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621 lines (424 loc) · 24.7 KB


File metadata and controls

621 lines (424 loc) · 24.7 KB


Unreleased / master

4.2.1 (2024-08-19)

Roles and permissions: Granted SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on ProcessedTomogram for ispyb_processing

4.2.0 (2024-08-14)

Roles and permissions: grants files for new ispyb expeye roles

New or modified tables, columns, lookup values:

  • New table ProcessedTomogram
  • New rows for 'VMXm-Cartridge' and 'VMXm-Cartridge' in the ContainerType table
  • New FK column ownerId (references Person.personId) in the BLSampleGroup table
  • New 'Metal ID' enum item in DiffractionPlan.experimentKind
  • New 'Metal ID' enum item in DataCollectionGroup.experimentType
  • New row for 'Metal ID' (for MX) in ExperimentType table

Stored procedures: upsert_dc_group_v3 now populates DataCollectionGroup.experimentTypeId based on p_experimenttype

New script to perform LVM snapshot-based backup

4.1.0 (2024-03-26)

New or modified tables and columns:

  • New table Atlas
  • New table GridSquare
  • New Table FoilHole
  • In table Movie: New columns foilHoleId and templateLabel
  • In table Shipping: New column source and externalShippingIdToSynchrotron
  • In table Dewar: New column source and externalShippingIdFromSynchrotron
  • In table Container: New column source
  • In table BLSample: New column source
  • In table AutoProcProgramMessage: Make column severity not nullable
  • In table ContainerQueue: Make column containerId not nullable


  • In table BLSubSample: Replace blSampleId FK index with compound index (blSampleId, source)
  • In table ProcessingJobParameter: Add compund index (parameterKey, processingJobId)
  • In table AutoProc: Remove spaceGroup from compound index (refinedCell_a, refinedCell_b, refinedCell_c, refinedCell_alpha, refinedCell_beta, refinedCell_gamma)

Roles and permissions:

  • Granted SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on BFactorFit, Atlas, GridSquare, FoilHole for ispyb_processing
  • Added new role ispyb_propagation and granted SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE on relevant tables

4.0.1 (2024-01-09)

  • Modify stored procedure upsert_session_for_proposal_code_number to remove references in queries to previously removed BLSession columns.

4.0.0 (2024-01-08)

  • Add stored procedure retrieve_grid_info_for_dc_v2 similar to retrieve_grid_info_for_dc, but with micronsPerPixelX,Y columns instead of pixelsPerMicronX,Y.
  • Removed columns in BLSession: projectCode, sessionTitle, structureDeterminations, dewarTransport, databackupFrance, databackupEurope, expSessionPk, operatorSiteNumber, protectedData
  • Remove columns in DataCollectionGroup: workflowId
  • Remove tables: Pod, PHPSession, Log4Stat, Particle, EMMicroscope, DataReductionStatus, SAFETYREQUEST, SAMPLECELL, SAMPLEEXPOSUREUNIT, SAXSDATACOLLECTIONGROUP, WorkflowStep, WorkflowType, WorkflowMesh, Workflow, AssemblyRegion, AssemblyHasMacromolecule, Assembly, Structure, SubtractionToAbInitioModel, MeasurementToDataCollection, Instruction, Merge, Measurement, AbInitioModel, ModelToList, Model, ModelList, FrameSet, Run, FrameToList, Frame, FrameList, BufferHasAdditive, MeasurementUnit, MacromoleculeRegion, Subtraction, Stoichiometry, Additive, Specimen, StockSolution, Buffer, Macromolecule, SafetyLevel, SamplePlatePosition, SamplePlate, PlateGroup, InstructionSet, PlateType, SaxsDataCollection, Experiment.

