diff --git a/source/sfincs_lib/sfincs_lib.vfproj b/source/sfincs_lib/sfincs_lib.vfproj
index 26372260..4e5db456 100644
--- a/source/sfincs_lib/sfincs_lib.vfproj
+++ b/source/sfincs_lib/sfincs_lib.vfproj
@@ -78,7 +78,15 @@
diff --git a/source/src/Makefile.am b/source/src/Makefile.am
index 718eccf2..34b2103a 100644
--- a/source/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/source/src/Makefile.am
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ libsfincs_la_SOURCES = \
sfincs_output.f90 \
sfincs_momentum.f90 \
sfincs_wavemaker.f90 \
- sfincs_infiltration.f90 \
+ sfincs_infiltration.F90 \
sfincs_lib.f90 \
diff --git a/source/src/quadtree.F90 b/source/src/quadtree.F90
index 998ca03a..31d34000 100644
--- a/source/src/quadtree.F90
+++ b/source/src/quadtree.F90
@@ -852,13 +852,19 @@ subroutine find_uv_points_intersected_by_polyline(uv_indices,vertices,nint,xpol,
do m = m0, m1
do n = n0, n1
+ ! First check whether point is on the quadtree grid at all
nm = find_quadtree_cell_by_index(n, m, iref)
if (nm==0) then
+ ! Second check is whether it is on the active SFINCS mask
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nm)
+ !
+ if (nm==0) then
+ cycle
+ endif
! Right (same level or coarser)
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_data.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_data.f90
index 7d115e18..06714d37 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_data.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_data.f90
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ module sfincs_data
character*256 :: netampfile
character*256 :: netamprfile
character*256 :: netspwfile
+ character*256 :: netinfiltrationfile
character*256 :: scsfile
character*256 :: smaxfile
character*256 :: sefffile
@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ module sfincs_data
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: cg
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: qb
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: betamean
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcsh
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcig
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: alphaig
! real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: tauwavv
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_domain.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_domain.f90
index 421994a5..3b39ee85 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_domain.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_domain.f90
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ subroutine initialize_processes()
! Check for time-spatially varying meteo
- if (spwfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. amufile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. amprfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. ampfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netampfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netamprfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netamuamvfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netspwfile(1:4) /= 'none') then
+ if (prcpfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. spwfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. amufile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. amprfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. ampfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netampfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netamprfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netamuamvfile(1:4) /= 'none' .or. netspwfile(1:4) /= 'none') then
meteo3d = .true.
write(*,*)'Turning on flag: meteo3d'
@@ -1804,18 +1804,10 @@ subroutine initialize_roughness()
subroutine initialize_infiltration()
use sfincs_data
+ use sfincs_infiltration
implicit none
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: rghfield
- !
- integer :: idummy
- integer :: ip
- integer :: nm
- integer :: nmu
- integer :: n
- integer :: m
- !
! Infiltration only works when rainfall is activated ! If you want infiltration without rainfall, use a precip file with 0.0s
@@ -1824,296 +1816,46 @@ subroutine initialize_infiltration()
infiltration = .false.
- ! Four options for infiltration:
- !
- ! 1) Spatially-uniform constant infiltration
- ! Requires: -
- ! 2) Spatially-varying constant infiltration
- ! Requires: qinfmap (does not require qinffield !)
- ! 3) Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
- ! Requires: cumprcp, cuminf, qinfmap, qinffield
- ! 4) Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
- ! Requires: qinfmap, qinffield, qinffield, ksfield, scs_P1, scs_F1, scs_Se and scs_rain (but not necessarily cuminf and cumprcp)
- !
- ! cumprcp and cuminf are stored in the netcdf output if store_cumulative_precipitation == .true. which is the default
- !
- ! We need to keep cumprcp and cuminf in memory when:
- ! a) store_cumulative_precipitation == .true.
- ! or:
- ! b) inftype == 'cna' or inftype == 'cnb'
+ ! Two input types for infiltration:
+ ! a) Netcdf input file for values on quadtree grid (CNA, CNB, GA, Horton). Required for quadtree input! Check for existence first, if not check:
+ ! b) Original input type with simple input keyword (qinf) or binary input files (qinffile, CNA, CNB, GA, Horton). Only works for original regular grid!
- ! First we determine precipitation type
- !
- if (precip) then
+ if (precip) then !TL: CHECK - for Horton this should not be a requirement anymore !?
- if (qinf > 0.0) then
- !
- ! Spatially-uniform constant infiltration (specified as +mm/hr)
- !
- inftype = 'con'
- infiltration = .true.
- !
- elseif (qinffile /= 'none') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying constant infiltration
- !
- inftype = 'c2d'
- infiltration = .true.
- !
- elseif (scsfile /= 'none') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
- !
- inftype = 'cna'
- infiltration = .true.
- !
- elseif (sefffile /= 'none') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
- !
- inftype = 'cnb'
- infiltration = .true.
- !
- elseif (psifile /= 'none') then
- !
- ! The Green-Ampt (GA) model for infiltration
- !
- inftype = 'gai'
- infiltration = .true.
- !
- elseif (f0file /= 'none') then
- !
- ! The Horton Equation model for infiltration
- !
- inftype = 'hor'
- infiltration = .true.
- store_meteo = .true.
- !
- endif
+ if (netinfiltrationfile /= 'none') then
+ !
+ if (use_quadtree) then
+ call read_infiltration_file_netcdf()
+ else
+ write(*,*)'Warning : new Netcdf infiltration input format can only be specified for quadtree mesh model!'
+ endif
+ !
+ else! Original
+ !
+ if (use_quadtree .eqv. .false.) then
+ call read_infiltration_file_original()
+ else
+ write(*,*)'Warning : infiltration input for quadtree mesh can only be specified using the new Netcdf infiltration input format!'
+ endif
+ !
+ endif
- if (precip) then
- !
- ! We need cumprcp and cuminf
- !
- allocate(cumprcp(np))
- cumprcp = 0.0
- !
- allocate(cuminf(np))
- cuminf = 0.0
- !
- endif
+ ! We need cumprcp and cuminf
- ! Now allocate and read spatially-varying inputs
+ allocate(cumprcp(np))
+ cumprcp = 0.0
- if (infiltration) then
- !
- allocate(qinfmap(np))
- qinfmap = 0.0
- !
- endif
+ allocate(cuminf(np))
+ cuminf = 0.0
- if (inftype == 'con') then
- !
- ! Spatially-uniform constant infiltration (specified as +mm/hr)
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Spatially-uniform constant infiltration'
- !
- allocate(qinffield(np))
- do nm = 1, np
- if (subgrid) then
- if (subgrid_z_zmin(nm) > qinf_zmin) then
- qinffield(nm) = qinf
- else
- qinffield(nm) = 0.0
- endif
- else
- if (zb(nm) > qinf_zmin) then
- qinffield(nm) = qinf
- else
- qinffield(nm) = 0.0
- endif
- endif
- enddo
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'c2d') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying constant infiltration
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Spatially-varying constant infiltration'
- !
- ! Read spatially-varying infiltration (only binary, specified in +mm/hr)
- !
- write(*,*)'Reading ', trim(qinffile), ' ...'
- allocate(qinffield(np))
- open(unit = 500, file = trim(qinffile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(500)qinffield
- close(500)
- !
- do nm = 1, np
- qinffield(nm) = qinffield(nm)/3.6e3/1.0e3 ! convert to +m/s
- enddo
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'cna') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - A)'
- !
- allocate(qinffield(np))
- qinffield = 0.0
- !
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(scsfile)
- open(unit = 500, file = trim(scsfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(500)qinffield
- close(500)
- !
- ! already convert qinffield from inches to m here
- do nm = 1, np
- qinffield(nm) = qinffield(nm)*0.0254 !to m
- enddo
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'cnb') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - B)'
- !
- ! Allocate Smax
- allocate(qinffield(np))
- qinffield = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(smaxfile)
- open(unit = 500, file = trim(smaxfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(500)qinffield
- close(500)
- !
- ! Allocate Se
- allocate(scs_Se(np))
- scs_Se = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(sefffile)
- open(unit = 501, file = trim(sefffile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(501)scs_Se
- close(501)
- !
- ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
- ! Allocate Ks
- allocate(ksfield(np))
- ksfield = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(ksfile)
- open(unit = 502, file = trim(ksfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(502)ksfield
- close(502)
- !
- ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
- allocate(inf_kr(np))
- inf_kr = sqrt(ksfield/25.4) / 75 ! Note that we assume ksfield to be in mm/hr, convert it here to inch/hr (/25.4)
- ! /75 is conversion to recovery rate (in days)
- !
- ! Allocate support variables
- allocate(scs_P1(np))
- scs_P1 = 0.0
- allocate(scs_F1(np))
- scs_F1 = 0.0
- allocate(rain_T1(np))
- rain_T1 = 0.0
- allocate(scs_S1(np))
- scs_S1 = 0.0
- allocate(scs_rain(np))
- scs_rain = 0
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'gai') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with the Green-Ampt (GA) model
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Green-Ampt)'
- !
- ! Allocate suction head at the wetting front
- allocate(GA_head(np))
- GA_head = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(psifile)
- open(unit = 500, file = trim(psifile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(500)GA_head
- close(500)
- !
- ! Allocate maximum soil moisture deficit
- allocate(GA_sigma_max(np))
- GA_sigma_max = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(sigmafile)
- open(unit = 501, file = trim(sigmafile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(501)GA_sigma_max
- close(501)
- !
- ! Allocate saturated hydraulic conductivity
- allocate(ksfield(np))
- ksfield = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(ksfile)
- open(unit = 502, file = trim(ksfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(502)ksfield
- close(502)
- !
- ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
- allocate(inf_kr(np))
- inf_kr = sqrt(ksfield/25.4) / 75 ! Note that we assume ksfield to be in mm/hr, convert it here to inch/hr (/25.4)
- ! /75 is conversion to recovery rate (in days)
- allocate(rain_T1(np)) ! minimum amount of time that a soil must remain in recovery
- rain_T1 = 0.0
- ! Allocate support variables
- allocate(GA_sigma(np)) ! variable for sigma_max_du
- GA_sigma = GA_sigma_max
- allocate(GA_F(np)) ! total infiltration
- GA_F = 0.0
- allocate(GA_Lu(np)) ! depth of upper soil recovery zone
- GA_Lu = 4 *sqrt(25.4) * sqrt(ksfield) ! Equation 4-33
- !
- ! Input values for green-ampt are in mm and mm/hr, but computation is in m a m/s
- GA_head = GA_head/1000 ! from mm to m
- GA_Lu = GA_Lu/1000 ! from mm to m
- ksfield = ksfield/1000/3600 ! from mm/hr to m/s
- !
- ! First time step doesnt have an estimate yet
- allocate(qinffield(np))
- qinffield(nm) = 0.00
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'hor') then
- !
- ! Spatially-varying infiltration with the modified Horton Equation
- !
- write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via modified Horton)'
- !
- ! Horton: final infiltration capacity (fc)
- ! Note that qinffield = horton_fc
- allocate(horton_fc(np))
- horton_fc = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(fcfile)
- open(unit = 500, file = trim(fcfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(500)horton_fc
- close(500)
- !
- ! Horton: initial infiltration capacity (f0)
- allocate(horton_f0(np))
- horton_f0 = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(f0file)
- open(unit = 501, file = trim(f0file), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(501)horton_f0
- close(501)
- !
- ! Prescribe the current estimate (for output only; initial capacity)
- qinffield = horton_f0/3600/1000
- !
- ! Empirical constant (1/hr) k => note that this is different than ks used in Curve Number and Green-Ampt
- allocate(horton_kd(np))
- horton_kd = 0.0
- write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(kdfile)
- open(unit = 502, file = trim(kdfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
- read(502)horton_kd
- close(502)
- write(*,*)'Using constant recovery rate that is based on constant factor relative to ',trim(kdfile)
- !
