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File metadata and controls

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Yet another Rails Beginner Walkthrough

(E.D.D.) Error Driven Development

=> understand the error messages

=> avoiding scaffolds to understand the interplay of the components

we will build something like this:





  • $ rails -v

    this should respond with someting like this:

     Rails 3.2.11

    if you see something like an error, you may need to setup your system first.

let's start:

  • $ rails new pony_app
  • $ cd pony_app
  • $ git init
  • $ git add .
  • $ git commit -am "init"

Add to Gemfile (open in your editor):

 group :development do
   gem "thin"
   gem "better_errors"
   gem "binding_of_caller"
   gem "quiet_assets"
  • $ bundle
  • $ rails server

visit localhost:3000


great! :)

now delete public/index.html

reload your browser and read the first error message:


Ah, there is no route defined for the root url of the app.

So let's start the E.D.D.-Process ;)

(index/home page) routing, controller, view

to build our own "index page" add before the last end in config/routes.rb

 root :to => 'pages#index'

(reload and read the error message)


Ok, we have no Controller for Pages... so we need to create one.

As Rails will search for a file named pages_controller.rb, we create the file pages_controller.rb under app/controllers

(reload and read the error message)


Sure, just the file isn't enough, to add in pages_controller.rb

 class PagesController < ApplicationController

(reload and read the error message)


add to the class in pages_controller.rb the method

 def index

(reload and read the error message)


make a folder named pages under app/views/ and create a file index.html.erb with:

 <h1> I can haz pony? </h1>

reload and be happy! :)


time to save the work:

  • $ git status (which files have changed?)
  • $ git add .
  • $ git commit -am "index view"

make it a little bit more pretty!

visit, download and unzip the bootstrap folder.

move the bootstrap/img folder to your apps public/img

js/bootstrap.js file => vendor/assets/javascripts (not the *.min file)

css/bootstrap-responsive.css and css/bootstrap.css files => vendor/assets/stylesheets (w/o *.min)

change app/assets/stylsesheets/application.css to

  *= require bootstrap
  *= require bootstrap-responsive

and app/assets/javascripts/application.js to

 //= require jquery
 //= require jquery_ujs
 //= require bootstrap

change views/pages/index.html.erb to

 <div class="hero-unit">
   <h1>I can haz pony?</h1>
     <%= link_to :home_page, :class => "btn btn-primary btn-large" do %>
       <i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i>
       Yes you can!
     <% end -%>

in layouts/application.html.erb add this between the <body> </body> tags

 <div class="container">
   <%= yield %>



ok, we changed a bunch of files... but the only real method we're calling is link_to

we need to change our routes.rb so that Rails knows how to link to the home_page_path.

 root :to => 'pages#index', as: :home_page

(reload) you should see the link now :)

That's a bit of Rails' magic... checkout the railsguides for more on routing.

But for now, save your work! :)

  • $ git status
  • $ git add .
  • $ git commit -am "bootstrap"

form for new ponies

ok, to link to the same page you're looking at is kinda boring.

We want to save new ponies!

So change the :home_page in index.html.erb to new_pony_path

 <%= link_to new_pony_path, :class => "btn btn-primary btn-large" do %>



We could add this path like we did with the home_page_path, but in this case we don't want to link to a single page, we want to deal with ponies! So in Rails such an entity is represented by a model. A model represents the information and data. We can address a model with a resource. (A Resource provides a framework for managing the connection between model and database.)

Ok, so we want a pony resource and add it to our routes.rb file:

 resources :ponies
 root :to => 'pages#index', as: :home_page

(reload) and click the new pony link:


Ah, we had a similar error... now we need to add the file controllers/ponies_controller.rb

 class PoniesController < ApplicationController



ok, so we add it

 def new



Now we know what to do:

add folder app/views/ponies

add there the file new.html.erb

and paste a form snippet, inspired from the railsguides ;) (we can pretty this up later) we need fields for name, color and maybe the type (or say kind_of). the form should create simple ponies.

 <h1>New Pony</h1>
 <%= form_for @pony, :url => { :action => "create" } do |f| %>
   <%= f.text_field :name %>
   <%= f.text_field :color %>
   <%= f.text_field :kind_of %>
   <%= f.submit %>
 <% end %>



Ok, what's the error here? We have nil somewhere.

better_errors has a live shell:


since we try to build the form for a pony, just type:


you will see the value of @pony is nil... or nothing. So we have to fill this variable with something.

go to ponies_controller.rb and add

 def new
   @pony =

and since we need a model for representing our ponies switch to your terminal and type:

  • $ rails g model pony

you will the somethin like this:


we now have a model class, and a migration. Cool!

edit the migration to add the additionl fields we want to save

 class CreatePonies < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def change
     create_table :ponies do |t|

       t.string :name
       t.string :color
       t.string :kind_of




sorry... of course we have to run this migration. Fire up your terminal:

rake db:migrate

it should return something like this (if not check for typos!):

 ==  CreatePonies: migrating ============
 -- create_table(:ponies)
   -> 0.0021s
 ==  CreatePonies: migrated (0.0023s) ===


You should see the form now! :)

fill in the form with pony junk (i.e. Pinke Pie, pink, earth) and click the submit button.


hm, check in the live shell the params send (or posted) by the form:


which returns the params hash

 {"pony" => {"name" => "Pinkie Pie", ...}

So everything is fine! :) We only need the create action.

create the create action in the ponies_controller.rb

for now we just want to see if we wired everything up corectly:

 def create
   render :text => params[:pony]

(reload, click yes/next to re-submit the form if you like)

YAY! we can submit ponies!