3.0.0 (2023-11-16)

  • Tables:
    • Drop: MotionCorrectionDrift and remove it from schema files
    • Add: BFactorFit with foreign key referencing ParticleClassification
  • Columns and keys:
    • Make Dewar.shippingId not nullable
    • Add: bFactorFit-related columns in ParticleClassification
    • Add: self-referenting foreign key column parentContainerId in Container to allow hierarchy of ``Container``s
    • Add: containerTypeId foreign key column for the Screen table
    • Add: manufacturerSerialNumber in DewarRegistry table
    • Add: EORINumber column in Laboratory table to help with international shipping
    • Add: riskRating enum column to the BLSession table to hold the ERA status
    • Add: globalAlignmentQuality in Tomogram
    • Add unique key for ContainerRegistry.barcode and make it not nullable
    • Extend BLSession.beamLineOperator to 255 characters
  • Stored procedures:
    • Drop: upsert_motion_correction_drift, remove procedure file and remove it from the schema files
    • Add: upsert_adminvar to upsert rows in the AdminVar table
    • Add: update_reg_container_barcode
    • Add: update_session_enddate
  • Misc:
    • Add: maintenance script to delete a given number of rows from a table, and then rebuild the table to reclaim the space for the OS
    • Add: maintenance script to update BLSample.subLocation via a cursor in order to remove rows with duplications of (containerId, location, subLocation)
    • Add: SELECT grants on ProcessingJob, ProcessingJobImageSweep tables for role ispyb_scripts_processing

2.1.0 (2023-06-05)

  • New stored procedure upsert_dc_grid_v2 and EXECUTE permission on it for the relevant role

2.0.0 (2023-05-15)

Removed procedures relating to old XrayCentringResult table removed in 1.36.0 (contributed by @DominicOram)

New and modified columns:

  • In the Dewar table: extra JSON column for facility-specific or hard-to-define attributes.
  • In the ParticleClassification table: selected boolean to indicate that the class has been selected for further processing.

1.36.1 (2023-04-17)

Bug fix: The file name of an update .sql file didn't correspond with the name it inserted into the SchemaStatus table.

1.36.0 (2023-04-17)

  • New tables for storing X-ray centring results (contributed by @rjgildea):
    • XrayCentring
    • XrayCentringResult (replaces unused/legacy XrayCentringResult table)
  • New columns:
    • In Detector table: numberOfROIPixelsX + numberOfROIPixelsY (for ROI mode)
    • In GridInfo table: micronsPerPixelX + micronsPerPixelY (these will eventually replace pixelsPerMicronX and pixelsPerMicronY)
  • New tables to hold configuration parameters for searching LDAP:
    • LDAPSearchParameters
    • LDAPSearchBase
    • UserGroup_has_LDAPGroup
  • Stored procedures:
    • New procedure update_sample_append_staff_comments
    • Modified procedure retrieve_dc_group now also returns proposalCode, proposalNumber and sessionNumber
    • Modified procedures upsert_dcg_grid and upsert_dc_grid so they additionally write to the new GridInfo columns
  • Build (contributed by @garryod):
    • Added Dockerfile to create container image
    • Tagged releases are now published to the Github Container Registry
  • Tools (contributed by @gfrn):
    • Script bin/ now also exports tables relatd to EM SPA and EM tomography

1.35.0 (2023-02-28)

  • New tables, rows and enum options for SSX (serial crystallography):
    • Table SSXDataCollection
    • Table Component
    • Table SampleComposition
    • Table CrystalComposition
    • Table EventChain
    • Table EventType
    • Table Event
    • Rows for EventType, ComponentType, ExperimentType
    • Enum options in DataCollectionGroup.experimentType: 'Still' (not for SSX), 'SSX-Chip', 'SSX-Jet'
  • Turn on column compression for PDB.contents. (This is a slow operation which takes several minutes on a table with thousands of rows.)
  • Drop unneccessary column Tomogram.processingJobId.

1.34.1 (2023-01-19)

  • Add EXECUTE perm on procedure update_dc_append_comments to 'ispyb_processing' role.