- ! Estimate of time
- allocate(rain_T1(np))
- rain_T1 = 0.0
- !
- endif
+ ! Now allocatespatially-varying inputs
+ !
+ if (infiltration) then
+ !
+ allocate(qinfmap(np))
+ qinfmap = 0.0
+ !
+ endif
@@ -2291,8 +2033,8 @@ subroutine initialize_hydro()
qb = 0.0
betamean = 0.0
- allocate(srcsh(np))
- srcsh = 0.0
+ allocate(srcig(np))
+ srcig = 0.0
alphaig = 0.0
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.F90 b/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4defd658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+#define NF90(nf90call) call handle_err(nf90call,__FILE__,__LINE__)
+module sfincs_infiltration
+ !
+ use netcdf
+ !
+ type net_type_inf
+ integer :: ncid
+ integer :: np_dimid
+ integer :: mask_varid, type_varid
+ integer :: qinffield_varid, scs_varid, scs_se_varid, ksfield_varid
+ end type
+ type(net_type_inf) :: net_file_inf
+ !
+ subroutine read_infiltration_file_original()
+ !
+ ! Six options for infiltration:
+ !
+ ! 1) Spatially-uniform constant infiltration
+ ! Requires: -
+ ! 2) Spatially-varying constant infiltration
+ ! Requires: qinfmap (does not require qinffield !)
+ ! 3) Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
+ ! Requires: cumprcp, cuminf, qinfmap, qinffield
+ ! 4) Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
+ ! Requires: qinfmap, qinffield, ksfield, scs_P1, scs_F1, scs_Se and scs_rain (but not necessarily cuminf and cumprcp)
+ ! 5) Spatially-varying infiltration with the Green-Ampt (GA) model
+ ! Requires: qinfmap, qinffield, ksfield, GA_head, GA_sigma_max, GA_Lu
+ ! 6) Spatially-varying infiltration with the modified Horton Equation
+ ! Requires: qinfmap, qinffield, horton_fc, horton_f0
+ !
+ ! cumprcp and cuminf are stored in the netcdf output if store_cumulative_precipitation == .true. which is the default
+ !
+ ! We need to keep cumprcp and cuminf in memory when:
+ ! a) store_cumulative_precipitation == .true.
+ ! or:
+ ! b) inftype == 'cna' or inftype == 'cnb'
+ !
+ ! First we determine infiltration type
+ !
+ use sfincs_data
+ !
+ implicit none
+ !
+ integer :: nm
+ !
+ if (qinf > 0.0) then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-uniform constant infiltration (specified as +mm/hr)
+ !
+ inftype = 'con'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ elseif (qinffile /= 'none') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying constant infiltration
+ !
+ inftype = 'c2d'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ elseif (scsfile /= 'none') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
+ !
+ inftype = 'cna'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ elseif (sefffile /= 'none') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
+ !
+ inftype = 'cnb'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ elseif (psifile /= 'none') then
+ !
+ ! The Green-Ampt (GA) model for infiltration
+ !
+ inftype = 'gai'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ elseif (f0file /= 'none') then
+ !
+ ! The Horton Equation model for infiltration
+ !
+ inftype = 'hor'
+ infiltration = .true.
+ store_meteo = .true.
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ if (inftype == 'con') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-uniform constant infiltration (specified as +mm/hr)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Spatially-uniform constant infiltration'
+ !
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ do nm = 1, np
+ if (subgrid) then
+ if (subgrid_z_zmin(nm) > qinf_zmin) then
+ qinffield(nm) = qinf
+ else
+ qinffield(nm) = 0.0
+ endif
+ else
+ if (zb(nm) > qinf_zmin) then
+ qinffield(nm) = qinf
+ else
+ qinffield(nm) = 0.0
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'c2d') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying constant infiltration
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Spatially-varying constant infiltration'
+ !
+ ! Read spatially-varying infiltration (only binary, specified in +mm/hr)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Reading ', trim(qinffile), ' ...'
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ open(unit = 500, file = trim(qinffile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(500)qinffield
+ close(500)
+ !
+ do nm = 1, np
+ qinffield(nm) = qinffield(nm)/3.6e3/1.0e3 ! convert to +m/s
+ enddo
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'cna') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - A)'
+ !
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ qinffield = 0.0
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(scsfile)
+ open(unit = 500, file = trim(scsfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(500)qinffield
+ close(500)
+ !
+ ! already convert qinffield from inches to m here
+ do nm = 1, np
+ qinffield(nm) = qinffield(nm)*0.0254 !to m
+ enddo
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'cnb') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (new)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - B)'
+ !
+ ! Allocate Smax
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ qinffield = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(smaxfile)
+ open(unit = 500, file = trim(smaxfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(500)qinffield
+ close(500)
+ !
+ ! Allocate Se
+ allocate(scs_Se(np))
+ scs_Se = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(sefffile)
+ open(unit = 501, file = trim(sefffile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(501)scs_Se
+ close(501)
+ !
+ ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
+ ! Allocate Ks
+ allocate(ksfield(np))
+ ksfield = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(ksfile)
+ open(unit = 502, file = trim(ksfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(502)ksfield
+ close(502)
+ !
+ ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
+ allocate(inf_kr(np))
+ inf_kr = sqrt(ksfield/25.4) / 75 ! Note that we assume ksfield to be in mm/hr, convert it here to inch/hr (/25.4)
+ ! /75 is conversion to recovery rate (in days)
+ !
+ ! Allocate support variables
+ allocate(scs_P1(np))
+ scs_P1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_F1(np))
+ scs_F1 = 0.0
+ allocate(rain_T1(np))
+ rain_T1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_S1(np))
+ scs_S1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_rain(np))
+ scs_rain = 0
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'gai') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with the Green-Ampt (GA) model
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Green-Ampt)'
+ !
+ ! Allocate suction head at the wetting front
+ allocate(GA_head(np))
+ GA_head = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(psifile)
+ open(unit = 500, file = trim(psifile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(500)GA_head
+ close(500)
+ !
+ ! Allocate maximum soil moisture deficit
+ allocate(GA_sigma_max(np))
+ GA_sigma_max = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(sigmafile)
+ open(unit = 501, file = trim(sigmafile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(501)GA_sigma_max
+ close(501)
+ !
+ ! Allocate saturated hydraulic conductivity
+ allocate(ksfield(np))
+ ksfield = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(ksfile)
+ open(unit = 502, file = trim(ksfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(502)ksfield
+ close(502)
+ !
+ ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
+ allocate(inf_kr(np))
+ inf_kr = sqrt(ksfield/25.4) / 75 ! Note that we assume ksfield to be in mm/hr, convert it here to inch/hr (/25.4)
+ ! /75 is conversion to recovery rate (in days)
+ allocate(rain_T1(np)) ! minimum amount of time that a soil must remain in recovery
+ rain_T1 = 0.0
+ ! Allocate support variables
+ allocate(GA_sigma(np)) ! variable for sigma_max_du
+ GA_sigma = GA_sigma_max
+ allocate(GA_F(np)) ! total infiltration
+ GA_F = 0.0
+ allocate(GA_Lu(np)) ! depth of upper soil recovery zone
+ GA_Lu = 4 *sqrt(25.4) * sqrt(ksfield) ! Equation 4-33
+ !
+ ! Input values for green-ampt are in mm and mm/hr, but computation is in m a m/s
+ GA_head = GA_head/1000 ! from mm to m
+ GA_Lu = GA_Lu/1000 ! from mm to m
+ ksfield = ksfield/1000/3600 ! from mm/hr to m/s
+ !
+ ! First time step doesnt have an estimate yet
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ qinffield(nm) = 0.00
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'hor') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with the modified Horton Equation
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via modified Horton)'
+ !
+ ! Horton: final infiltration capacity (fc)
+ ! Note that qinffield = horton_fc
+ allocate(horton_fc(np))
+ horton_fc = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(fcfile)
+ open(unit = 500, file = trim(fcfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(500)horton_fc
+ close(500)
+ !
+ ! Horton: initial infiltration capacity (f0)
+ allocate(horton_f0(np))
+ horton_f0 = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(f0file)
+ open(unit = 501, file = trim(f0file), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(501)horton_f0
+ close(501)
+ !
+ ! Prescribe the current estimate (for output only; initial capacity)
+ qinffield = horton_f0/3600/1000
+ !
+ ! Empirical constant (1/hr) k => note that this is different than ks used in Curve Number and Green-Ampt
+ allocate(horton_kd(np))
+ horton_kd = 0.0
+ write(*,*)'Reading ',trim(kdfile)
+ open(unit = 502, file = trim(kdfile), form = 'unformatted', access = 'stream')
+ read(502)horton_kd
+ close(502)
+ write(*,*)'Using constant recovery rate that is based on constant factor relative to ',trim(kdfile)
+ !
+ ! Estimate of time
+ allocate(rain_T1(np))
+ rain_T1 = 0.0
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ end subroutine read_infiltration_file_original
+ subroutine read_infiltration_file_netcdf()
+ !
+ use sfincs_data
+ !
+ implicit none
+ !
+ !character*256, intent(in) :: netinfiltrationfile
+ !
+ integer :: np_nc,ip, nm
+ !
+ integer*4 :: quadtree_nr_points
+ !
+ integer*1, dimension(:), allocatable :: quadtree_mask
+ integer*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: z_index
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: rtmpz
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Reading Infiltration netCDF file on quadtree mesh...'
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_open(trim(netinfiltrationfile), NF90_CLOBBER, net_file_inf%ncid))
+ !
+ ! Get dimensions id's: nr points
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_inq_dimid(net_file_inf%ncid, "mesh2d_nFaces", net_file_inf%np_dimid))
+ !
+ ! Get dimensions sizes
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_inquire_dimension(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%np_dimid, len = np_nc)) ! nr of cells
+ !
+ ! Get variable id's
+ NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'mask', net_file_inf%mask_varid))
+ !
+ !NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'type', net_file_inf%type_varid))
+ inftype = 'cnb' !TL: later determine this based on the netcdf file
+ !
+ ! Allocate variables
+ allocate(z_index(np_nc))
+ allocate(rtmpz(np_nc))
+ !allocate(kcs(np))
+ allocate(quadtree_mask(np))
+ !
+ ! Netcdf quadtree infiltrationfile contains data for the entire quadtree. So also for points with kcs==0 !
+ ! This means that the data needs to be re-mapped to the active cell indices:
+ if (use_quadtree) then
+ !
+ do ip = 1, np_nc !np_nc~quadtree_nr_points
+ !
+ nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(ip)
+ !
+ if (nm>0) then
+ z_index(nm) = ip
+ endif
+ !
+ enddo
+ !
+ !else
+ ! ! Regular grid > Tl: only keep regular if we want to support this in the end
+ ! do nm = 1, np_nc
+ ! z_index(nm) = nm
+ ! enddo
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Read Z points
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_get_var(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%mask_varid, rtmpz(:)))
+ !
+ do ip = 1, np
+ quadtree_mask(ip) = rtmpz(z_index(ip))
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! Check whether number of cells matches
+ !if (np_nc /= np) then
+ ! write(*,'(a,i8,a,i8,a)')'Error! Number of cells in netinfiltrationfile ',np_nc,' does not match number of active cells in mesh ',np,' ! Abort reading infiltration input...',np_nc
+ ! continue
+ !endif
+ !
+ ! Check whether incoming mask is matches the one as retrieved from netcdf quadtree grid file (our general 'msk')
+ if (all(quadtree_mask == kcs)) then
+ write(*,*)'Check succesfull: The mask arrays are the same.'
+ else
+ write(*,*)'Error! Mask of netinfiltrationfile does not match with actiave mask in mesh! Abort reading infiltration input...'
+ continue
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Now read in infiltration type specific variables
+ !
+ if (inftype == 'cna') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (old)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - A)'
+ !
