- First of all start with sshd substitution, you'll enable regular ssh access and disable some backdoors.
- Now is a good time to install Nano if you don't like or know how to use vi to edit text files - see Installing a package manager
- Remove execution flag from "/usr/bin/oe-update-checker":
chmod -x /usr/bin/oe-update-checker
- Disable the update check from crontabs
chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/update-checker
chmod -x /etc/cron.hourly/update-checker
- Comment out these lines inside "/etc/init.d/oe-bootfinish"
if check_for_update; then
to do that:
vi /etc/init.d/oe-bootfinish
type: ":121"
type: "i"
place a pound # in front of the 5 lines above
hit the "Esc" key
type: ":wq"
Try the following if the above doesn't match your file
Comment out the following lines
161 # echo " $AXENTRA_HEADER Checking for updates..."
162 # if check_for_update; then
163 # success
164 # echo " success"
165 # else
166 # failure
167 # echo " failed"
168 # fi
- Now lets disable the OpenVPN daemon: remove execution flag from openvpn binary and starting script "/etc/init.d/openvpn":
chmod -x /etc/init.d/openvpn
chmod -x /usr/sbin/openvpn
- Disable execution flag from a script that would allow Axentra to open a ssh tunnel through the web interface for "support" purposes:
chmod -x /var/www/admin/sshtunnel.pl
- Disable telnetd:
Kill the daemon and comment out "/sbin/telnetenabled" from /etc/rc.local to avoid autostart
killall -9 telnetenabled
killall -9 telnetd
vi /etc/rc.local
type: ":10"
type: "i"
place a pound # in front of the "/sbin/telnetenabled" line
hit the "Esc" key
type ":wq"
- Disable the daemon watchdog that will eventually try to re-launch openvpn etc..
You need to comment out this line from /etc/crontab: 0-59/5 * * * * root /usr/sbin/oe-check-daemons
vi /etc/crontab
type: ":11"
comment out placing a pound # or delete that line
type ":wq"
There are probably other things and I'll keep updating this page when I find them, but the only way to make sure you have a clean Stora is to completely dump their firmware and install a clean and trusted one, like the Debian project we're working on.
Have fun! --Pippone 08:46, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- If you are getting Operation not permitted* errors remember to get root access using sudo -E -s
- If you see the message audit_log_user_command(): Connection refused it doesn't mean the command failed! It's caused by a bug