  • $ git status
  • $ git add .
  • $ git ci -am "post the form to ponies_controller"

new ponies all around

change the create method in the ponies_controller.rb to:

 def create
   @pony = Pony.create(params[:pony])
     redirect_to pony_path(@pony)
     render "new"



oh, the form is not allowed to set these attributes...

so we add them in the model under app/models/pony.rb:

 class Pony < ActiveRecord::Base
   attr_accessible :name, :color, :kind_of

(reload again)


Ah, to show the created pony, we need a show action and view:

add in the ponies_controller.rb:

 def show

and create the file ponies/show.html.erb:

 <h1>Pony Profile for <%= %> </h1>


Oh, nil again... check the "Request info" of better_errors, you should see something like this:

 Request parameters {"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"ponies", "id"=>"1"}

So we wanted to show pony number 1, but... the show action does nothing to find the pony.

to change that add in the ponies_controller.rb:

 def show
   @pony = Pony.find(params[:id])


##YAY! Pony Profile for Pinkie Pie! ;)

ok, we can add more info to this page.

add to ponies/show.html.erb:

 <div class="well">
   <p><strong>Name:</strong> <%= %></p>
   <p><strong>Color:</strong> <%= @pony.color %></p>
   <p><strong>Kind of:</strong> <%= @pony.kind_of %></p>

 <%= link_to "Home", :home_page, :class => "btn" %>


=> cool :)

Now we want in ponies/new.html.erb a selectbox for kind_of. So change:

 <%= f.text_field :kind_of %>

to this:

 <%= :kind_of, ["earth", "pegasus", "unicorn"], :prompt => "-" %>

Visit the form and test this out. Submit i.e. Rainbow Dash, blue, pegasus

cool! :)

hm, we can validate that we want at least a name for a pony...

go to pony.rb and add validates :name, :presence => true:

 class Pony < ActiveRecord::Base
   attr_accessible :name, :color, :kind_of
   validates :name, :presence => true

(reload, and submit an empty form)

what happens? Nothing? ;)

inspect at bottom of ponies/new.html.erb

 <%= @pony.errors.inspect %>


you should see something like:

  @base=#<Pony id: nil, name: "", color: "", kind_of: "", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>,
  @messages={:name=>["can't be blank"], :color=>[], :kind_of=>[]}>

ah there are errors, because of the validation, obvious.

and rails adds an errors array to @pony

remove inspect and add error block in the form:

 <% @pony.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
   <div class ="alert alert-error"><%= msg %></div>
 <% end %>

try again to submit an empty form! it should say:

 Name can't be blank

Cool, good job! :)

We have to save this.

  • $ git status
  • $ git add .
  • $ git ci -am "save ponies"

show me the ponies

from now on, you are aware of the errors I guess ;)

so we will speed up the final part.

add after the other link_to call in pages/index.html.erb:

  <%= link_to "Show me the ponies!", ponies_path, :class => "btn btn-info btn-large" %>

(reload and try the link/button)

 'index' could not be found for PoniesController

we know this kind of error now:


 def index
   @ponies = Pony.all

and add the file ponies/index.html.erb:

 <h1>All my fellow ponies:</h1>
 <%= @ponies %>


great, but we like to list the ponies in a table

building a table of ponies


 <h1>All my fellow ponies:</h1>

 <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
   <%- @ponies.each do |pony| %>
       <td><%= link_to, pony_path(pony) %></td>
       <td><%= pony.color %></td>
       <td><%= pony.kind_of %></td>
   <% end -%>

 <%= link_to "Home", :home_page, :class => "btn" %>


delete ponies:

add another link to ponies/index.html.erb:

 <%= link_to kill_all_ponies_path, :class => "btn btn-danger pull-right btn-mini" do %>
   <i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i>
   Kill all the ponies
 <% end -%>


we need to add the custom path in the routes:

 get "kill_all_ponies" => "ponies#delete_all", :as => "kill_all_ponies"


add in the ponies_controller:

 def delete_all
   redirect_to :home_page, notice: "Killed all the ponies..."

display messages in application layout

change in app/views/layout/application.html.erb:

 <div class="container">
  <%- flash.each do |type, msg| %>
   <div class="alert alert-info fade in">
     <a class="close", href= "#", data-dismiss='alert'>&times;</a>
     <%= msg %>
  <% end %>

  <%= yield %>

Nicer looking form for new ponies views/ponies/new.html.erb:

 <h1>New Pony</h1>
 <div class="row">
   <div class="span12">
     <div class="well">
       <%= form_for @pony, :url => { :action => "create" }, :html => { :class => "form-horizontal" } do |f| %>
         <% @pony.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
          <div class ="alert alert-error"><%= msg %></div>
         <% end %>
         <div class="control-group">
           <div class="control-label">
             <%= f.label :name %>
           <div class="controls">
             <%= f.text_field :name %>
         <div class="control-group">
           <div class="control-label">
             <%= f.label :color %>
           <div class="controls">
             <%= f.text_field :color %>
         <div class="control-group">
           <div class="control-label">
             <%= f.label :kind_of %>
           <div class="controls">
             <%= :kind_of, ["earth", "pegasus", "unicorn"], :prompt => "-" %>
         <div class="control-group">
           <div class="controls">
             <%= f.submit "New", :class => "btn" %>
       <% end %>

You're done! Commit your work! :)

hope you found this useful.