+ ! Allocate qinffield
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ !
+ ! Read variables for cna method
+ !
+ ! Get variable id's
+ NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'scs', net_file_inf%scs_varid))
+ ! Read Z points
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_get_var(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%scs_varid, rtmpz(:)))
+ do ip = 1, np
+ qinffield(ip) = rtmpz(z_index(ip))
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! already convert qinffield from inches to m here
+ do nm = 1, np
+ qinffield(nm) = qinffield(nm)*0.0254 !to m
+ enddo
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'cnb') then
+ !
+ ! Spatially-varying infiltration with CN numbers (with recovery)
+ !
+ write(*,*)'Turning on process: Infiltration (via Curve Number method - B)'
+ !
+ ! Allocate Smax, Se, Ks
+ allocate(qinffield(np))
+ allocate(scs_Se(np))
+ allocate(ksfield(np))
+ allocate(inf_kr(np))
+ !
+ ! Read variables for cnb method
+ !
+ ! Get variable id's
+ NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'smax', net_file_inf%qinffield_varid))
+ NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'seff', net_file_inf%scs_se_varid))
+ NF90(nf90_inq_varid(net_file_inf%ncid, 'ks', net_file_inf%ksfield_varid))
+ ! From Kees below: note that scs_Se is S and qinffield is Smax
+ ! Read Z points
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_get_var(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%qinffield_varid, rtmpz(:)))
+ do ip = 1, np
+ qinffield(ip) = rtmpz(z_index(ip))
+ enddo
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_get_var(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%scs_se_varid, rtmpz(:)))
+ do ip = 1, np
+ scs_Se(ip) = rtmpz(z_index(ip))
+ enddo
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_get_var(net_file_inf%ncid, net_file_inf%ksfield_varid, rtmpz(:)))
+ do ip = 1, np
+ ksfield(ip) = rtmpz(z_index(ip))
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! Compute recovery ! Equation 4-36
+ inf_kr = sqrt(ksfield/25.4) / 75 ! Note that we assume ksfield to be in mm/hr, convert it here to inch/hr (/25.4)
+ ! ! /75 is conversion to recovery rate (in days)
+ !
+ ! Allocate support variables
+ allocate(scs_P1(np))
+ scs_P1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_F1(np))
+ scs_F1 = 0.0
+ allocate(rain_T1(np))
+ rain_T1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_S1(np))
+ scs_S1 = 0.0
+ allocate(scs_rain(np))
+ scs_rain = 0
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ infiltration = .true.
+ !
+ NF90(nf90_close(net_file_inf%ncid))
+ !
+ ! Deallocate vars
+ deallocate(rtmpz)
+ deallocate(z_index)
+ deallocate(quadtree_mask)
+ !
+ end subroutine read_infiltration_file_netcdf
+ subroutine update_infiltration_map(dt)
+ !
+ ! Update infiltration rates in each grid cell
+ !
+ use sfincs_data
+ !
+ implicit none
+ !
+ integer nm
+ !
+ real*4 :: Qq
+ real*4 :: I
+ real*4 :: hh_local, a
+ real*4 :: dt
+ !
+ if (inftype == 'con' .or. inftype == 'c2d') then
+ !
+ ! Infiltration rate map stays constant
+ !
+ !$omp parallel &
+ !$omp private ( nm )
+ !$omp do
+ do nm = 1, np
+ !
+ qinfmap(nm) = qinffield(nm)
+ !
+ ! No infiltration if there is no water
+ !
+ if (subgrid) then
+ if (z_volume(nm)<=0.0) then
+ qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
+ endif
+ else
+ if (zs(nm)<=zb(nm)) then
+ qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
+ endif
+ endif
+ !
+ cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
+ !
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'cna') then
+ !
+ ! Determine infiltration rate with Curve Number (old method; no recovery)
+ !
+! !$acc update host(cumprcp), async(1)
+ !
+ !$omp parallel &
+ !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm )
+ !$omp do
+ do nm = 1, np
+ !
+ ! Check if Ia (0.2 x S) is larger than cumulative rainfall
+ !
+ if (cumprcp(nm) > sfacinf*qinffield(nm)) then ! qinffield is S
+ !
+ ! Compute runoff as function of rain
+ !
+ Qq = (cumprcp(nm) - sfacinf*qinffield(nm))**2 / (cumprcp(nm) + (1.0 - sfacinf)*qinffield(nm)) ! cumulative runoff in m
+ I = cumprcp(nm) - Qq ! cumulative infiltration in m
+ qinfmap(nm) = (I - cuminf(nm))/dt ! infiltration in m/s
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! Everything still infiltrating
+ !
+ qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm)
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
+ !
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !
+ !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
+ !
+ ! For now, curve number infiltration is done on the CPU
+! !$acc update device(cuminf), async(1)
+ !
+ ! Provide update to user
+ !write(*,'(a,f5.3,a,f10.3,a)') ' update from SCS-CN method: Average cumulative rainfall of ',sum(cumprcp)/size(cumprcp),' meter and infiltration rate of ',sum(qinfmap*3.6e3*1.0e3)/size(qinfmap) ,' mm/hour'
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'cnb') then
+ !
+ ! Determine infiltration rate with Curve Number with recovery
+ !
+ !$omp parallel &
+ !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm )
+ !$omp do
+ do nm = 1, np
+ !
+ ! If there is precip in this grid cell for this time step
+ !
+ if (prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
+ !
+ ! Is raining now
+ !
+ if (scs_rain(nm) == 1) then
+ ! if it was raining before; do nothing
+ else
+ ! initalise these variables
+ scs_P1(nm) = 0.0 ! cumulative rainfall for this 'event'
+ scs_F1(nm) = 0.0 ! cumulative infiltration for this 'event'
+ scs_S1(nm) = scs_Se(nm) ! S for this 'event'
+ scs_rain(nm) = 1 ! logic used to determine if there is an event ongoing
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute cum rainfall
+ !
+ scs_P1(nm) = scs_P1(nm) + prcp(nm)*dt
+ !
+ ! Compute runoff
+ !
+ if (scs_P1(nm) > (sfacinf* scs_S1(nm)) ) then ! scs_S1 is S
+ Qq = (scs_P1(nm) - (sfacinf*scs_S1(nm)))**2 / (scs_P1(nm) + (1.0 - sfacinf)*scs_S1(nm)) ! cumulative runoff in m
+ I = scs_P1(nm) - Qq ! cum infiltration this event
+ qinfmap(nm) = (I - scs_F1(nm))/dt ! infiltration in m/s
+ scs_F1(nm) = I ! cum infiltration this event
+ else
+ Qq = 0.0 ! no runoff
+ scs_F1(nm) = scs_P1(nm) ! all rainfall is infiltrated
+ qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm) ! infiltration rate = rainfall rate
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute "remaining S", but note that scs_Se is not used in computation
+ !
+ scs_Se(nm) = scs_Se(nm) - qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ scs_Se(nm) = max(scs_Se(nm), 0.0)
+ qinfmap(nm) = max(qinfmap(nm), 0.0)
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! It is not raining here
+ if (scs_rain(nm) == 1) then
+ !
+ ! if it was raining before; cange logic and set rate to 0
+ scs_rain(nm) = 0
+ qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
+ rain_T1(nm) = 0.0
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Add to recovery time
+ rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt / 3600
+ !
+ ! compute recovery of S if time is larger than this
+ if (rain_T1(nm) > (0.06 / inf_kr(nm)) ) then ! Equation 4-37 from SWMM
+ ! note that scs_Se is S and qinffield is Smax
+ scs_Se(nm) = scs_Se(nm) + (inf_kr(nm) * qinffield(nm) * dt / 3600) ! scs_kr is recovery in hours
+ scs_Se(nm) = min(scs_Se(nm), qinffield(nm))
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute cumulative values
+ cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
+ !
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !
+ !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'gai') then
+ !
+ ! Determine infiltration rate with with the Green-Ampt (GA) model
+ !$omp parallel &
+ !$omp private ( nm )
+ !$omp do
+ do nm = 1, np
+ !
+ ! If there is precip in this grid cell for this time step?
+ if (prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
+ !
+ ! Is raining now
+ if ( (prcp(nm)) < ksfield(nm)) then
+ !
+ ! Small amounts of rainfall - infiltration is same as soil
+ qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm) ! infiltration is same as rainfall
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! Larger amounts of rainfall - Equation 4-27 from SWMM manual
+ qinfmap(nm) = (ksfield(nm) * (1 + (GA_head(np)*GA_sigma(np)) / GA_F(nm)))
+ qinfmap(nm) = min(qinfmap(nm), prcp(nm)) ! never more than rainfall
+ qinfmap(nm) = max(qinfmap(nm), 0.0) ! and never negative
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Update sigma
+ GA_sigma(nm) = GA_sigma(nm) - (qinfmap(nm)*dt/GA_Lu(nm))
+ GA_sigma(nm) = max(GA_sigma(nm),0.00)
+ !
+ ! Update others
+ GA_F(nm) = GA_F(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt ! internal cumulative rainfall from Green-Ampt
+ rain_T1(nm) = 0.0 ! recovery time not started
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! Not raining here
+ !
+ ! Add to recovery time
+ rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt / 3600
+ !
+ ! compute recovery of S if time is larger than this
+ if (rain_T1(nm) > (0.06 / inf_kr(nm)) ) then ! Equation 4-37 from SWMM
+ !
+ ! Update sigma
+ GA_sigma(nm) = GA_sigma(nm) + (inf_kr(nm) * GA_sigma_max(nm) * dt/3600) ! Equation 4-35
+ GA_sigma(nm) = min(GA_sigma(nm), GA_sigma_max(nm)) ! never more than max
+ !
+ ! Update internal cumulative rainfall
+ GA_F(nm) = GA_F(nm) - (inf_kr(nm) * GA_sigma_max(nm) * dt/3600*GA_Lu(nm)) ! Page 112 SWMM
+ GA_F(nm) = max(GA_F(nm), 0.0) ! never negative
+ endif
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute cumulative values
+ qinffield(nm) = qinfmap(nm)
+ cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
+ !
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !
+ !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
+ !
+ elseif (inftype == 'hor') then
+ !
+ ! Determine infiltration rate with with the Horton model
+ !$omp parallel &
+ !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm,a,hh_local)
+ !$omp do
+ do nm = 1, np
+ !
+ ! Get local water depth estimate
+ if (subgrid) then
+ if (crsgeo) then
+ a = cell_area_m2(nm)
+ else
+ a = cell_area(z_flags_iref(nm))
+ endif
+ hh_local = z_volume(nm)/a
+ else
+ hh_local = zs(nm) - zb(nm)
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Check if there is water
+ if (hh_local> 0.0 .OR. prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
+ !
+ ! Infiltrating here
+ !
+ ! Count how long this is already going
+ if (rain_T1(nm) > 0) then
+ rain_T1 = 0.0
+ endif
+ rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) - dt ! negative amount of how long it is infiltrating
+ !
+ ! Compute estimate of infiltration ! Note that qinffield = horton_fc
+ I = exp(horton_kd(nm)*rain_T1(nm)/3600) ! note that horton_kd is factor in hours while dt is seconds
+ !
+ ! Stop keeping track of this when less than 1% left (same for time)
+ if (I < 0.01) then
+ I = 0.0 ! which reduces qinfmap to horton_fc
+ rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt ! also make sure time doesnt further decrease
+ qinfmap(nm) = (horton_fc(nm))/3600/1000 ! from mm/hr to m/s
+ else
+ qinfmap(nm) = (horton_fc(nm) + (horton_f0(nm) - horton_fc(nm))*I)/3600/1000 ! from mm/hr to m/s
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Check how much there can infiltrate
+ if (hh_local > 0.00) then
+ Qq = prcp(nm)*dt + (zs(nm) - zb(nm)) ! Qq is estimate in meter of how much water there is
+ else
+ Qq = prcp(nm)*dt ! if no water; only compare with rainfall
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compare how much Horton want to infiltrate
+ I = qinfmap(nm) * dt ! I is estimate in meter of how much Horton allows
+ if (I > Qq) then
+ qinfmap(nm) = qinfmap(nm) * Qq/I ! scale Horton if capacity > available
+ endif
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ ! Not raining here NOR ponding
+ rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt/horton_kr_kd ! positive amount of how long it is infiltrating
+ qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute cumulative values
+ cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
+ netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
+ !