1.34.0 (2023-01-16)

Table/column changes:

  • Table Tomogram: Extra path and file columns

Stored procedures:

  • New procedure update_container_dispose to mark a container as disposed
  • New procedure update_dc_append_comments to append text to the comments column in a data collection

Grants & roles:

  • Add EXECUTE perms on new procedures to relevant roles
  • Create role ispyb_web_verify_tests + grants for verifying data written by with ispyb_web
  • Add missing grant for ispyb_web role


  • Add new script to display info about MariaDB Galera cluster health
  • Misc tweaks
  • Add import of new grants + document in README

1.33.0 (2022-11-02)

Table/column changes:

  • Table Shipping: Add column extra (JSON)
  • Table BLSample_has_DataCollectionPlan: Change datatype of planOrder to smallint unsigned
  • Table BLSession: Drop left-behind constraint


  • Table ExperimentType: Insert rows for 'em' proposalTypes 'Tomography' and 'Single Particle'
  • Table ContainerType: Set correct capacity for Block-4

Stored procedures:

  • Procedure update_container_assign: Add proposalCode, proposalNumber to returned result
  • Grants:
    • Add SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE perms on ProcessingJob + ProcessingJobParameter tables for ispyb_processing role


  • Scripts: Add extra mariabackup options to
  • Analysis schema: Create and populate SummaryResults table

1.32.0 (2022-08-25)

  • More grants files with new roles
  • Stored procedure: Changed datatype from float to double for parameter p_flux in upsert_dc
  • Tables and columns:
    • DiffractionPlan: Add JSON column scanParameters
    • GridInfo: Add columns patchesX and patchesY
    • New table BLSampleImage_has_Positioner linking BLSampleImage and Positioner

1.31.0 (2022-08-08)

Stored procedures:

  • Existing proc insert_subsample_for_image_full_path now also populates BLSubSample.blSampleImageId. (Existing BLSubSample rows can be back-populated with values for the column through the 2022_07_17_BLSubSample_update_blSampleImageId.sql script.)
  • New proc insert_subsample_for_image_full_path_v2 has an additional parameter p_experiment_type used to create a DiffractionPlan for the BLSubSample.


  • New analytics views: Protein, Crystal, PDBEntry

Roles and grants:

  • New role ispyb_scripts_processing for processing scripts
  • Grants for new tables Tomogram and TiltImageAlignment
  • Grants for above new analytics views

1.30.0 (2022-06-22)

New tables (for cryo-ET and electrin diffraction):

  • Tomogram: For storing per-sample, per-position data analysis results (reconstruction)
  • TiltImageAlignment: For storing per-movie analysis results (reconstruction)

New columns (for cryo-ET and electron diffraction):

  • angle
  • fluence
  • numberOfFrames

Other changes:

  • Add JNB (Jupyter Notebook) option to app enum in Pod table
  • Add execute privilege to ispyb_acquisition role on: * procedure upsert_dc * function retrieve_visit_id
  • Make it possible to delete from BeamCalendar without deleting BLSessions (no longer cascading delete)
  • Add index on recordTimeStamp in SW_onceToken

1.29.0 (2022-02-14)

Tables and columns:

  • New column currentDewarId in Container and ContainerHistory (and modified relevant stored procedures to populate this)
  • Container table: Made xia2/DIALS the default pipeline
  • New table Pod: Status tracker for k8s pods launched from SynchWeb
  • Updated XChemDB schema

Stored procedures:

  • insert_subsample_for_image_full_path: Abort if missing mandatory arguments or p_imageFullPath not found
  • New sproc update_container_current_dewar_id to set the currentDewarId for a Container
  • New sproc update_container_unqueue to un-queue a container while allowing its samples/points to be re-queued later
  • New sproc upsert_container_report to upsert container reports


  • Write permissions on MXMRRun* tables for ispyb_processing
  • Execute grant on update_container_current_dewar_id for ispyb_touchscreen role
  • Execute grant on new sproc update_container_unqueue for ispyb_acquisition

