- Implementation of Binary Search using Divide & Conquer method.
- Implementation of Merge Sort and Quick Sort using Divide & Conquer method. Determine the time required to sort the elements.
- Implementation of knapsack problem using greedy strategy.
- WAP of minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm.
- Use Union-Find algorithm to detect cycle in graph.
- WAP of minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm.
- Implementation of Huffman Code using greedy strategy.
- WAP to find shortest path in graph using Dijsktra's algorithm.
- WAP to implement longest common subsequence (LCS) problem using dynamic programming.
- WAP to find shortest path in graph using Bellman-Ford algorithm.
- WAP to find all pair shortest path using Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- WAP to implement an application of BFS on undirected graph.
- WAP to implement an application of DFS on an undirected graph.
This list is according to Neha Nagrale Ma'am's document.
- About the algorithm
- Pseudocode
- Time and Space Complexities
Aim, Theory - written; Code in C/C++ and Output - Printed; Complexity Table (If exists), Conclusion - Written