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine handle_err(status,file,line)
+ !
+ integer, intent ( in) :: status
+ character(*), intent(in) :: file
+ integer, intent ( in) :: line
+ integer :: status2
+ !
+ if(status /= nf90_noerr) then
+ write(0,'("NETCDF ERROR: ",a,i6,":",a)') file,line,trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+ end if
+ end subroutine handle_err
+ !
+end module
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 76897f2d..00000000
--- a/source/src/sfincs_infiltration.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-module sfincs_infiltration
- subroutine update_infiltration_map(dt)
- !
- ! Update infiltration rates in each grid cell
- !
- use sfincs_data
- !
- implicit none
- !
- integer nm
- !
- real*4 :: Qq
- real*4 :: I
- real*4 :: hh_local, a
- real*4 :: dt
- !
- if (inftype == 'con' .or. inftype == 'c2d') then
- !
- ! Infiltration rate map stays constant
- !
- !$omp parallel &
- !$omp private ( nm )
- !$omp do
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- qinfmap(nm) = qinffield(nm)
- !
- ! No infiltration if there is no water
- !
- if (subgrid) then
- if (z_volume(nm)<=0.0) then
- qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
- endif
- else
- if (zs(nm)<=zb(nm)) then
- qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
- endif
- endif
- !
- cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
- netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
- !
- enddo
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'cna') then
- !
- ! Determine infiltration rate with Curve Number (old method; no recovery)
- !
-! !$acc update host(cumprcp), async(1)
- !
- !$omp parallel &
- !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm )
- !$omp do
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- ! Check if Ia (0.2 x S) is larger than cumulative rainfall
- !
- if (cumprcp(nm) > sfacinf*qinffield(nm)) then ! qinffield is S
- !
- ! Compute runoff as function of rain
- !
- Qq = (cumprcp(nm) - sfacinf*qinffield(nm))**2 / (cumprcp(nm) + (1.0 - sfacinf)*qinffield(nm)) ! cumulative runoff in m
- I = cumprcp(nm) - Qq ! cumulative infiltration in m
- qinfmap(nm) = (I - cuminf(nm))/dt ! infiltration in m/s
- !
- else
- !
- ! Everything still infiltrating
- !
- qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm)
- !
- endif
- !
- cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
- netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
- !
- enddo
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
- !
- !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
- !
- ! For now, curve number infiltration is done on the CPU
-! !$acc update device(cuminf), async(1)
- !
- ! Provide update to user
- !write(*,'(a,f5.3,a,f10.3,a)') ' update from SCS-CN method: Average cumulative rainfall of ',sum(cumprcp)/size(cumprcp),' meter and infiltration rate of ',sum(qinfmap*3.6e3*1.0e3)/size(qinfmap) ,' mm/hour'
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'cnb') then
- !
- ! Determine infiltration rate with Curve Number with recovery
- !
- !$omp parallel &
- !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm )
- !$omp do
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- ! If there is precip in this grid cell for this time step
- !
- if (prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
- !
- ! Is raining now
- !
- if (scs_rain(nm) == 1) then
- ! if it was raining before; do nothing
- else
- ! initalise these variables
- scs_P1(nm) = 0.0 ! cumulative rainfall for this 'event'
- scs_F1(nm) = 0.0 ! cumulative infiltration for this 'event'
- scs_S1(nm) = scs_Se(nm) ! S for this 'event'
- scs_rain(nm) = 1 ! logic used to determine if there is an event ongoing
- endif
- !
- ! Compute cum rainfall
- !
- scs_P1(nm) = scs_P1(nm) + prcp(nm)*dt
- !
- ! Compute runoff
- !
- if (scs_P1(nm) > (sfacinf* scs_S1(nm)) ) then ! scs_S1 is S
- Qq = (scs_P1(nm) - (sfacinf*scs_S1(nm)))**2 / (scs_P1(nm) + (1.0 - sfacinf)*scs_S1(nm)) ! cumulative runoff in m
- I = scs_P1(nm) - Qq ! cum infiltration this event
- qinfmap(nm) = (I - scs_F1(nm))/dt ! infiltration in m/s
- scs_F1(nm) = I ! cum infiltration this event
- else
- Qq = 0.0 ! no runoff
- scs_F1(nm) = scs_P1(nm) ! all rainfall is infiltrated
- qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm) ! infiltration rate = rainfall rate
- endif
- !
- ! Compute "remaining S", but note that scs_Se is not used in computation
- !
- scs_Se(nm) = scs_Se(nm) - qinfmap(nm)*dt
- scs_Se(nm) = max(scs_Se(nm), 0.0)
- qinfmap(nm) = max(qinfmap(nm), 0.0)
- !
- else
- !
- ! It is not raining here
- if (scs_rain(nm) == 1) then
- !
- ! if it was raining before; cange logic and set rate to 0
- scs_rain(nm) = 0
- qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
- rain_T1(nm) = 0.0
- !
- endif
- !
- ! Add to recovery time
- rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt / 3600
- !
- ! compute recovery of S if time is larger than this
- if (rain_T1(nm) > (0.06 / inf_kr(nm)) ) then ! Equation 4-37 from SWMM
- ! note that scs_Se is S and qinffield is Smax
- scs_Se(nm) = scs_Se(nm) + (inf_kr(nm) * qinffield(nm) * dt / 3600) ! scs_kr is recovery in hours
- scs_Se(nm) = min(scs_Se(nm), qinffield(nm))
- !
- endif
- !
- endif
- !
- ! Compute cumulative values
- cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
- netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
- !
- enddo
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
- !
- !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'gai') then
- !
- ! Determine infiltration rate with with the Green-Ampt (GA) model
- !$omp parallel &
- !$omp private ( nm )
- !$omp do
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- ! If there is precip in this grid cell for this time step?
- if (prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
- !
- ! Is raining now
- if ( (prcp(nm)) < ksfield(nm)) then
- !
- ! Small amounts of rainfall - infiltration is same as soil
- qinfmap(nm) = prcp(nm) ! infiltration is same as rainfall
- !
- else
- !
- ! Larger amounts of rainfall - Equation 4-27 from SWMM manual
- qinfmap(nm) = (ksfield(nm) * (1 + (GA_head(np)*GA_sigma(np)) / GA_F(nm)))
- qinfmap(nm) = min(qinfmap(nm), prcp(nm)) ! never more than rainfall
- qinfmap(nm) = max(qinfmap(nm), 0.0) ! and never negative
- !
- endif
- !
- ! Update sigma
- GA_sigma(nm) = GA_sigma(nm) - (qinfmap(nm)*dt/GA_Lu(nm))
- GA_sigma(nm) = max(GA_sigma(nm),0.00)
- !
- ! Update others
- GA_F(nm) = GA_F(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt ! internal cumulative rainfall from Green-Ampt
- rain_T1(nm) = 0.0 ! recovery time not started
- !
- else
- !
- ! Not raining here
- !
- ! Add to recovery time
- rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt / 3600
- !
- ! compute recovery of S if time is larger than this
- if (rain_T1(nm) > (0.06 / inf_kr(nm)) ) then ! Equation 4-37 from SWMM
- !
- ! Update sigma
- GA_sigma(nm) = GA_sigma(nm) + (inf_kr(nm) * GA_sigma_max(nm) * dt/3600) ! Equation 4-35
- GA_sigma(nm) = min(GA_sigma(nm), GA_sigma_max(nm)) ! never more than max
- !
- ! Update internal cumulative rainfall
- GA_F(nm) = GA_F(nm) - (inf_kr(nm) * GA_sigma_max(nm) * dt/3600*GA_Lu(nm)) ! Page 112 SWMM
- GA_F(nm) = max(GA_F(nm), 0.0) ! never negative
- endif
- endif
- !
- ! Compute cumulative values
- qinffield(nm) = qinfmap(nm)
- cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
- netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
- !
- enddo
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
- !
- !$acc update device(qinfmap), async(1)
- !
- elseif (inftype == 'hor') then
- !
- ! Determine infiltration rate with with the Horton model
- !$omp parallel &
- !$omp private ( Qq,I,nm,a,hh_local)
- !$omp do
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- ! Get local water depth estimate
- if (subgrid) then
- if (crsgeo) then
- a = cell_area_m2(nm)
- else
- a = cell_area(z_flags_iref(nm))
- endif
- hh_local = z_volume(nm)/a
- else
- hh_local = zs(nm) - zb(nm)
- endif
- !
- ! Check if there is water
- if (hh_local> 0.0 .OR. prcp(nm) > 0.0) then
- !
- ! Infiltrating here
- !
- ! Count how long this is already going
- if (rain_T1(nm) > 0) then
- rain_T1 = 0.0
- endif
- rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) - dt ! negative amount of how long it is infiltrating
- !
- ! Compute estimate of infiltration ! Note that qinffield = horton_fc
- I = exp(horton_kd(nm)*rain_T1(nm)/3600) ! note that horton_kd is factor in hours while dt is seconds
- !
- ! Stop keeping track of this when less than 1% left (same for time)
- if (I < 0.01) then
- I = 0.0 ! which reduces qinfmap to horton_fc
- rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt ! also make sure time doesnt further decrease
- qinfmap(nm) = (horton_fc(nm))/3600/1000 ! from mm/hr to m/s
- else
- qinfmap(nm) = (horton_fc(nm) + (horton_f0(nm) - horton_fc(nm))*I)/3600/1000 ! from mm/hr to m/s
- endif
- !
- ! Check how much there can infiltrate
- if (hh_local > 0.00) then
- Qq = prcp(nm)*dt + (zs(nm) - zb(nm)) ! Qq is estimate in meter of how much water there is
- else
- Qq = prcp(nm)*dt ! if no water; only compare with rainfall
- endif
- !
- ! Compare how much Horton want to infiltrate
- I = qinfmap(nm) * dt ! I is estimate in meter of how much Horton allows
- if (I > Qq) then
- qinfmap(nm) = qinfmap(nm) * Qq/I ! scale Horton if capacity > available
- endif
- !
- else
- !
- ! Not raining here NOR ponding
- rain_T1(nm) = rain_T1(nm) + dt/horton_kr_kd ! positive amount of how long it is infiltrating
- qinfmap(nm) = 0.0
- !
- endif
- !
- ! Compute cumulative values
- cuminf(nm) = cuminf(nm) + qinfmap(nm)*dt
- netprcp(nm) = netprcp(nm) - qinfmap(nm)
- !
- enddo
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
- !
- endif
- !