1.28.0 (2021-11-23)

Table/data changes:

  • Added unique index on BLSampleImage.imageFullPath to improve perf. of proedure upsert_sample_image_auto_score
  • Changes to MXMRRun, MXMRRunBlob: allow storing Anode results + more relevant molecular replacement output
  • Back populate BLSampleGroup.proposalId where this is NULL

Stored procedure changes:

  • New procedure finish_container_for_id to set the ContainerQueue completedTimeStamp
  • Updated retrieve_scm_containers_for_session so its param p_status matches on NULL
  • Updated comment for procedure finish_container
  • Updated procedure upsert_mr_run and function upsert_mrrun to work with changes to MXMRRun tables
  • New procedure upsert_session_has_person_for_session_and_login
  • New procedure insert_usergroup_has_person_for_ug_and_login
  • New procedure delete_usergroup_has_person_for_login

Other misc. changes:

  • Exec grants for new procedure
  • Role and grants for 'touchscreen' role
  • Removed doc files which are not needed in the repo
  • Modified so it writes table + sproc docs to /tmp/ and converts to HTML
  • Add previously missed admin procedures to routines.sql

1.27.0 (2021-09-15)

Added cryoEM table RelativeIceThickness to record relative ice thickness values per micrograph.

Grants for this table have been added to the relevant scripts.

1.26.0 (2021-08-31)

Column changes:

  • Add a source column to the PDB table

Stored procedure changes:

  • New stored procedure update_dewar_comments_json_merge to JSON merge the Dewar comments with a parameter
  • Add 'plan' prefix to new DCPlan column aliases in retrieve_scm_sample* stored procedures (bug)

Lookup table data changes:

  • Fill in some missing properties for container types

1.25.1 (2021-07-28)

Return additional columns in the retrieve_scm_sample* stored procedures:

  • qMin
  • qMax
  • reductionParametersAveraging

1.25.0 (2021-07-26)

New versions of stored procedures:

  • upsert_particle_picker_v2 - new parameter p_summaryImageFullPath
  • upsert_particle_classification_v2 - new parameter p_classDistribution

1.24.0 (2021-07-23)

Column changes:

  • In Screening: new column autoProcProgramId
  • In AutoProcScalingStatistics: new column resIOverSigI2 (resolution where I/Sigma(I) equals 2)
  • In AutoProcProgram: removed column dataCollectionId and its foreign key constraint
  • In ProposalHasPerson: added enum option 'Associate' to the role column
  • In Session_has_Person: added enum option 'Associate' to the role column

Added tables:

  • Positioner: An arbitrary positioner and its value, could be e.g. a motor. Allows for instance to store some positions with a sample or subsample
  • BLSample_has_Positioner
  • BLSubSample_has_Positioner

Stored procedure changes:

  • upsert_session_for_proposal_code_number: This is now truly an "upsert" procedure, as it allows specifying an existing session either through p_id OR through p_proposalCode + p_proposalNumber + p_visitNumber.
  • insert_processing_scaling_v2: Version 2 of insert_processing_scaling which allows writing to the new AutoProcScalingStatistics.resIOverSigI2 column.

Grants for the new stored procedure and some table grants have also been added.

1.23.0 (2021-07-07)

New columns:

  • DiffractionPlan: qMin, qMax, reductionParametersAveraging
  • ParticleClassification: classDistribution
  • ParticlePicker: summaryImageFullPath
  • BLSampleGroup: proposalId (and populate it based on BLSampleGroup_has_BLSample -> BLSample -> Crystal -> Protein.proposalId)

New tables:

  • zc_ZocaloBuffer: A table for temporary Zocalo data.

Lookup table data changes:

  • SpaceGroup: Changed a few spaceGroupShortName values for common spacegroups, and set MX_used = 0 for less commonly used spacegroups.
  • UserGroup: Add groups detector_admin, prop_admin, goods_handling, imaging_admin, spectroscopy_admin, mm_admin.

