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491 lines (381 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

491 lines (381 loc) · 16.2 KB


NPPS4 DLAPI Spec.: Version 1.1 Code style: black

This is reference implementation and documentation of NPPS4 Download API protocol.


Before running, ensure to have all SIF game files with these structure.

├── {iOS,Android}/
│   ├── update/
│   │   ├── <client_version>/
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── info.json
│   │   │   └── infov2.json (*)
│   │   ├── info.json
│   │   └── infov2.json (*)
│   └── package/
│       ├── <client_version>/
│       │   ├── <package_type>/
│       │   │   ├── <package_id>/
│       │   │   │   ├──
│       │   │   │   ├──
│       │   │   │   ├── ...
│       │   │   │   ├── info.json
│       │   │   │   └── infov2.json (*)
│       │   │   └── info.json
│       │   ├── db (*)
│       │   │   └── *.db_
│       │   ├── microdl/ (*)
│       │   │   ├── assets/
│       │   │   ├── config/
│       │   │   ├── en/
│       │   │   └── info.json
│       │   └── microdl_map.json
│       └── info.json
├── release_info.json
└── generation.json (*)

*: run script to upgrade the directory structure!

Explanation, all paths are relative to archive-root:

  • release_info.json - Contains all keys used to decrypt game database rows.

  • {iOS,Android} - Must be either iOS or Android. Will be referred to <OS> from now on.

  • <OS>/update/info.json - Contains list of available client versions in this update package, as an array.

  • <OS>/update/<client_version> - Contains necessary file for version update to <client_version>. Note that updates are not incremental, so for example, updating from version 59.0 to 59.4 will require serving all files for 59.1, 59.2, 59.3, and 59.4, in that order.

  • <OS>/update/<client_version>/info.json - Contains list of files for specific update version package, relative to <OS>/update/<client_version> directory, where the key is the filename and the value is the file size. The order follows the filename such that comes after, not (this sorting order will be referred to "natural sort" from now on).

  • <OS>/update/<client_version>/external - Contains extracted update files. Not needed.

  • <OS>/package/info.json - Contains list of all fully downloaded packages by <client_version>.

  • <OS>/package/<client_version>/microdl_map.json - Contains mapping of files which are served using micro download functionality. The key is the asset filename and the value is the archive path where this file reside, including the archive-root/ directory.

  • <OS>/package/<client_version>/<package_type>/info.json - Contains list of <package_id>s for the corresponding <package_type>.

  • <OS>/package/<client_version>/<package_type>/<package_id>/info.json - Contains list of files for specific package type and id at specific client version, relative to <OS>/update/<client_version> directory, where the key is the filename and the value is the file size. Ordered by natural sorting order.

Example release_info.json:

	"423": "UDKkj/dmBRbz+CIB+Ekqyg==",
	"1870": "Lckl38UoH8CfOMqMSmMYsA==",
	"1871": "acAmAWyPOCrO+R5qY9UTtQ=="

Protip: Complete keys gathered by the community are bundled as release_info.json in this repository.

Example <OS>/update/info.json

["59.1", "59.2", "59.3", "59.4"]

Example <OS>/update/info.json

	"": 12237086,
	"": 8725394,
	"": 1612,
	"": 318

Example <OS>/package/info.json

["59.1", "59.2", "59.3", "59.4"]

Example <OS>/package/<client_version>/microdl_map.json, 10 data, random order

	// ...
	"en/assets/image/sticker/tx_st_107_006.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/",
	"en/assets/image/secretbox/navi/tx_navi_77711124.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/",
	"assets/image/secretbox/appeal/tx_appeal_1255_a.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/1820/",
	"en/assets/image/secretbox/appeal/tx_appeal_1485_b.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/",
	"assets/image/units/tx_u_normal_card_52003002.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/147/",
	"assets/image/secretbox/title/tx_title_366_7.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/1262/",
	"en/assets/image/secretbox/appeal/tx_appeal_9991387.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/",
	"assets/image/multi_unit/scenario/tx_ch_ms_002_001.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/248/",
	"assets/image/units/tx_u_normal_navi_42002002.texb": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/",
	"assets/sound/voice/navi/vo_na_106_0604.mp3": "archive-root/iOS/package/59.4/4/0/"
	// ...

Note: Usually the microdl_map.json is 7MB in size.

Example <OS>/package/<client_version>/<package_type>/info.json, where <package_type> is 1

	578, 579, 580, 583, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603,
	604, 605, 606, 607, 614, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640,
	641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665,
	666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688,
	689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 712,
	714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736,
	737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759,
	760, 761

Example <OS>/package/<client_version>/<package_type>/<package_id>/info.json, where <package_type> is 1 and <package_id> is 747

	"": 2131514,
	"": 198

For obvious reasons we can't provide download link to those files.

Once you have those files, create new virtual environment and install the necessary dependencies.

python -m venv venv
(activate venv)
pip install --upgrade pip -r requirements.txt


After having your archive-root data, you need a configuration file in TOML text file before running the program. config.sample.toml can be used for reference.

After you have your config file, run N4DLAPI_CONFIG_FILE=path/to/config.toml uvicorn n4dlapi:app. It will listen on as per uvicorn defaults.


Anyone are allowed to implement NPPS4 DLAPI protocol without subject to zlib license restrictions. The zlib license restriction only applies specifically to this reference implementation!

Shared Key

To protect from rogue requests, the DLAPI server can be protected using shared key. This is done by requiring DLAPI-Shared-Key header to match with the server-configured one. If it doesn't match, then a 404 will be returned for all API endpoints.

GET /api/publicinfo

Retrieve information about the DLAPI server. A special configuration can be specified to always serve this public information without shared key header.