- end subroutine
-end module
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_input.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_input.f90
index 138dad69..ef381749 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_input.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_input.f90
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ subroutine read_sfincs_input()
call read_char_input(500,'netamprfile',netamprfile,'none')
call read_char_input(500,'netampfile',netampfile,'none')
call read_char_input(500,'netspwfile',netspwfile,'none')
+ call read_char_input(500,'netinfiltrationfile',netinfiltrationfile,'none')
! Output
call read_char_input(500,'obsfile',obsfile,'none')
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_lib.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_lib.f90
index e2c8028a..1b937b99 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_lib.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_lib.f90
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ function sfincs_initialize(config_file) result(ierr)
- build_revision = '$Rev: v2.0.6-alpha'
- build_date = '$Date: 2024-03-28'
+ build_revision = '$Rev: v2.0.6-alpha:branch-80-add-option-for-netcdf_infiltration_quadtree-file-input'
+ build_date = '$Date: 2024-04-25'
write(*,*)'----------- Welcome to SFINCS -----------'
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_ncoutput.F90 b/source/src/sfincs_ncoutput.F90
index 2ebf7df4..e1e58c33 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_ncoutput.F90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_ncoutput.F90
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module sfincs_ncoutput
integer :: patm_varid, wind_speed_varid, wind_dir_varid
integer :: inp_varid, total_runtime_varid, average_dt_varid, status_varid
integer :: hm0_varid, hm0ig_varid, zsm_varid, tp_varid, tpig_varid, wavdir_varid, dirspr_varid
- integer :: dw_varid, df_varid, dwig_varid, dfig_varid, cg_varid, qb_varid, beta_varid, srcsh_varid, alphaig_varid
+ integer :: dw_varid, df_varid, dwig_varid, dfig_varid, cg_varid, qb_varid, beta_varid, srcig_varid, alphaig_varid
end type
@@ -1500,12 +1500,12 @@ subroutine ncoutput_his_init()
NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%beta_varid, 'long_name', 'directionally averaged normalised bed slope'))
NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%beta_varid, 'coordinates', 'station_id station_name point_x point_y'))
- NF90(nf90_def_var(his_file%ncid, 'srcsh', NF90_FLOAT, (/his_file%points_dimid, his_file%time_dimid/), his_file%srcsh_varid)) ! time-varying water level point
- NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, '_FillValue', FILL_VALUE))
- NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, 'units', '-'))
- NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, 'standard_name', 'directionally_averaged_ig_energy_source'))
- NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, 'long_name', 'directionally averaged ig energy source'))
- NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, 'coordinates', 'station_id station_name point_x point_y'))
+ NF90(nf90_def_var(his_file%ncid, 'srcig', NF90_FLOAT, (/his_file%points_dimid, his_file%time_dimid/), his_file%srcig_varid)) ! time-varying water level point
+ NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, '_FillValue', FILL_VALUE))
+ NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, 'units', '-'))
+ NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, 'standard_name', 'directionally_averaged_ig_energy_source'))
+ NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, 'long_name', 'directionally averaged ig energy source'))
+ NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, 'coordinates', 'station_id station_name point_x point_y'))
NF90(nf90_def_var(his_file%ncid, 'alphaig', NF90_FLOAT, (/his_file%points_dimid, his_file%time_dimid/), his_file%alphaig_varid)) ! time-varying water level point
NF90(nf90_put_att(his_file%ncid, his_file%alphaig_varid, '_FillValue', FILL_VALUE))
@@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_his(t,nthisout)
real*4, dimension(nobs) :: cgobs
real*4, dimension(nobs) :: qbobs
real*4, dimension(nobs) :: betaobs
- real*4, dimension(nobs) :: srcshobs
+ real*4, dimension(nobs) :: srcigobs
real*4, dimension(nobs) :: alphaigobs
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: qq
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_his(t,nthisout)
cgobs = FILL_VALUE
qbobs = FILL_VALUE
betaobs = FILL_VALUE
- srcshobs = FILL_VALUE
+ srcigobs = FILL_VALUE
alphaigobs = FILL_VALUE
do iobs = 1, nobs ! determine zs and prcp of obervation points at required timestep
@@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_his(t,nthisout)
cgobs(iobs) = cg(nm)
qbobs(iobs) = qb(nm)
betaobs(iobs) = betamean(nm)
- srcshobs(iobs) = srcsh(nm)
+ srcigobs(iobs) = srcig(nm)
alphaigobs(iobs) = alphaig(nm)
@@ -2414,7 +2414,7 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_his(t,nthisout)
NF90(nf90_put_var(his_file%ncid, his_file%qb_varid, qbobs, (/1, nthisout/)))
NF90(nf90_put_var(his_file%ncid, his_file%beta_varid, betaobs, (/1, nthisout/)))
- NF90(nf90_put_var(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcsh_varid, srcshobs, (/1, nthisout/)))
+ NF90(nf90_put_var(his_file%ncid, his_file%srcig_varid, srcigobs, (/1, nthisout/)))
NF90(nf90_put_var(his_file%ncid, his_file%alphaig_varid, alphaigobs, (/1, nthisout/)))
@@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_max(t,ntmaxout)
n = z_index_z_n(nm)
m = z_index_z_m(nm)
- zstmp(m, n) = cumprcp(nm)*1000
+ zstmp(m, n) = cumprcp(nm)
@@ -2669,17 +2669,19 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- if (subgrid) then
- if ( (zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)) > huthresh) then
- zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm)
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ if (subgrid) then
+ if ( (zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)) > huthresh) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm)
+ endif
+ else
+ if ( (zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)) > huthresh) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm)
+ endif
- else
- if ( (zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)) > huthresh) then
- zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm)
- endif
- endif
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%timemax_varid, t, (/ntmaxout/))) ! write time_max
@@ -2687,27 +2689,28 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
! Write maximum water depth
if (subgrid .eqv. .false. .or. store_hsubgrid .eqv. .true.) then
+ !
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
- if (subgrid) then
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- if ( (zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)) > huthresh) then
- zstmp(nm) = zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)
- endif
- !
- enddo
- else
- do nm = 1, np
- !
- if ( (zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)) > huthresh) then
- zstmp(nm) = zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- endif
- !
- if (subgrid .eqv. .false. .or. store_hsubgrid .eqv. .true.) then
+ do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
+ !
+ nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
+ !
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ if (subgrid) then
+ if ( (zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)) > huthresh) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm) - subgrid_z_zmin(nm)
+ endif
+ else
+ if ( (zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)) > huthresh) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = zsmax(nm) - zb(nm)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%hmax_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write hmax
@@ -2719,9 +2722,11 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = cumprcp(nm)*1000
- endif
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = cumprcp(nm)
+ endif
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%cumprcp_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write cumprcp
@@ -2730,9 +2735,11 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = cuminf(nm)
- endif
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = cuminf(nm)
+ endif
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%cuminf_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write cuminf
@@ -2743,9 +2750,11 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = vmax(nm)
- endif
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = vmax(nm)
+ endif
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%vmax_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write vmax
@@ -2755,9 +2764,11 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = qmax(nm)
- endif
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = qmax(nm)
+ endif
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%qmax_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write qmax
@@ -2767,8 +2778,10 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = twet(nm)
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = twet(nm)
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%tmax_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write tmax
@@ -2779,24 +2792,14 @@ subroutine ncoutput_update_quadtree_max(t,ntmaxout)
zstmp = FILL_VALUE
do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = windmax(nm)
+ if (nm>0) then
+ if (kcs(nm)>0) then
+ zstmp(nmq) = windmax(nm)
+ endif
NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%windmax_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write windmax
- !
- ! Cumulative infiltration
- if (infiltration) then
- zstmp = FILL_VALUE
- do nmq = 1, quadtree_nr_points
- nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- if (kcs(nm)>0) then
- zstmp(nmq) = cuminf(nm)
- endif
- enddo
- NF90(nf90_put_var(map_file%ncid, map_file%cuminf_varid, zstmp, (/1, ntmaxout/))) ! write cuminf
- endif
end subroutine
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_obspoints.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_obspoints.f90
index b547bac3..4882b78f 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_obspoints.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_obspoints.f90
@@ -107,20 +107,24 @@ subroutine read_obs_points()
if (nmq>0) then
nm = index_sfincs_in_quadtree(nmq)
- nmindobs(iobs) = nm
- n = z_index_z_n(nm)
- m = z_index_z_m(nm)
- xgobs(iobs) = z_xz(nm)
- ygobs(iobs) = z_yz(nm)
- !
- if (subgrid) then
- zbobs(iobs) = subgrid_z_zmin(nm)
- else
- zbobs(iobs) = zb(nm)
- endif
- !
- iref = z_flags_iref(nm)
+ if (nm > 0) then
+ !
+ nmindobs(iobs) = nm
+ n = z_index_z_n(nm)
+ m = z_index_z_m(nm)
+ !
+ xgobs(iobs) = z_xz(nm)
+ ygobs(iobs) = z_yz(nm)
+ !
+ if (subgrid) then
+ zbobs(iobs) = subgrid_z_zmin(nm)
+ else
+ zbobs(iobs) = zb(nm)
+ endif
+ !
+ iref = z_flags_iref(nm)
+ endif
! write(*,'(a,i0,a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a,f0.3)')' Observation point ',iobs,' : "',trim(nameobs(iobs)),'" nm=',nm,' n=',n,' m=',m,' iref=',iref,' z=',zbobs(iobs)
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_snapwave.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_snapwave.f90
index 7a0e997e..6a624738 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_snapwave.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_snapwave.f90
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module sfincs_snapwave
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_cg
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_Qb
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_beta
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_srcsh
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_srcig
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: snapwave_alphaig
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: snapwave_connected_nodes
integer*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: index_snapwave_in_sfincs
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: cg0
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: qb0
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: beta0
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcsh0
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcig0
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: alphaig0
integer :: ip, ii, m, n, nm, nmu, idir
real*4 :: f
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
- allocate(srcsh0(np))
+ allocate(srcig0(np))
fwx0 = 0.0
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
cg0 = 0.0
qb0 = 0.0
beta0 = 0.0
- srcsh0 = 0.0
+ srcig0 = 0.0
alphaig0 = 0.0
! Determine SnapWave water depth
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
cg0(nm) = snapwave_cg(ip)
qb0(nm) = snapwave_Qb(ip)
beta0(nm) = snapwave_beta(ip)
- srcsh0(nm) = snapwave_srcsh(ip)
+ srcig0(nm) = snapwave_srcig(ip)
alphaig0(nm) = snapwave_alphaig(ip)
if (store_wave_direction) then
mean_wave_direction(nm) = 270.0 - snapwave_mean_direction(ip)*180/pi
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
cg0(nm) = 0.0
qb0(nm) = 0.0
beta0(nm) = 0.0
- srcsh0(nm) = 0.0
+ srcig0(nm) = 0.0
alphaig0(nm) = 0.0
if (store_wave_direction) then
mean_wave_direction(nm) = 0.0
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ subroutine update_wave_field(t, tloop)
cg(nm) = cg0(nm)
qb(nm) = qb0(nm)
betamean(nm) = beta0(nm)
- srcsh(nm) = srcsh0(nm)
+ srcig(nm) = srcig0(nm)
alphaig(nm) = alphaig0(nm)
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ subroutine compute_snapwave(t)
snapwave_cg = cg
snapwave_Qb = Qb
snapwave_beta = beta
- snapwave_srcsh = srcsh
+ snapwave_srcig = srcig
snapwave_alphaig = alphaig
! Wave periods from SnapWave, used in e.g. wavemakers - TL: moved behind call update_boundary_conditions & compute_wave_field so values at first timestep are not 0
@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ subroutine read_snapwave_input()
call read_real_input(500,'snapwave_alphaigfac',alphaigfac,1.0) ! Multiplication factor for IG shoaling source/sink term
call read_real_input(500,'snapwave_baldock_ratio_ig',baldock_ratio_ig,0.2)
call read_int_input(500,'snapwave_ig_opt',ig_opt,1)
+ call read_int_input(500,'snapwave_iterative_srcig',iterative_srcig,1) ! Option whether to calculate IG source/sink term in iterative lower (better, but potentially slower, 1=default), or effectively based on previous timestep (faster, potential mismatch, =0)
! IG boundary conditions options:
call read_int_input(500,'snapwave_use_herbers',herbers_opt,1) ! Choice whether you want IG Hm0&Tp be calculated by herbers (=1, default), or want to specify user defined values (0> then snapwave_eeinc2ig & snapwave_Tinc2ig are used)