Additionally, new enum options have been added to DataCollectionGroup.experimentType: Mesh3D, Screening.

1.22.0 (2021-05-28)

New stored programs:

  • Function retrieve_proposal_title_v2
  • Procedure upsert_mx_sample

1.21.2 (2021-05-20)

  • Updated schemas/ispyb/routines.sql with the changes to stored procedure retrieve_sample sproc.

1.21.1 (2021-05-19)

  • Stored procedure changes:
    • Additional DataCollection columns are returned by the retrieve_dc procedure.

1.21.0 (2021-05-14)

  • Table changes:
    • The FK constraint for Dewar.firstExperimentId has been changed to ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE.
    • The data type of the ParticleClassification.rotationAccuracy column has been changed from int unsigned to float.
    • In DataCollection: Added new column dataCollectionPlanId with FK constraint referencing the table currently known as DiffractionPlan.
    • In ContainerQueueSample: Added new columns status, startTime, endTime, dataCollectionPlanId and blSampleId with FK constraints for the two latter ones.
  • New stored procedures for cryo EM:
    • upsert_particle_picker
    • upsert_particle_classification_group
    • upsert_particle_classification
    • insert_cryoem_initial_model
    • Grants for these have been added to the grants/ispyb_processing.sql file.
  • New stored procedures for MX and other disciplines:
    • insert_aperture
    • insert_crystal
    • insert_dc_plan
    • insert_position
    • retrieve_apertures_using_size
    • retrieve_container
    • retrieve_dcs_for_sample
    • retrieve_quality_indicators
    • retrieve_robot_actions_for_sample
    • retrieve_screenings_for_sample
    • retrieve_xfe_fluo_ids_for_sample
    • A new role ispyb_gda_mxcx has been created with execute grants on these procedures.
  • Modified stored procedures:
    • retrieve_dc: Added extra column id (which is an alias for the primary key).
    • retrieve_scm_samples_for_container_id: Only indentation changes, no real changes.

1.20.1 (2021-04-20)

  • xchem_db schema is now part of the release archive file
  • retrieve_dc_plans_for_sample sproc: add sampleOrderInPlan field to result-set
  • Redefined which tables are lookup tables
  • Code refactoring of bin/ and bin/
  • schemas/ispyb/data.sql: Set planOrder for rows in BLSample_has_DataCollectionPlan table

1.20.0 (2021-04-13)

  • Tables, views and indices:
    • New cryoEM table ParticleClassificationGroup. Some columns were moved to this table from ParticlePicker and ParticleClassification.
    • Add capillary as enum option to BLSampleGroup_has_BLSample.type
    • XChem DB: First version of schema for production (not part of release)
    • Analytics schema: Add access to all lookup tables, RobotAction, ProcessingJob*, Protein tables through views
    • Drop duplicate indices, add missing indices that existed only in DLS prod
  • Data in lookup tables:
    • Add additional container types: some historical, some new
    • Update ExperimentType.proposalType: Change scm to saxs, MX to mx
    • Update ContainerType.proposalType: Change scm to saxs
    • Add two XPDF and five MX container types
    • Update SpaceGroup table: Remove newlines in names. Set MX_used = 1 for all SGs.
  • Stored procedures:
    • retrieve_scm_*: Preferentially get experiement type and container type+capacity from new lookup tables ExperimentType and ContainerType, otherwise fall-back to experimentType and containerType``+``capacity columns in the Container table.
    • upsert_sample_image: set BLSampleImage.modifiedTimeStamp if the upsert is an update
  • Tools and documentation:
    • New script bin/ to identify update .sql files that haven't been run
    • bin/ Use --add-drop-trigger flag to drop trigger if exists before creation
    • Simplify pull request procedure for table changes
    • Updated simplified MX database diagram files
    • Move list + string with lookup tables to separate file so it can be reused
    • All bash scripts have been given new shebang lines to run on systems where bash is not at /bin/bash.
  • Users, roles and grants:
    • More INSERT grants for ispyb_web role: DC, DCG, ProcessingJob, ProcessingJobParameter
    • New ispyb_ro_nopii role (read-only-except-PII)

