Máster en Ciencia de Datos e Ingeniería de Computadores. Prácticas de BigData y Cloud Computing. Curso 2017-2018.
Manuel J. Parra Royón (manuelparra@decsai.ugr.es) & José. M. Benítez Sánchez (j.m.benitez@decsai.ugr.es)
Go to betatun.ugr.es
Create in your home folder a folder i.e. web
mkdir web
Create a new container:
docker run -p 15XXX:80 -v /home/CD_XXXXXX/web/:/var/www/html/ --name <your_container_name> -d vaniltonpinheiro/apache-php-ldap
In this case, we use --privileged
due to SELinux policies on betatun.ugr.es
Go to and check if container is working:
Go to the created folder:
cd /home/CD_XXXXXX/web/
And create a new file index.html
inside this folder (use a Text Editor like: vim,vi,pico,...):
vi index.html
Write the next:
- Press key
- Paste the next text or write new text:
<H1>This is the container service of ManuParra</H1>
- Save the text file, press key
and then write:wq
and press keyIntro
And open your browser with the next URL:
Remember: use your Port Assignment cat puertosdocker.txt
You will see the text created from the webserver on the container.