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ subroutine read_snapwave_input()
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_btpfile',btpfile,'')
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_bwdfile',bwdfile,'')
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_bdsfile',bdsfile,'')
- call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_upwfile',upwfile,'')
+ call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_upwfile',upwfile,'snapwave.upw')
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_mskfile',mskfile,'')
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_depfile',depfile,'none')
call read_char_input(500,'snapwave_ncfile', gridfile,'snapwave_net.nc')
diff --git a/source/src/sfincs_wavemaker.f90 b/source/src/sfincs_wavemaker.f90
index aeb7bff2..d08ca7e5 100644
--- a/source/src/sfincs_wavemaker.f90
+++ b/source/src/sfincs_wavemaker.f90
@@ -1467,13 +1467,13 @@ subroutine update_wavemaker_fluxes(t, dt, tloop)
zsuv = max(zsnmb, zsnmi)
- if (zsuv>=subgrid_uv_zmax(nm) - 1.0e-3) then
+ if (zsuv>=subgrid_uv_zmax(ip) - 1.0e-3) then
! Entire cell is wet, no interpolation from table needed
depthuv = subgrid_uv_havg_zmax(ip) + zsuv
- elseif (zsuv>subgrid_uv_zmin(nm)) then
+ elseif (zsuv>subgrid_uv_zmin(ip)) then
! Interpolation required
diff --git a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_data.f90 b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_data.f90
index 5f8e5deb..7659715d 100644
--- a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_data.f90
+++ b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_data.f90
@@ -11,12 +11,9 @@ module snapwave_data
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: kwav_ig, nwav_ig ! wave number, ratio Cg/C
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: C, Cg ! wave celerity, group velocity0
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: C_ig, Cg_ig ! wave celerity, group velocity0
- real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: Sxx ! directional radiation stress Sxx
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: fw ! friction coefficient
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: fw_ig ! friction coefficient
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: H, H_ig ! rms wave height
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: H_ig_old ! IG wave height at previous timestep
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: H_inc_old ! Incident wave height at previous timestep
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Dw,Df ! dissipation due to breaking, bed friction
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Dw_ig,Df_ig ! dissipation due to breaking, bed friction for IG
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: F ! wave force Dw/C/rho/depth
@@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ module snapwave_data
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Qb
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: beta
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcsh
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: srcig
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: alphaig
integer*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: index_snapwave_in_quadtree
@@ -162,6 +159,8 @@ module snapwave_data
real*4 :: baldock_ratio_ig ! option controlling from what depth wave breaking should take place for IG waves: (Hk>baldock_ratio*Hmx(k)), default baldock_ratio_ig=0.2
integer :: igwaves_opt ! option of IG waves on (1) or off (0)
integer :: ig_opt ! option of IG wave settings (1 = default = conservative shoaling based dSxx and Baldock breaking)
+ integer :: iterative_srcig ! option whether IG source/sink term should be calculated in the iterative loop again (iterative_srcig = 1, is a bit slower),
+ ! ... or just a priori based on effectively incident wave energy from previous timestep only
real*4 :: snapwave_alpha_ig,gamma_ig ! coefficients in Baldock wave breaking dissipation model for IG waves
real*4 :: shinc2ig ! Ratio of how much of the calculated IG wave source term, is subtracted from the incident wave energy (0-1, 0=default)
real*4 :: alphaigfac ! Multiplication factor for IG shoaling source/sink term, default = 1.0
diff --git a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_domain.f90 b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_domain.f90
index 484eac1a..8d864cec 100644
--- a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_domain.f90
+++ b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_domain.f90
@@ -114,13 +114,10 @@ subroutine initialize_snapwave_domain()
- allocate(Sxx(ntheta,no_nodes))
- allocate(H_ig(no_nodes))
- allocate(H_ig_old(no_nodes))
- allocate(H_inc_old(no_nodes))
+ allocate(H_ig(no_nodes))
@@ -131,7 +128,7 @@ subroutine initialize_snapwave_domain()
- allocate(srcsh(no_nodes))
+ allocate(srcig(no_nodes))
! allocate(uorb(no_nodes))
@@ -196,7 +193,8 @@ subroutine initialize_snapwave_domain()
ds360d0 = 0.d0
w360d0 = 0.d0
prev360 = 0
- H_ig_old = 0.0
+ H = 0.0
+ H_ig = 0.0
generate_upw = .false.
exists = .true.
@@ -274,6 +272,8 @@ subroutine initialize_snapwave_domain()
+ nb = 0
+ !
do k=1,no_nodes
!if (msk(k)==3) msk(k) = 1 ! Set outflow points to regular points > now should become neumann, so don't do this
do itheta=1,ntheta360
@@ -282,25 +282,27 @@ subroutine initialize_snapwave_domain()
if (inout>0) msk(k) = 2
- enddo
- !
- nb = 0
- do k = 1, no_nodes
- if (msk(k)==1) then
- inner(k) = .true.
- else
- inner(k) = .false.
+ !
+ if (msk(k)>1) then
+ nb = nb + 1
- if (msk(k)==2) nb = nb + 1
+ !
- nb = 0
do k = 1, no_nodes
+ !
+ if (msk(k)==1) then
+ inner(k) = .true.
+ else
+ inner(k) = .false.
+ endif
+ !
if (msk(k)>1) then
- nb = nb + 1
- nmindbnd(nb) = k
+ !
+ nmindbnd(nb) = k
+ !
diff --git a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_infragravity.f90 b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_infragravity.f90
index 6fbc48da..1df9a55d 100644
--- a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_infragravity.f90
+++ b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_infragravity.f90
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ subroutine determine_ig_bc(hsinc, tpinc, ds, jonswapgam, depth, Tinc2ig, tpig_op
implicit none
- real*4, intent(in) :: hsinc, tpinc, ds, jonswapgam, depth, Tinc2ig
+ real*4, intent(in) :: hsinc, tpinc, ds, jonswapgam, Tinc2ig
integer, intent(in) :: tpig_opt
+ real*4, intent(inout) :: depth
real*4, intent(out) :: hsig, tpig
real*4 :: pi, scoeff
@@ -40,8 +41,10 @@ subroutine determine_ig_bc(hsinc, tpinc, ds, jonswapgam, depth, Tinc2ig, tpig_op
! Call function that calculates Hig0 following Herbers, as also implemented in XBeach and secordspec2 in Matlab
! Loosely based on 3 step calculation in waveparams.F90 of XBeach (build_jonswap, build_etdir, build_boundw), here all in 1 subroutine calculate_herbers
- if (depth < 10.0) then
- write(*,*)'DEBUG SnapWave - depth at boundary input point dropped below 10 m: ',depth, ' which might lead to large values of Hm0ig as bc, especially when directional spreading is low!'
+ if (depth < 5.0) then
+ write(*,*)'ERROR SnapWave - depth at boundary input point dropped below 5 m: ',depth, ' which might lead to large values of Hm0ig as bc, especially when directional spreading is low! Please specify input in deeper water. '
+ write(*,*)'Depth set back to 5 meters for stability, simulation will continue.'
+ depth = 5.0
call compute_herbers(hsig, Tm01, Tm10, Tp, Tpsmooth, hsinc, tpinc, scoeff, jonswapgam, depth, correctHm0) ![out,out,out,out,out, in,in,in,in,in,in]
diff --git a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_solver.f90 b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_solver.f90
index 606a1335..00745eda 100644
--- a/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_solver.f90
+++ b/source/src/snapwave/snapwave_solver.f90
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ subroutine compute_wave_field()
call disper_approx(depth, Tpb, kwav, nwav, C, Cg, no_nodes)
call disper_approx(depth, Tpb_ig, kwav_ig, nwav_ig, C_ig, Cg_ig, no_nodes)
cg_ig = cg
- Sxx = 0
do k = 1, no_nodes
sinhkh(k) = sinh(min(kwav(k)*depth(k), 100.0))
@@ -47,11 +46,6 @@ subroutine compute_wave_field()
sinhkh_ig(k) = sinh(min(kwav_ig(k)*depth(k), 50.0))
Hmx_ig(k) = 0.88/kwav_ig(k)*tanh(gamma_ig*kwav_ig(k)*depth(k)/0.88)
- ! Calculate radiation stress Sxx = ((2 .* n) - 0.5) .* Einc > is from energy of previous timestep, and directional!
- do itheta = 1, ntheta
- ! old, non-directional: Sxx(itheta,k) = ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k)))) - 0.5) * sum(ee(:, k)) * dtheta
- Sxx(itheta,k) = ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k)))) - 0.5) * ee(itheta, k) ! limit so value of nwav is between 0 and 1, and Sxx therefore doesn't become NaN for nwav=Infinite
- enddo
do itheta = 1, ntheta
@@ -90,17 +84,13 @@ subroutine compute_wave_field()
call solve_energy_balance2Dstat (x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnected, &
theta,ntheta,thetamean, &
- H,H_ig,Dw,Dw_ig,F,Df,Df_ig,thetam,sinhkh,sinhkh_ig,Hmx,Hmx_ig, ee, ee_ig, igwaves, nr_sweeps, crit, hmin, gamma_ig, shinc2ig, ig_opt, baldock_opt, baldock_ratio, baldock_ratio_ig, alphaigfac, Qb, beta, srcsh, alphaig, Sxx, H_ig_old, H_inc_old, nwav)
+ H,H_ig,Dw,Dw_ig,F,Df,Df_ig,thetam,sinhkh,sinhkh_ig,Hmx,Hmx_ig, ee, ee_ig, igwaves, nr_sweeps, crit, hmin, gamma_ig, shinc2ig, ig_opt, iterative_srcig, baldock_opt, baldock_ratio, baldock_ratio_ig, alphaigfac, Qb, beta, srcig, alphaig, nwav)
call timer(t3)
Fx = F*cos(thetam)
Fy = F*sin(thetam)
- ! Incident and IG wave height after solving energy balance
- H_inc_old = H
- H_ig_old = H_ig
- !
write(*,*)'Computation SnapWave timestep took: ', t3 - t2, ' seconds'
end subroutine
@@ -111,8 +101,8 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
theta,ntheta,thetamean, &
depth,zb,kwav,kwav_ig,cg,cg_ig,ctheta,ctheta_ig,fw,fw_ig,T,T_ig,dt,rho,alfa,alfa_ig,gamma, &
H,H_ig,Dw,Dw_ig,F,Df,Df_ig,thetam,sinhkh,sinhkh_ig,Hmx,Hmx_ig, ee, ee_ig, igwaves, nr_sweeps, crit, hmin, &
- gamma_ig, shinc2ig, ig_opt, baldock_opt, baldock_ratio, baldock_ratio_ig, alphaigfac, Qb, betamean, srcsh, &
- alphaig, Sxx, H_ig_old, H_inc_old, nwav)
+ gamma_ig, shinc2ig, ig_opt, iterative_srcig, baldock_opt, baldock_ratio, baldock_ratio_ig, alphaigfac, Qb, betamean, srcig, &
+ alphaig, nwav)
implicit none
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: ctheta ! refractioon speed
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: cg_ig ! group velocity
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: nwav ! wave number n
- real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: Sxx ! Radiation Stress
real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(inout) :: ee !
real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(inout) :: ee_ig !
real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: ctheta_ig ! refractioon speed
@@ -144,7 +133,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: fw_ig ! wave friction factor
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: Qb ! Fraction of breaking waves according to Baldock's formulation
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: betamean ! Mean local bed slope parameter
- real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: srcsh ! Directionally averaged incident wave sink/infragravity source term
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: srcig ! Directionally averaged incident wave sink/infragravity source term
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: alphaig ! Mean IG shoaling parameter alpha
real*4, intent(in) :: T ! wave period
real*4, intent(in) :: T_ig ! IG wave period
@@ -155,8 +144,10 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
real*4, intent(in) :: baldock_ratio ! option controlling from what depth wave breaking should take place: (Hk>baldock_ratio*Hmx(k)), default baldock_ratio=0.2
real*4, intent(in) :: baldock_ratio_ig ! option controlling from what depth wave breaking should take place for IG waves: (Hk>baldock_ratio*Hmx(k)), default baldock_ratio_ig=0.2
integer :: ig_opt ! option of IG wave settings (1 = default = conservative shoaling based dSxx and Baldock breaking)
- real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: H ! wave height
- real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: H_ig ! wave height
+ integer :: iterative_srcig ! option whether IG source/sink term should be calculated in the iterative loop again (iterative_srcig = 1, is a bit slower),
+ ! ... or just a priori based on effectively incident wave energy from previous timestep only
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(inout) :: H ! wave height
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(inout) :: H_ig ! wave height
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: Dw ! wave breaking dissipation
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: Dw_ig ! wave breaking dissipation IG
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(out) :: F ! wave force Dw/C/rho/h
@@ -167,8 +158,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: Hmx ! Hmax
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: sinhkh_ig ! sinh(k*depth)
real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: Hmx_ig ! Hmax
- real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: H_ig_old ! wave height of previous timestep
- real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: H_inc_old ! wave height of previous timestep
! Local variables and arrays
@@ -179,20 +168,13 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
integer :: k,k1,k2,k12,i,ind(1),count,kn,itheta ! counters (k is grid index)
integer :: indint
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: indx ! index for grid sorted per sweep direction
-! real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ee,eeold ! wave energy density, energy density previous iteration
-! real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ee_ig ! wave energy density
- real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: eeold ! wave energy density, energy density previous iteration
- real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: srcsh_local ! Energy source/sink term because of IG wave shoaling
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: eeold ! wave energy density, energy density previous iteration
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: srcig_local ! Energy source/sink term because of IG wave shoaling
real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: beta_local ! Local bed slope based on bed level per direction
- real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: alphaig_local !