// HTTP Code 200
	// Can the API be accessed publicly?
	// This can still be false even if this endpoint is accessible.
	"publicApi": true,
	// NPPS4-DLAPI API compilance version.
	// Note that there's no "patch" version. Only "major" and "minor" version.
	"dlapiVersion": {
		"major": 1,
		"minor": 0
	// How long the download link will last (in seconds)? 0 means last indefinitely.
	"serveTimeLimit": 0,
	// What's the latest game version?
	"gameVersion": "59.4",

	"application": {
		// Application-specific data goes here.
POST /api/v1/update

Get download links for update package to the latest version available.


name type data type description
version required string Old client version
platform required int Platform type. 1 for iOS, 2 for Android.

Responses (v1.1)

// HTTP Code 200
	// ... more items
	// For each item in this array
		// Direct link to download.
		// Link must be publicly accessible even without Shared Key header.
		"url": "http://localhost/download/",
		// Archive size in bytes.
		"size": 12345,
		"checksums": {
			// For checksums, MD5 and SHA256 is required.
			// Other checksums for application-specific usage is allowed.
			"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
			"sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
		// Update version
		"version": "59.4"
	// ... more items

Responses (v1.0)

// HTTP Code 200
	// ... more items
	// For each item in this array
		// Direct link to download.
		// Link must be publicly accessible even without Shared Key header.
		"url": "http://localhost/download/",
		// Archive size in bytes.
		"size": 12345,
		"checksums": {
			// For checksums, MD5 and SHA256 is required.
			// Other checksums for application-specific usage is allowed.
			"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
			"sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
	// ... more items
POST /api/v1/batch

Get all download links of package IDs for specific package type.


name type data type description
package_type required int Package type. See below for valid package_types.
platform required int Platform type. 1 for iOS, 2 for Android.
exclude optional list of int List of package ID to exclude. Defaults to empty list.

Possible HTTP Code

  • 200 - Request is fulfilled.
  • 404 - Package not found.


// HTTP Code 200
	// ... more items
	// For each item in this array
		// Direct link to download.
		// Link must be publicly accessible even without Shared Key header.
		"url": "http://localhost/download/",
		// The package ID group of this archive.
		"packageId": 0,
		// Archive size in bytes.
		"size": 12345,
		"checksums": {
			// For checksums, MD5 and SHA256 is required.
			// Other checksums for application-specific usage is allowed.
			"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
			"sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
	// ... more items
POST /api/v1/download

Get download links for specific package type and package id.


name type data type description
package_type required int Package type. See below for valid package_types.
package_id required int Package ID. See below for possible package_ids.
platform required int Platform type. 1 for iOS, 2 for Android.

Possible HTTP Code

  • 200 - Request is fulfilled.
  • 404 - Package not found.


// HTTP Code 200
	// ... more items
	// For each item in this array
		// Direct link to download.
		// Link must be publicly accessible even without Shared Key header.
		"url": "http://localhost/download/",
		// Archive size in bytes.
		"size": 12345,
		"checksums": {
			// For checksums, MD5 and SHA256 is required.
			// Other checksums for application-specific usage is allowed.
			"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
			"sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
	// ... more items
GET /api/v1/getdb/{name}

Get decrypted database file.


name type data type description
name required string Name of the database

Possible HTTP Code

  • 200 - Request is fulfilled. The contents of the whole SQLite3 database is sent. (Content-Type: application/vnd.sqlite3)
  • 404 - Database not found.
POST /api/v1/getfile

Get single file from package type 4.


name type data type description
files required list of string List of files to retrieve.
platform required int Platform type. 1 for iOS, 2 for Android.

Possible HTTP Code

  • 200 - Request is fulfilled.


// HTTP Code 200
	// ... more items
	// For each item in this array
		// Direct link to download.
		// Link must be publicly accessible even without Shared Key header.
		// If file is not found, then it still must provide valid-but-404 URL!
		"url": "http://localhost/download/assets/image/tx_foo.texb",
		// Archive size in bytes.
		// If the file is not found, the size must be 0.
		"size": 12345,
		"checksums": {
			// For checksums, MD5 and SHA256 is required.
			// Other checksums for application-specific usage is allowed.
			// If the file is not found, the hash of null input must be specified.
			"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
			"sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
	// ... more items
GET /api/v1/release_info

Get available release_info keys.


name type data type description
name required string Name of the database

Possible HTTP Code

  • 200 - Request is fulfilled.


// HTTP Code 200
	// ... keys
	// The "key" is package_id for package_type 4, the value is gamedb row decryption key, base64-encoded.
	"423": "UDKkj/dmBRbz+CIB+Ekqyg==",
	"1874": "T18sDsU+81wLXTjCURNxJw=="
	// ... keys

Note: Application-specific endpoint must go through /api/app path!

List of valid <package_type>s and where to find the <package_id>s:

  • 0: Always 0.
  • 1: live_track_id column in live_track_m table in live/live.db_
  • 2: scenario_chapter_id column in scenario_chapter_m table in scenario/scenario.db_.
  • 3: unit_id column in subscenario_m table in subscenario/subscenario.db_.
  • 4: Not available. All possible package_id is stored server-side and only exposed at certain times at release_info.json key ID.
  • 5: event_scenario_id column in event_scenario_m table in event/event_common.db_.
  • 6: multi_unit_scenario_id column in multi_unit_scenario_m table in multi_unit_scenario/multi_unit_scenario.db_.

Note: included_pkg_m in bootstrap.db_ contains list of preloaded packages.


Codebase in this reference implementation is formatted using black formatter, with max line of 120 lines (-l 120).

There's no CLA. Anyone is free to contribute.


This reference implementation is licensed under zlib/libpng license.

Note that certain helper files are licensed under MIT instead. This includes:
