diff --git a/.env b/.env
index 8536d2fc..7942ac4c 100644
--- a/.env
+++ b/.env
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# Defaults to this server
# Compose settings
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6118b5fc..d50686a4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,195 +1,50 @@
-# Lightshield (LS)
+# Lightshield
-This tool provides a fully automated system to permanently mirror the official Riot APIs content
- with your local system. It uses a number of microservices to split requests done to different endpoints
- across separated processes and allows scaling each service according to your current data needs.
- This is especially usefull in the early stages of setting up a data repository.
+A Self-Contained Pipeline to keep a local mirror of the RiotGames API.
+- Pull regular updates on players ranks
+- Update players match histories
+- Save match_details and match_timeline for matches
-The setup is meant for tasks using alot of match data while not wanting to set up their own data pipeline structure.
-Lightshield does currently not pull **all** match details data but only a select subset (for details
-check the SQL schemas in the postgres folder). Changes can be made easily by simply expanding/replacing the service.
+Does not:
+- Give real time updates on players
+- Give per match updates on players ranks
+- Work well with personal key ratelimits
Lightshield is optimized to not repeat calls unecessarily. This comes at cost of having data added in a less than
real time fashion.
+### Standalone Multi-Host Ratelimiter
+Lightshield offers its ratelimiter as a standalone [python library](https://pypi.org/project/lightshield/) which only
+requires the redis services included in this larger package.
-## What Lightshield does **not** do well
-#### *Deliver up to date data*
-While it can get up to date data on user its not set up for this by default
+For more details see [here.](Rate%20Limiting.md)
-#### *Gather data on unranked player*
-By default Lightshield pulls data through the league endpoint which requires a user to be ranked.
-As such getting information over unranked player is not supported by default but can be manually added.
-## Structure in Short
-Lightshield handles data through a distributable scalable network of triangular microservice structures.
-All data collected is stored in a dedicated postgres database. Task handling and scalability is provided through a
-buffering redis database.
-- Each cluster of services is responsible for a single server and requires an additional proxy for rate limiting and
-handling of the API key.
-Each step of data processing is stored inside the Postgres database from which a single manager service creates tasks.
-Worker services then process the tasks, add data to the db and close the task.
-## Requirements
-Lightshield runs on docker and can either be built through this repository or by pulling the images
-[directly from DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/u/lightshield).
## Setup
-### Env variables
-Copy and rename the included secrets_template.env into secrets.env
-### I. Network
-Initialize the network used to bundle all services together and allow communication:
-```shell script
-docker network create lightshield
-The name can be changed but has to be updated in the compose files as well.
-If you are planning on running it through docker swarm use the appropriate network type.
-### II. Database
-Set up a postgres database either locally, in docker (attached to the network) or remotely. The services currently expect
-no password verification as such using a remote postgres library should only be done if you can limit access through other means.
-DB Connection details can be configured through a secrets.env file (template file included).
-Lightshield requires the in the postgres/ folder listed tables to be set up in the specified database under schemas
-corresponding to the server they will contain data for. E.g. pulling data for NA1 requires setting up a schema `na1` (lower case)
-with all tables inside said schema as well as a user `na1` which will be used to pull data from said schema.
-### III. Centralized Services
-Services included in the `compose-global.yaml` file are meant to be run centralized meaning they run server-agnostic (usually as a one-off).
-Currently this refers to the proxy service as well as the buffer redis db.
-Start the services by properly refering to the compose file:
-# Pull (specify a tag if needed, defaults to latest)
-TAG=latest docker-compose -f compose-global.yaml pull
-# Or build
-docker-compose -f compose-global.yaml build
-# And then run
-docker-compose -f compose-global.yaml up -d
-### IV. Server Specific Structure
-#### For docker-compose
-Run docker compose with default parameters. The services require the selected server to be passed into the container via
-the environment variable `SERVER`. In addition make sure to use different project names either through `-p [project name]`
-or through the env variable `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME`. This will stop multiple server setups from overwriting one another.
-```shell script
-# Build from source
-docker-compose build
-# Or pull from docker hub (specify a tag if needed, defaults to latest)
-TAG=latest docker-compose pull
-# Run either with the -p tag
-SERVER=EUW1 docker-compose -p lightshield_euw1 up -d
-# Or env variable
-SERVER=EUW1 COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=lightshield_euw1 docker-compose up -d
-#### For docker-swarm
-Follow the same guidelines explained for docker-compose. The images can either be built or pulled from DockerHub.
-`SERVER` still needs to be passed into the service.
-The individual project name is passed through the stack name.
-```shell script
-SERVER=EUW1 docker stack deploy -c compose-services.yaml lightshield_euw1
-The compose file includes the base_image service which is just a unified default image for all other services. As such
-this isn't an actual runnable service and would usually just immediatly exit when run in docker-compose. Swarm however tries
-to rebuild and restart the service continuously as such you need to manually remove it from the stack to avoid that.
-## Functionality
-Services are structured in general in a triangular form using the persistent postgres DB as source of truth,
-a singular non-scalable manager to select new tasks and a scalable amount of microservices to work through those tasks.
-2 lists are used to buffer tasks:
-- A list of non-selected tasks that are yet to be worked on.
-- A list of selected tasks that are being or have been work on
-The manager service looks at both lists to determine if it should add a new task to the first non-selected task list.
- Each worker service pulls tasks from the first list and adds them to the secondary list. Tasks are never marked as done
- as the tasks are by default no longer eligible once inserted in the DB, e.g. if a summonerId has to be pulled then the manager
- will only select accounts without summonerId as tasks. Once the summonerId is added it will automatically be ineligible.
- All tasks that are older than `TASK_BLOCKING` (secrets.env) minutes in the secondary selected list are periodically removed by the manager
- therefore making space for new tasks. As this is the only way tasks are being removed make sure to keep the limit just high enough
- to assure that tasks currently being worked on are not removed while not having the queue overflow with already done tasks.
+Lightshield runs almost fully functionally out of the box simply starting the docker-compose file.
+- No services will start by default they have to be turned on in the included interface manually.
+- *Match Details* and *Match Timeline* JSON files will by default be saved in the `match_data/` folder located in the
+project folder itself. If the folder doesn't exist, it has to be created.
+- Lightshield does by default not run with any exposed ports outwards, all port exposure is localhost only. As such
+accessing the web-interface is only possible if the service is started locally or through ssh tunneling. For ssh tunneling
+ the following ports should be bound: `ssh -L 8301:localhost:8301 -L 8302:localhost:8302`. This will enable communication
+ to both the front and backend services and the interface will therefore be reachable locally under `localhost:8301`.
-### Services
-#### League Ranking
-Uses the league-exp endpoint to crawl all ranked user in a continuous circle. This service has no manager and only requires a one-off.
-via the `UPDATE_INTERVAL=1` variable in the compose file you can limit the delay between cycles in hours. By default after finishing
-with challenger the service will wait 1 hour to restart on Iron games.
-### Summoner ID
-Using the summoner endpoint pulls the remaining IDs for each account that were not included in the league ranking response.
-This is a one time tasks for each user but it will take alot of initial requests until all are done.
-### Match History
-Pull and update the match history of user. Prioritizes user for which no calls have been made so far and, once all user have
-had their history pulled user that have had the most soloQ matches played since their last update.
-Use the `MIN_MATCHES=20` variable to limit how many new matches a player has to play to even be considered for an update.
-Because for each match 10 match-history are updated one should consider keeping this number high as to not make 10 match history
-calls per new match. Setting it to 10 or 20 means that for each match played on average only 1 or .5 calls have to be made.
-### Match Details
-Pull match details for a buffered match_id. This service pulls match details and adds a select number of attributes to the DB
-(check the SQL files for more info). If more/less data is needed you have to update the service + db schema accordingly.
-Matches are pulled newest to oldest and are not pulled for matches older than defined through `DETAILS_CUTOFF` (secrets.env).
-### Match History
-Currently not implemented, WIP.
-## Lightshield Tools
-Tools and Code-Sections of the Lightshield Framework that were better fit to be provided through dependency
-rather then included in the main project.
-#### What currently doesn't work:
-- The keys used to save data in Redis are not linked to the API key, as such multiple keys have to use
-multiple Redis servers.
-### Ratelimiter (WIP)
-Multi-Host async ratelimiting service. The clients each sync via a central redis server.
-Set up the proxy in an async context with redis connection details.
-from lightshield.proxy import Proxy
-import aiohttp
-async def run():
- p = Proxy()
- # Initiate the redis connector in async context
- await p.init(host='localhost', port=5432)
-Make calls directly to one endpoint.
-Provide the server the calls are run against and an identifier that helps you recognize which endpoint the requests are
-run against
-async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={'X-Riot-Token': ''}) as session:
- zone = await p.get_endpoint(server='europe', zone='league-exp')
- for page in range(1, 10):
- zone.request('https://euw1.api.riotgames.com/lol/league-exp/v4/entries/RANKED_SOLO_5x5/SILVER/I?page=%s' % page, session)
-### Settings (WIP)
-The settings file contains a number of variables that are used across the project.
-Variables can be set through:
-`ENV > config.json > default`
-from lightshield import settings
-headers = {'X-Riot-Token': settings.API_KEY}
+### Data Storage
+#### Postgres
+Data is by default stored in the `lightshield` database in the included postgres service. Data is partially saved in
+platform-wide schemas (e.g. `EUW1. | NA1.`), centrally, or in region-wide schemas (e.g. `europe. | americas.`).
+Details on structure can be found in the corresponding [folder.](postgres)
+#### JSON Files
+Both Details and Timeline files are saved locally instead of the DB. This is to reduce load on the DB overall as well as
+speed up services to not require the inserting of neither large JSON blobs nor multiple normalized table entries per match.
+Only identifying parameters are stored in the DB.
+The following folder structure is used to save data locally for JSON files:
+##### Match Details
+##### Match Timeline
diff --git a/Rate Limiting.md b/Rate Limiting.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fb11a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rate Limiting.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Rate Limiting
+Lightshield offers a multi-host ratelimiting solution by syncing limits through a redis server.
+Ratelimits are automatically generated and depend on the user to provide the proper server/method.
+### How does it work
+A user initiates an endpoint by providing 2 values:
+- Server
+- Zone
+E.g. `server=EUW1, zone='match_details'`
+Ratelimits are then checked as follows:
+- Server -> App-Rate-Limit
+- Zone -> Method-Rate-Limit
+Naming schema for each zone is up to the user as the individual endpoints are not predefined.
+### Usage
+from lightshield.proxy import Proxy
+import aiohttp
+import asyncio
+async def run(proxy):
+ # Initiate the redis connector in async context
+ await proxy.init(host='localhost', port=5432)
+ # Create an endpoint for your requests
+ zone = await proxy.get_endpoint(server='europe', zone='league-exp')
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={'X-Riot-Token': ''}) as session:
+ for page in range(1, 10):
+ # Pass request url + session to the API
+ zone.request('https://euw1.api.riotgames.com/lol/league-exp/v4/entries/RANKED_SOLO_5x5/SILVER/I?page=%s' % page, session)
+def main():
+ # Set up the proxy instance
+ proxy = Proxy()
+ asyncio.run(run(proxy))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+### Sourcecode
+See [here](lightshield/proxy)
diff --git a/compose-services.yaml b/compose-services.yaml
index abc62ca8..c3bd657f 100644
--- a/compose-services.yaml
+++ b/compose-services.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
version: '3.7'
- ## Drakebane
+ ### Drakebane
hostname: drakebane_frontend
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: drakebane/frontend
+ image: lightshield/drakebane_frontend:${TAG}
restart: always
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: drakebane/backend
+ image: lightshield/drakebane_backend:${TAG}
restart: always
- drakebane_settings:/project/configs/
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: redis
+ image: lightshield/redis:${TAG}
restart: always
- redis_data:/data
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: postgres
+ image: lightshield/postgres:${TAG}
restart: always
@@ -65,6 +69,7 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: services/summoner_id
+ image: lightshield/summoner_id:${TAG}
restart: always
@@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: services/match_details
+ image: lightshield/match_details:${TAG}
- type: bind
source: ./match_data
@@ -89,18 +95,20 @@ services:
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: services/match_timeline
+ image: lightshield/match_timeline:${TAG}
- type: bind
source: ./match_data
target: /project/data
restart: always
-# Glue -- Tiny service to do some linking between data
+ ### Glue -- Tiny service to do some linking between data
hostname: glue
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: services/glue
+ image: lightshield/glue:${TAG}
restart: always
diff --git a/drakebane/backend/server.py b/drakebane/backend/server.py
index fb42dee2..c8e408e0 100644
--- a/drakebane/backend/server.py
+++ b/drakebane/backend/server.py
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ async def update_settings(self):
await con.set("regions", json.dumps(self.settings["regions"]))
await con.set("apiKey", self.settings["apiKey"])
- formatted = {}
for key, value in self.settings["services"].items():
if value:
await con.set("service_%s" % key, "true")