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: alphaig_local ! Local infragravity wave shoaling parameter alpha
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: dee ! difference with energy previous iteration
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: eeprev, cgprev ! energy density and group velocity at upwind intersection point
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: eeprev_ig, cgprev_ig ! energy density and group velocity at upwind intersection point
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Sxxprev ! radiation stress at upwind intersection point
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Hprev ! Incident wave height at upwind intersection point
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: H_igprev ! IG wave height at upwind intersection point
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: H_incprev ! Incident wave height at upwind intersection point
- real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: depthprev ! water depth at upwind intersection point
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: A,B,C,R ! coefficients in the tridiagonal matrix solved per point
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: A_ig,B_ig,C_ig,R_ig ! coefficients in the tridiagonal matrix solved per point
real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: DoverE ! ratio of mean wave dissipation over mean wave energy
@@ -230,8 +212,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
real*4 :: Sxx_cons
real*4 :: alphaigfac ! Multiplication factor for IG shoaling source/sink term, default = 1.0
real*4 :: sigm_ig
- real*4 :: beta
- real*4 :: gam ! local gamma (Hinc / depth ratio)
character*20 :: fname
integer, save :: callno=1
@@ -261,7 +241,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
! allocate(ee(ntheta,no_nodes))
! allocate(ee_ig(ntheta,no_nodes))
- allocate(eeold(ntheta,no_nodes))
+ allocate(eeold(ntheta,no_nodes))
@@ -273,7 +253,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
- allocate(srcsh_local(ntheta,no_nodes))
+ allocate(srcig_local(ntheta,no_nodes))
if (igwaves) then
@@ -287,11 +267,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
- allocate(Sxxprev(ntheta))
- allocate(Hprev(ntheta))
- allocate(H_igprev(ntheta))
- allocate(H_incprev(ntheta))
- allocate(depthprev(ntheta))
@@ -305,7 +280,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
df = 0.0
dw = 0.0
F = 0.0
- srcsh_local = 0.0
+ srcig_local = 0.0
alphaig_local = 0.0
ok = 0
@@ -318,8 +293,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
oneover2dtheta = 1.0/2.0/dtheta
rhog8 = 0.125*rho*g
thetam = 0.0
- H = 0.0
- H_ig = 0.0
!gamma_ig = gamma --> now user defineable
@@ -367,83 +340,15 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
if (igwaves) then
- ! Compute exchange source term inc to ig waves - per direction
- do itheta = 1, ntheta
- !
- k1 = prev(1, itheta, k)
- k2 = prev(2, itheta, k)
- !
- if (k1>0 .and. k2>0) then ! IMPORTANT - for some reason (k1*k2)>0 is not reliable always, resulting in directions being uncorrectly skipped!!!
- !
- ! Calculate upwind direction dependent variables
- ! TL - Note: cg_ig = cg
- cgprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k2)
- Sxxprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*Sxx(itheta,k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*Sxx(itheta,k2)
- Hprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*H(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*H(k2)
- H_igprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*H_ig_old(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*H_ig_old(k2)
- H_incprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*H_inc_old(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*H_inc_old(k2)
- depthprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*depth(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*depth(k2)
- eeprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*ee(itheta, k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*ee(itheta, k2)
- eeprev_ig(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k2)
- !
- beta = max((w(1, itheta, k)*(zb(k) - zb(k1)) + w(2, itheta, k)*(zb(k) - zb(k2)))/ds(itheta, k), 0.0)
- ! Notes:
- ! - use actual bed level now for slope, because depth changes because of wave setup/tide/surge
- ! - in zb, depth is negative > therefore zb(k) minus zb(k1)
- ! - beta=0 means a horizontal or decreasing slope > need alphaig=0 then
- !
- beta_local(itheta,k) = beta
- !betan_local(itheta,k) = (beta/sigm_ig)*sqrt(9.81/max(depth(k), hmin)) ! TL: in case in the future we would need the normalised bed slope again
- !
- gam = max(0.5*(H_incprev(itheta)/depthprev(itheta) + H_inc_old(k)/depth(k)), 0.0) ! mean gamma over current and upwind point
- !
- if (ig_opt == 1 .or. ig_opt == 2) then
- !
- ! Calculate shoaling parameter alpha_ig following Leijnse et al. (2024)
- !
- call estimate_shoaling_parameter_alphaig(beta, gam, alphaig_local(itheta,k)) ! [input, input, output]
- !
- ! Now calculate source term component
- !
- ! Newest dSxx/dx based method, using estimate of Sxx(k) using conservative shoaling
- if (Sxxprev(itheta)<=0.0) then
- !
- srcsh_local(itheta, k) = 0.0 !Avoid big jumps in dSxx that can happen if a upwind point is a boundary point with Hinc=0
- !
- else
- !
- if (ig_opt == 1) then ! Option using conservative shoaling for dSxx/dx
- !
- ! Calculate Sxx based on conservative shoaling of upwind point's energy:
- ! Sxx_cons = E(i-1) * Cg(i-1) / Cg * (2 * n(i) - 0.5)
- Sxx_cons = eeprev(itheta) * cgprev(itheta) / cg_ig(k) * ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k)))) - 0.5)
- ! Note - limit so value of nwav is between 0 and 1, and Sxx therefore doesn't become NaN for nwav=Infinite
- !
- dSxx = Sxx_cons - Sxxprev(itheta)
- !
- elseif (ig_opt == 2) then ! Option taking actual difference for dSxx/dx
- !
- dSxx = Sxx(itheta,k) - Sxxprev(itheta)
- !
- endif
- !
- dSxx = max(dSxx, 0.0)
- !
- srcsh_local(itheta, k) = alphaigfac * alphaig_local(itheta,k) * sqrt(eeprev_ig(itheta)) * cgprev(itheta) / depthprev(itheta) * dSxx / ds(itheta, k)
- !
- endif
- !
- else ! TL: option to add future parameterisations here for e.g. coral reef type coasts
- !
- srcsh_local(itheta, k) = 0.0
- !
- endif
- !
- srcsh_local(itheta, k) = max(srcsh_local(itheta, k), 0.0)
- !
- endif
- !
- enddo
+ ! Determine IG source/sink term as in Leijnse, van Ormondt, van Dongeren, Aerts & Muis et al. 2024
+ !
+ call determine_infragravity_source_sink_term(no_nodes, ntheta, k, w, ds, prev, cg_ig, nwav, depth, H, ee, ee_ig, eeprev, eeprev_ig, cgprev, zb, ig_opt, alphaigfac, alphaig_local, beta_local, srcig_local)
+ ! inout: alphaig_local, beta_local, srcig_local - eeprev, eeprev_ig, cgprev
+ ! in: the rest
+ !
+ ! NOTE - this is now only used to fill 'srcig_local', so that we have a good starting point for the source term in incident wave energy balance in the 'do iter=1,niter' loop
+ ! THis is therefore based on the energy in the precious SnapWave timestep.
+ ! The real source term is calculated now in the iteration loop
@@ -471,7 +376,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
DoverE_ig(k) = (Dwk_ig + Dfk_ig)/max(Ek_ig, 1.0e-6)
- endif
+ endif
@@ -524,7 +429,6 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
if (igwaves) then !TL: now calculated double?
eeprev_ig(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k2)
cgprev_ig(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k2) !TL: needed to calculate? Or is same as cgprev(itheta)?
- !depthprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*depth(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*depth(k2)
@@ -534,7 +438,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A(itheta) = -ctheta(itheta - 1, k)*oneover2dtheta
B(itheta) = oneoverdt + cg(k)/ds(itheta,k) + DoverE(k)
C(itheta) = ctheta(itheta + 1, k)*oneover2dtheta
- R(itheta) = oneoverdt*ee(itheta, k) + cgprev(itheta)*eeprev(itheta)/ds(itheta, k) - srcsh_local(itheta, k) * shinc2ig
+ R(itheta) = oneoverdt*ee(itheta, k) + cgprev(itheta)*eeprev(itheta)/ds(itheta, k) - srcig_local(itheta, k) * shinc2ig
@@ -542,7 +446,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A(1) = 0.0
B(1) = oneoverdt - ctheta(1, k)/dtheta + cg(k)/ds(1, k) + DoverE(k)
C(1) = ctheta(2, k)/dtheta
- R(1) = oneoverdt*ee(1, k) + cgprev(1)*eeprev(1)/ds(1, k) - srcsh_local(1, k) * shinc2ig
+ R(1) = oneoverdt*ee(1, k) + cgprev(1)*eeprev(1)/ds(1, k) - srcig_local(1, k) * shinc2ig
A(1) = 0.0
B(1) = 1.0/dt
@@ -554,7 +458,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A(ntheta) = -ctheta(ntheta - 1, k)/dtheta
B(ntheta) = oneoverdt + ctheta(ntheta, k)/dtheta + cg(k)/ds(ntheta, k) + DoverE(k)
C(ntheta) = 0.0
- R(ntheta) = oneoverdt*ee(ntheta,k) + cgprev(ntheta)*eeprev(ntheta)/ds(ntheta, k) - srcsh_local(ntheta, k) * shinc2ig
+ R(ntheta) = oneoverdt*ee(ntheta,k) + cgprev(ntheta)*eeprev(ntheta)/ds(ntheta, k) - srcig_local(ntheta, k) * shinc2ig
A(ntheta) = 0.0
B(ntheta) = oneoverdt
@@ -618,6 +522,39 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
+ ! Update IG source/sink term based on just updated incident wave energy balance
+ !
+ if (igwaves) then
+ !
+ if (iterative_srcig == 1) then
+ !
+ ! Update H in first iteration - first sweep - ONLY:
+ if ((iter == 1) .and. (sweep==1)) then
+ !
+ H(k) = sqrt(8*sum(ee(:, k))*dtheta/rho/g) ! is combined: E(k) = sum(ee(:, k))*dtheta And H(k) = sqrt(8*E(k)/rho/g)
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ ! Compute exchange source term inc to ig waves - per direction
+ !
+ ! Do only on first sweep to save computation time:
+ if (sweep==1) then
+ ! Determine IG source/sink term as in Leijnse, van Ormondt, van Dongeren, Aerts & Muis et al. 2024
+ !
+ call determine_infragravity_source_sink_term(no_nodes, ntheta, k, w, ds, prev, cg_ig, nwav, depth, H, ee, ee_ig, eeprev, eeprev_ig, cgprev, zb, ig_opt, alphaigfac, alphaig_local, beta_local, srcig_local)
+ ! inout: alphaig_local, beta_local, srcig_local - eeprev, eeprev_ig, cgprev
+ ! in: the rest
+ !
+ ! NOTE - this is now only used to fill 'srcig_local', so that we have a good starting point for the source term in incident wave energy balance in the 'do iter=1,niter' loop
+ ! THis is therefore based on the energy in the precious SnapWave timestep.
+ ! The real source term is calculated now in the iteration loop
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ endif
+ !
if (igwaves) then
! IG
@@ -627,7 +564,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A_ig(itheta) = -ctheta_ig(itheta - 1, k)*oneover2dtheta
B_ig(itheta) = oneoverdt + cg_ig(k)/ds(itheta,k) + DoverE_ig(k)
C_ig(itheta) = ctheta_ig(itheta + 1, k)*oneover2dtheta
- R_ig(itheta) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(itheta, k) + cgprev_ig(itheta)*eeprev_ig(itheta)/ds(itheta, k) + srcsh_local(itheta, k)
+ R_ig(itheta) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(itheta, k) + cgprev_ig(itheta)*eeprev_ig(itheta)/ds(itheta, k) + srcig_local(itheta, k)
@@ -635,7 +572,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A_ig(1) = 0.0
B_ig(1) = oneoverdt - ctheta_ig(1, k)/dtheta + cg_ig(k)/ds(1, k) + DoverE_ig(k)
C_ig(1) = ctheta_ig(2, k)/dtheta
- R_ig(1) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(1, k) + cgprev_ig(1)*eeprev_ig(1)/ds(1, k) + srcsh_local(1, k)
+ R_ig(1) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(1, k) + cgprev_ig(1)*eeprev_ig(1)/ds(1, k) + srcig_local(1, k)
@@ -647,7 +584,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
A_ig(ntheta) = -ctheta_ig(ntheta - 1, k)/dtheta
B_ig(ntheta) = oneoverdt + ctheta_ig(ntheta, k)/dtheta + cg_ig(k)/ds(ntheta, k) + DoverE_ig(k)
C_ig(ntheta) = 0.0
- R_ig(ntheta) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(ntheta,k) + cgprev_ig(ntheta)*eeprev_ig(ntheta)/ds(ntheta,k) + srcsh_local(ntheta, k)
+ R_ig(ntheta) = oneoverdt*ee_ig(ntheta,k) + cgprev_ig(ntheta)*eeprev_ig(ntheta)/ds(ntheta,k) + srcig_local(ntheta, k)
A_ig(ntheta) = 0.0
B_ig(ntheta) = oneoverdt
@@ -764,7 +701,7 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
- !
+ !
do k=1,no_nodes
! Compute directionally integrated parameters for output
@@ -799,22 +736,22 @@ subroutine solve_energy_balance2Dstat(x,y,no_nodes,w,ds,inner,prev,neumannconnec
call baldock(g, rho, alfa_ig, gamma_ig, kwav_ig(k), depth(k), H_ig(k), T_ig, baldock_opt, Dw_ig(k), Hmx_ig(k))
- ! average beta, alphaig, srcsh over directions
+ ! average beta, alphaig, srcig over directions
betamean(k) = sum(beta_local(:,k))/ntheta ! real mean
!betamean(k) = maxval(beta_local(:,k))
alphaig(k) = sum(alphaig_local(:,k))/ntheta ! real mean
- srcsh(k) = sum(srcsh_local(:,k)) /ntheta ! real mean
- !srcsh(k) = maxval(srcsh_local(:,k))
- !srcsh(k) = sum(srcsh_local(:,k))*dtheta
+ srcig(k) = sum(srcig_local(:,k)) /ntheta ! real mean
+ !srcig(k) = maxval(srcig_local(:,k))
+ !srcig(k) = sum(srcig_local(:,k))*dtheta
- enddo
+ enddo
@@ -911,6 +848,136 @@ subroutine baldock (rho,g,alfa,gamma,k,depth,H,T,opt,Dw,Hmax)
end subroutine baldock
+ subroutine determine_infragravity_source_sink_term(no_nodes, ntheta, k, w, ds, prev, cg_ig, nwav, depth, H, ee, ee_ig, eeprev, eeprev_ig, cgprev, zb, ig_opt, alphaigfac, alphaig_local, beta_local, srcig_local)
+ !
+ ! Incoming variables
+ integer, intent(in) :: no_nodes,ntheta ! number of grid points, number of directions
+ integer, intent(in) :: k ! counters (k is grid index)
+ real*4, dimension(2,ntheta,no_nodes),intent(in) :: w ! weights of upwind grid points, 2 per grid point and per wave direction
+ real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: ds ! distance to interpolated upwind point, per grid point and direction
+ integer, dimension(2,ntheta,no_nodes),intent(in) :: prev ! two upwind grid points per grid point and wave direction
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: cg_ig ! group velocity
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: nwav ! wave number n
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: depth ! water depth
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: H ! wave height
+ real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: ee ! energy density
+ real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes), intent(in) :: ee_ig ! energy density infragravity waves
+ real*4, dimension(no_nodes), intent(in) :: zb ! actual bed level
+ integer, intent(in) :: ig_opt ! option of IG wave settings (1 = default = conservative shoaling based dSxx and Baldock breaking)
+ real*4, intent(in) :: alphaigfac ! Multiplication factor for IG shoaling source/sink term, default = 1.0
+ !
+ ! Inout variables
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: alphaig_local ! Local infragravity wave shoaling parameter alpha
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: srcig_local ! Energy source/sink term because of IG wave shoaling
+ real*4, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: eeprev, cgprev ! energy density and group velocity at upwind intersection point
+ real*4, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: eeprev_ig ! energy density at upwind intersection point
+ real*4, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: beta_local ! Local bed slope based on bed level per direction
+ !
+ ! Internal variables
+ integer :: itheta ! directional counter
+ integer :: k1,k2 ! upwind counters (k is grid index)
+ real*4, dimension(ntheta,no_nodes) :: Sxx ! Radiation Stress
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Sxxprev ! radiation stress at upwind intersection point
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: depthprev ! water depth at upwind intersection point
+ real*4, dimension(:), allocatable :: Hprev ! Incident wave height at upwind intersection point
+ real*4 :: beta ! local bedslope
+ real*4 :: gam ! local gamma (Hinc / depth ratio)
+ !
+ ! Allocate internal variables
+ allocate(Sxxprev(ntheta))
+ allocate(depthprev(ntheta))
+ allocate(Hprev(ntheta))
+ !
+ !
+ ! Compute exchange source term inc to ig waves - per direction
+ do itheta = 1, ntheta
+ !
+ k1 = prev(1, itheta, k)
+ k2 = prev(2, itheta, k)
+ !
+ if (k1>0 .and. k2>0) then ! IMPORTANT - for some reason (k1*k2)>0 is not reliable always, resulting in directions being uncorrectly skipped!!!
+ !
+ ! First calculate upwind direction dependent variables
+ ! TL - Note: cg_ig = cg
+ cgprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*cg_ig(k2)
+ !
+ Sxx(itheta,k1) = ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k1)))) - 0.5) * ee(itheta, k1) ! limit so value of nwav is between 0 and 1
+ Sxx(itheta,k2) = ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k2)))) - 0.5) * ee(itheta, k2) ! limit so value of nwav is between 0 and 1
+ !
+ Sxxprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*Sxx(itheta,k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*Sxx(itheta,k2)
+ !
+ depthprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*depth(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*depth(k2)
+ !
+ eeprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*ee(itheta, k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*ee(itheta, k2)
+ eeprev_ig(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*ee_ig(itheta, k2)
+ !
+ Hprev(itheta) = w(1, itheta, k)*H(k1) + w(2, itheta, k)*H(k2)
+ !
+ ! Determine local bed slope and relative waterdepth 'gam'
+ beta = max((w(1, itheta, k)*(zb(k) - zb(k1)) + w(2, itheta, k)*(zb(k) - zb(k2)))/ds(itheta, k), 0.0)
+ ! Notes:
+ ! - use actual bed level now for slope, because depth changes because of wave setup/tide/surge
+ ! - in zb, depth is negative > therefore zb(k) minus zb(k1)
+ ! - beta=0 means a horizontal or decreasing slope > need alphaig=0 then
+ !
+ beta_local(itheta,k) = beta
+ !betan_local(itheta,k) = (beta/sigm_ig)*sqrt(9.81/max(depth(k), hmin)) ! TL: in case in the future we would need the normalised bed slope again
+ !
+ gam = max(0.5*(Hprev(itheta)/depthprev(itheta) + H(k)/depth(k)), 0.0) ! mean gamma over current and upwind point
+ !
+ ! Determine dSxx and IG source/sink term 'srcig'
+ !
+ if (ig_opt == 1 .or. ig_opt == 2) then
+ !
+ ! Calculate shoaling parameter alpha_ig following Leijnse et al. (2024)
+ !
+ call estimate_shoaling_parameter_alphaig(beta, gam, alphaig_local(itheta,k)) ! [input, input, output]
+ !
+ ! Now calculate source term component
+ !
+ ! Newest dSxx/dx based method, using estimate of Sxx(k) using conservative shoaling
+ if (Sxxprev(itheta)<=0.0) then
+ !
+ srcig_local(itheta, k) = 0.0 !Avoid big jumps in dSxx that can happen if a upwind point is a boundary point with Hinc=0
+ !
+ else
+ !
+ if (ig_opt == 1) then ! Option using conservative shoaling for dSxx/dx
+ !
+ ! Calculate Sxx based on conservative shoaling of upwind point's energy:
+ ! Sxx_cons = E(i-1) * Cg(i-1) / Cg * (2 * n(i) - 0.5)
+ Sxx_cons = eeprev(itheta) * cgprev(itheta) / cg_ig(k) * ((2.0 * max(0.0,min(1.0,nwav(k)))) - 0.5)
+ ! Note - limit so value of nwav is between 0 and 1, and Sxx therefore doesn't become NaN for nwav=Infinite
+ !
+ dSxx = Sxx_cons - Sxxprev(itheta)
+ !
+ elseif (ig_opt == 2) then ! Option taking actual difference for dSxx/dx
+ !
+ dSxx = Sxx(itheta,k) - Sxxprev(itheta)
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ dSxx = max(dSxx, 0.0)
+ !
+ srcig_local(itheta, k) = alphaigfac * alphaig_local(itheta,k) * sqrt(eeprev_ig(itheta)) * cgprev(itheta) / depthprev(itheta) * dSxx / ds(itheta, k)
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ else ! TL: option to add future parameterisations here for e.g. coral reef type coasts
+ !
+ srcig_local(itheta, k) = 0.0
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ srcig_local(itheta, k) = max(srcig_local(itheta, k), 0.0)
+ !
+ endif
+ !
+ enddo
+ !
+ end subroutine determine_infragravity_source_sink_term
subroutine estimate_shoaling_parameter_alphaig(beta, gam, alphaig)
real*4, intent(in) :: beta
real*4, intent(in) :: gam
@@ -951,7 +1018,7 @@ subroutine estimate_shoaling_parameter_alphaig(beta, gam, alphaig)
- ! Limit alphaig betwwen [0, 1] to prevent large overshoots in case of low gamma and very small beta
+ ! Limit alphaig between [0, 1] to prevent large overshoots in case of low gamma and very small beta
alphaig = max(alphaig, 0.0)
alphaig = min(alphaig, 1.0)
@@ -974,7 +1041,7 @@ subroutine disper_approx(h,T,k,n,C,Cg,no_nodes)
Cg = n*C
end subroutine disper_approx
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino