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232 lines (173 loc) · 6.46 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (173 loc) · 6.46 KB


Provides inheritance support for hscript by leveraging Dynamic in Haxe.


You may encounter some bugs while using hscript+. Unfortunately, there is no plan to continue the development of this project. However, pull requests are welcomed.

  • MUnit is used for unit testing. Install it from haxelib:
haxelib install munit
  • ONLY change the code in DO NOT touch hscript unless there is no other way around. Doing this allows us to easily merge newest changes from HaxeFoundation/hscript.

Getting Started


haxelib git hscript-plus

Read hscript's README


Improved from hscript:

  • Anonymous structure (Dynamic) classes
  • Optimized for code completion
  • package and import



var state = new ScriptState();

state.get("entity"); // get global variables
state.set("entity", entity); // set global variables
state.executeFile("assets/AI.hx"); // run scripts from file

// user-assigned methods:

*  String->String
*  Arguments: script path
*  Returns: script content
*  Automatically assigned on `sys` targets and openfl
state.getFileContent =;

*  Called to get a list of scripts' paths
*  Void->Array<String>
*  Returns: A list of paths to scripts

*  String->Array<String>
*  Arguments: Directory to scripts
*  Returns: A list of paths to scripts inside the directory
state.getScriptPathsFromDirectory = sys.FileSystem.readDirectory;

// script root directory
state.scriptDirectory = "assets/scripts";

Package and imports


package ai;

import flixel.FlxSprite; // add `FlxSprite` to global variables
import ai.Enemy; // import script class

Access modifiers

You can add them to your variables and functions but they DO NOT mean anything



  • Classes are actually Dynamic
  • They contains: __sname__ which is (script name)
  • And super, the base Dynamic object if available, equivalent to a prototype in Javascript


package ai;

class Entity {
	public var x:Float = 0;
	public var y:Float = 0;

	public function new() {}

	public function moveTo(newX:Float, newY:Float) {
		this.x = newX; // the object is added to global variables as `this` during function call
		y = newY; // equivalent to this.y
*  __sname__: "Entity",
*  super: null,
*  x: 0,
*  y: 0,
*  moveTo: function#
package ai;

import ai.Entity;

class Enemy extends Entity {
	public function think() {
		moveTo(10, 10); // equivalent to this.super.moveTo(10, 10)

		// AI magics
*  __sname__: "Enemy",
*  super: { /* Insert Entity fields here */ }
*  think: function#

End of hscript-plus README


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Parse and evalutate Haxe expressions.

In some projects it's sometimes useful to be able to interpret some code dynamically, without recompilation.

Haxe script is a complete subset of the Haxe language.

It is dynamically typed but allows all Haxe expressions apart from type (class,enum,typedef) declarations.


var expr = "var x = 4; 1 + 2 * x";
var parser = new hscript.Parser();
var ast = parser.parseString(expr);
var interp = new hscript.Interp();

In case of a parsing error an hscript.Expr.Error is thrown. You can use parser.line to check the line number.

You can set some globaly accessible identifiers by using interp.variables.set("name",value)


Here's a small example of Haxe Script usage :

var script = "
	var sum = 0;
	for( a in angles )
		sum += Math.cos(a);
var parser = new hscript.Parser();
var program = parser.parseString(script);
var interp = new hscript.Interp();
interp.variables.set("Math",Math); // share the Math class
interp.variables.set("angles",[0,1,2,3]); // set the angles list
trace( interp.execute(program) ); 

This will calculate the sum of the cosines of the angles given as input.

Haxe Script has not been really optimized, and it's not meant to be very fast. But it's entirely crossplatform since it's pure Haxe code (it doesn't use any platform-specific API).

Advanced Usage

When compiled with -D hscriptPos you will get fine error reporting at parsing time.

You can subclass hscript.Interp to override behaviors for get, set, call, fcall and cnew.

You can add more binary and unary operations to the parser by setting opPriority, opRightAssoc and unops content.

You can use parser.allowJSON to allow JSON data.

You can use parser.allowTypes to parse types for local vars, exceptions, function args and return types. Types are ignored by the interpreter.

You can use parser.allowMetadata to parse metadata before expressions on in anonymous types. Metadata are ignored by the interpreter.

You can use new hscript.Macro(pos).convert(ast) to convert an hscript AST to a Haxe macros one.


Compared to Haxe, limitations are :

  • no type declarations (classes, enums, typedefs) : only expressions
  • switch construct is supported but not pattern matching (no variable capture, we use strict equality to compare case values and switch value)
  • only one variable declaration is allowed in var
  • the parser supports optional types for var and function if allowTypes is set, but the interpreter ignores them
  • you can enable per-expression position tracking by compiling with -D hscriptPos


In order to install Haxe Script, use haxelib install hscript and compile your program with -lib hscript.

There are only three files in hscript :

  • hscript.Expr : contains enums declarations
  • hscript.Parser : a small parser that turns a string into an expression structure (AST)
  • hscript.Interp : a small interpreter that execute the AST and returns the latest evaluated value