1.19.0 (2021-03-05)

  • Add new tables for CryoEM - note that these are still subject to potentially significant change:
    • ParticlePicker
    • ParticleClassification: Results of 2D or 2D classification
    • CryoemInitialModel: Initial cryo-EM model generation results
    • ParticleClassification_has_CryoemInitialModel
  • Add old tables that exist in prod database, but not yet in repo:
    • BF_automationFault: Software faults, stacktrace, severity etc.
    • BF_automationError: Lookup table used by BF_automationFault
  • Add ContainerType table and foreign key referencing it in Container table

1.18.0 (2021-02-22)

  • Add upsert_dc_grid and retrieve_grid_info_for_dc stored procedures for inserting/retrieving GridInfo entries via a dataCollectionId rather than dataCollectionGroupId.
  • Add staffComments to BLSample table.
  • Add offsetX and offsetY to BLSampleImage table.
  • Add type to BLSubSample table.
  • Add preferredDataCentre to BeamLineSetup table.
  • Add params option to fileType enum in DataCollectionFileAttachment table.
  • Add XRF map, Energy scan, XRF spectrum and XRF map xas options to experimentType enum in DataCollectionGroup table.
  • Modify strategyOption column in DiffractionPlan table to make it a varchar(200) with json_valid check.
  • Add MOSAIC option to actionType enum in RobotAction table.
  • Re-design unused tables XRFFluorescenceMapping and XRFFluorescenceMappingROI.
  • Add new table XFEFluorescenceComposite.
  • Re-create upsert_fluo_mapping and upsert_fluo_mapping_roi to work with the re-designed tables.
  • Modify upsert_quality_indicators stored procedure so that the p_autoProcProgramId parameter is used.

1.17.1 (2021-01-13)

  • ispyb_analytics schema:
    • Added Proposal and AutoProc* views, fixed bugs in view
    • Added data_scientist role and grants
  • The script for generating the list of procs now writes the result to the client instead of the server. This way a non-local or Docker MariaDB instance can be used.

1.17.0 (2020-12-30)

  • Renamed schema/ directory to schemas/ispyb/
  • Added schemas/ispyb-analytics/ with its own script and so on.
  • Allow database name $db to be defined outside of the main script.
  • Add a BLSubSample source enum to help us distinguish between sub-samples created by users and by e.g. CHiMP.
  • Stored procedure to populate BLSubSample for a given sample image file - to be used by the Python API.
  • Add collectionMode and priority to DiffractionPlan table.
  • Add missing experimentTypeId foreign key to Container table.
  • Updated and
  • Create new indexes on AutoProc table to improve unit cell search

1.16.0 (2020-12-04)

(This is not a complete list of features for this version)

  • Stored procedures for the IspybScmApi interface of gda-ispyb-api:
    • retrieve_scm_sample(p_id int unsigned, p_useContainerSession boolean, p_authLogin varchar(45))
    • retrieve_scm_samples_for_container_id(p_containerId int unsigned, p_useContainerSession boolean, p_authLogin varchar(45))
    • retrieve_scm_sample_for_container_barcode_and_location(p_barcode varchar(45), p_location varchar(45), p_useContainerSession boolean, p_authLogin varchar(45))
    • retrieve_scm_container(p_id int unsigned, p_useContainerSession boolean, p_authLogin varchar(45))
    • retrieve_scm_container_for_barcode(p_barcode varchar(45), p_useContainerSession boolean, p_authLogin varchar(45))
    • retrieve_scm_containers_for_session(p_proposalCode varchar(45), p_proposalNumber varchar(45), p_sessionNumber int unsigned, p_status varchar(45), p_authLogin varchar(45))