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253 lines (218 loc) · 5.97 KB

Git commands memo for the "Dr. Nord's Hello World in C++" repository

A command set used to create this repository (using the Bash command shell).
Might be useful for beginners to master Git and GitHub.

Copyright (C) 2021 Dr. Nord

Create a repository on GitHub




Dr. Nord's Hello World in C++: the beginner's project with explanatory comments and support files including documentation and useful links.


c-plus-plus example project beginners informative 

Create a local repository

git init

Add description of the repository

printf "Dr. Nord's Hello World in C++" > .git/description

Setup digital signature (optional)

If you want to reproduce this steps you need to generate a public/private key-pair and configure Git to sign commits.

  • Set auto-sign commits and tags for current repository
git config commit.gpgsign true
git config tag.gpgsign true
  • Set a default public key ID (or a full 40-character fingerprint)
git config user.signingkey FBEAEFB56F021E9A17F53C4B01193969593B7668

Version 1.0.0 creation

Stage (index) the source code file

git add main.cpp

Initial commit

git commit -m "feat: initial commit of source code"

Stage and commit (hereinafter 'add' or 'update' context dependent) support files

git add .gitignore makefile
git commit -m "feat: add support files" -m "Add '.gitignore' and 'makefile'"

Add documentation

git add LICENSE-MIT.txt docs/\*
git commit -m "docs: initial documentation" -m "Add Readme, licenses, Contribution Guide and Code of Conduct" 

Add templates for GitHub

git add .github/\*
git commit -m "docs: add GitHub templates" -m "Add templates for Issues and Pull Requests"

Add an annotated tag to the last commit (v1)

git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "classic"

Create and add changelog

git tag -l $(git describe) --format='%(taggerdate:short) Release: %(tag)-%(contents:subject)%0A' >
git log --pretty="  - %s%n%n    %b" >>
git add
git commit -m "docs: add changelog"

Move the last tag

git tag -d v1.0.0
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "classic"


git tag -af v1.0.0 -m "classic"

Add GitHub repository url to the list of servers under 'origin' name, check the result

git remote add origin
git remote -v

Push to remote repository (forced) with tags

git push origin main -f --tags

Manually create a release in GitHub:

  • in the 'Releases' section click on 'tags'
  • switch to 'Tags' tab
  • click the three dots sign on the right, the 'Create release' button will appear (click it)
  • a new release should be generated from the existing tag, choose a release title v1.0.0-classic
  • fill release description:
The classic source code, despite its brevity, clarifies the basic structure of a C++ program (run the executable from a command line).
  • add executable (optional)

Version 2.0.0 creation

Change license

  • remove license file from tracked list (to leave a file on a disk use an option '--cached')
git rm LICENSE-MIT.txt
  • add new license file (bash uses '!' for history expansion, so use an editor for message forming)
git add LICENSE-GNU-GPL.txt
git commit

Copy-paste this to your editor:

docs!: change license to GNU GPL v3.0 or later

Add extended source code (bash uses '!' for history expansion, so use an editor for message forming)

git add main-x.cpp makefile-x
git commit

Copy-paste this to your editor:

feat!: implement user input

BREAKING CHANGE: add extended source code 'main-x.cpp' with implemented user input, add 'makefile-x'

Add Git commands memo

git add docs/
git commit -m "docs: add Git commands memo" -m "Add Git commands list used to create this repository"

Update Readme

git add
git commit -m "docs: update readme" -m "Add information about the extended version"

Add an annotated tag to the last commit (v2)

git tag -a v2.0.0 -m "extended"

Update changelog

  • save old changelog
  • create new changelog
git tag -l $(git describe) --format='%(taggerdate:short) Release: %(tag)-%(contents:subject)%0A' >
git log v1.0.0..v2.0.0 --pretty="  - %s%n%n    %b" >>
  • add info from old to new changelog
cat >>
  • update changelog
git add
git commit -m "docs: update changelog"
  • check for untracked files to delete, if OK - execute deletion
git clean -n
git clean -f

Move the last tag

git tag -af v2.0.0 -m "extended"

Push to remote repository with tags

git push origin main --tags

Manually create a release in GitHub:

  • a new release should be generated from the existing tag, choose a release title v2.0.0-extended
  • fill release description:
The classic source code, despite its brevity, clarifies the basic structure of a C++ program. The extended source code covers additional issues such as copyright, licensing information, user interaction, etc.
  • add executable (optional)

Other useful commands
  • Commit history
git log
  • Download remote objects and references with tags
git fetch --tags
  • Delete all tags
 git tag -d $(git tag -l)
  • Amend the last commit
git commit --amend -m "Title" -m "Description"
  • Delete a remote tag
git push --delete origin v1.0.0
  • Simple changelog (GNU Coding Standards)
    cs: short date ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DD
    cn: committer name
    ce: committer e-mail
    n: new line
    s: commit subject (title)
    b: commit body
git log --pretty="- %cs %cn <%ce>%n%n    %s%n%n    %b" >
  • Commit signature checkout
git log --show-signature
  • Remove parameter
git config --unset --global