by at least 1 split read
shortSRNormalSupport FALSE INS,DEL & DUP(<1kb) Short DELs and DUPs must not be supported by 1 split read in the normal
shortDelInsArtefact DEL(<1kb) Filter any short DEL where the insert sequence length + 1 = deletion length, unless the insert sequence is identical to the reverse complement (ie a short reciprocal inversion). This is a known GRIDSS artefact.

4. Linkage, deduplication and rescue

A. Assembly linkage

Variants located on a single assembly are given a unique 'asm' identifier.

B. Deduplication and transitive linkage

The GRIDSS output may contain structural variants which may be duplicated either by a single SV or by a chain of SVs with breakends proximate to each other which may or may not already be linked by assembly. In the case where a variant is duplicated by a chain, we term this variant the spanning variant and these links to be transitive links.

For a variant to be marked as a duplicate, we must find 2 candidate transitive breakends which match the orientation and position of the spanning variant, within CIPOS bounds and allowing for the insert sequence length. The CIPOS bounds for imprecise variants are ignored for this purpose and the match must be exact (see realignment section above).

The candidate transitive breakends must be linkable in a continuous chain as one of the following cases:

  • same variant - opposite breakends of the same SV
  • same assembly - the 2 transitive SVs are part of the same assembly and oriented away from each other
  • 1 transitive jump - the far breakend of the 2 transitive SVs / assemblies face each other and each link must be less than 1000 bases
  • 2 transitive jumps - the far breakend of the 2 transitive SVs / assemblies both face opposite ends of a 3rd SV or assembly and each link must be less than 1000 bases

As a spanning variant may have multiple alternate paths, we first consider only assembly linked paths favouring those with the fewest jumps.
If an assembly-only solution is unavailable we include up to two transitive jumps, but this must result in a single alternate path. If there are multiple alternate paths with transitive links, none will be selected.

If the deduplicated spanning variant is PRECISE, then the length of the insert sequence of the spanning variant must match the entire chain length of the transitive variants (again allowing for CIPOS bounds and insert sequence length of precise variants).

Any single breakend which matches the position and orientation of another breakend or breakjunction (within CIPOS bounds) is also filtered as DEDUP. GRIPSS prioritises retaining breakends / breakjunctions linked by assembly or transitive link, then breakends that are passing and finally by highest qual score.

C. Linkage by double stranded break

Double stranded break sites can lead to 2 proximate breakends in very close proximity with opposite orientation and either a small gap in between or a small overlap, frequently <30 bases. GRIPSS links breakends with a unique 'DSB' id where there is one and only one (non-DEDUPed) breakend within 30 bases (allowing for CIPOS bounds) with opposite orientation and both breakends have qual > 100.

D. Rescue

Any breakend that is linked to a PASS breakend (by one of the 3 above rules) and is filtered as DEDUP and is NOT a short DEL or DUP <1kb in length, is rescued from soft filtering and marked as PASS. Breakend pairs that link a pair of genes to make a known pathogenic fusions are also rescued for translocations or intrachromosomal variants of length greater than 10kb, for all soft filters except maxPolyAHomLength.

To improve detection of mobile element insertions, a pair of breakends which are linked by 'DSB’ may also be rescued if at least one side fails only the minQual filter and the combined qual score of the 2 breakends is >1000

Version History and Download Links

  • 1.0
    • Initial Release