A command set used to create this repository (using the Bash command shell).
Might be useful for beginners to master Git and GitHub.
Copyright (C) 2021 Dr. Nord
Dr. Nord's Hello World in C++: the beginner's project with explanatory comments and support files including documentation and useful links.
c-plus-plus example project beginners informative
git init
printf "Dr. Nord's Hello World in C++" > .git/description
If you want to reproduce this steps you need to generate a public/private key-pair and configure Git to sign commits.
- Set auto-sign commits and tags for current repository
git config commit.gpgsign true
git config tag.gpgsign true
- Set a default public key ID (or a full 40-character fingerprint)
git config user.signingkey FBEAEFB56F021E9A17F53C4B01193969593B7668
git add main.cpp
git commit -m "feat: initial commit of source code"
git add .gitignore makefile
git commit -m "feat: add support files" -m "Add '.gitignore' and 'makefile'"
git add LICENSE-MIT.txt README.md docs/\*
git commit -m "docs: initial documentation" -m "Add Readme, licenses, Contribution Guide and Code of Conduct"
git add .github/\*
git commit -m "docs: add GitHub templates" -m "Add templates for Issues and Pull Requests"
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "classic"
git tag -l $(git describe) --format='%(taggerdate:short) Release: %(tag)-%(contents:subject)%0A' > CHANGELOG.md
git log --pretty=" - %s%n%n %b" >> CHANGELOG.md
git add CHANGELOG.md
git commit -m "docs: add changelog"
git tag -d v1.0.0
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "classic"
git tag -af v1.0.0 -m "classic"
git remote add origin https://github.com/DrNord/dr-nord-s-hello-world-in-cpp.git
git remote -v
git push origin main -f --tags
Manually create a release in GitHub:
- in the 'Releases' section click on 'tags'
- switch to 'Tags' tab
- click the three dots sign on the right, the 'Create release' button will appear (click it)
- a new release should be generated from the existing tag, choose a release title
- fill release description:
The classic source code, despite its brevity, clarifies the basic structure of a C++ program (run the executable from a command line).
- add executable (optional)
- remove license file from tracked list (to leave a file on a disk use an option '--cached')
git rm LICENSE-MIT.txt
- add new license file (bash uses '!' for history expansion, so use an editor for message forming)
git add LICENSE-GNU-GPL.txt
git commit
Copy-paste this to your editor:
docs!: change license to GNU GPL v3.0 or later
Add extended source code (bash uses '!' for history expansion, so use an editor for message forming)
git add main-x.cpp makefile-x
git commit
Copy-paste this to your editor:
feat!: implement user input
BREAKING CHANGE: add extended source code 'main-x.cpp' with implemented user input, add 'makefile-x'
git add docs/git-commands-memo-for-this-repo.md
git commit -m "docs: add Git commands memo" -m "Add Git commands list used to create this repository"
git add README.md
git commit -m "docs: update readme" -m "Add information about the extended version"
git tag -a v2.0.0 -m "extended"
- save old changelog
- create new changelog
git tag -l $(git describe) --format='%(taggerdate:short) Release: %(tag)-%(contents:subject)%0A' > CHANGELOG.md
git log v1.0.0..v2.0.0 --pretty=" - %s%n%n %b" >> CHANGELOG.md
- add info from old to new changelog
cat CHANGELOG-old.md >> CHANGELOG.md
- update changelog
git add CHANGELOG.md
git commit -m "docs: update changelog"
- check for untracked files to delete, if OK - execute deletion
git clean -n
git clean -f
git tag -af v2.0.0 -m "extended"
git push origin main --tags
Manually create a release in GitHub:
- a new release should be generated from the existing tag, choose a release title
- fill release description:
The classic source code, despite its brevity, clarifies the basic structure of a C++ program. The extended source code covers additional issues such as copyright, licensing information, user interaction, etc.
- add executable (optional)
- Commit history
git log
- Download remote objects and references with tags
git fetch --tags
- Delete all tags
git tag -d $(git tag -l)
- Amend the last commit
git commit --amend -m "Title" -m "Description"
- Delete a remote tag
git push --delete origin v1.0.0
- Simple changelog (GNU Coding Standards)
cs: short date ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DD
cn: committer name
ce: committer e-mail
n: new line
s: commit subject (title)
b: commit body
git log --pretty="- %cs %cn <%ce>%n%n %s%n%n %b" > CHANGELOG.md
- Commit signature checkout
git log --show-signature
- Remove parameter
git config --unset --global user.name